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CS2 network lag

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 15:52
by F1zus
Hi all. I had a problem after one of the CS2 updates. My FPS is quite stable and capped at 236. The Internet is also stable, I tested at different times of the day. The point is that opponents/allies (models of players in the game) do not move smoothly, but intermittently (by jumping).
I entered the command cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show 2 and saw that the graph was uneven and fluctuated a lot. I don't know what's wrong? What do the yellow, green and red colors on the graph mean? I tried different commands to fix the problem:
cl_cq_min_queue "-1"
sv_clockcorrection_msecs "0"
cq_buffer_bloat_msecs "32"
cq_buffer_bloat_msecs_max "32"
They don't help. What should I do?