XL2730Z strobe utility not working

Adjusting BENQ Blur Reduction and DyAc (Dynamic Acceleration) including Blur Busters Strobe Utility. Supports most BenQ/Zowie Z-Series monitors (XL2411, XL2420, XL2720, XL2735, XL2540, XL2546)
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Re: XL2730Z strobe utility not working

Post by abrooksdavis » 20 Mar 2015, 20:28

Sorry for pretty late response. I had already patched the drivers before using the vt tweaks. The ones I used must have worked fine. Ill do some more tweaking tomorrow and get back to you. just been pretty busy last few days

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Re: XL2730Z strobe utility not working

Post by Falkentyne » 21 Mar 2015, 01:27

Thanks, Brook :)
Just pay attention to Masterotaku's posts about "strobe crosstalk" and remember to test the "ALIEN INVASION" test on TestuFO.
Press F11 for full screen on internet explorer, go to THIS website:

http://www.testufo.com/photo#photo=alie ... 0&height=0

Set the height to "full screen" then press F11.
What you are looking for are extreme differences in ghosting 'double image' artifacts at the top, middle and bottom of the screen.

The EXACT thing you need to pay attention to is the RED vertical bar in each UFO rectangle.
What you should notice is, and this assumes on how you adjust the "AREA" setting in the blur reduction option in the OSD, a "thick" copy of the red vertical bar, that actually becomes the NEW red bar, either one frame ahead or behind the existsing old one.
This may occur at the top or bottom of the screen.

if you see one continuous red bar from the very top to bottom of the screen, WITHOUT a 'new' red bar--that starts OFF Being a thick ghosted black bar being created (strobe pulse, basically) either in FRONT of the image (usually at the top) or BEHIND the image (usually at the bottom), then this is GOOD for us, and exactly what we want. What we do NOT want, is to have a HUGE blurry mess at the top or (usually) the bottom of the image. This "blurry mess" is exactly where that vertical red line stops being red, actually, and starts turning black in TWO locations (the strobe crosstalk) and then a 'new' red line is created as you move up or down the screen. (It is THIS artifact that is usually FIXED by using a VT tweak. But this usually applied to the Z series and 2430T. We do not know how the XL2730Z reacts to this or even if it needs it or not).

What we ask you to do is to test this WITH your VT tweak (try to find out where the VT tweaks stop working and you go "out of range" but that might take a long time---and NEVER use a VT tweak for the current resolution you're testing...e.g. if you want to test 100hz VT tweak, set the display to 60hz first), and then test the same ghosting without a VT tweak, and see if there are any differences.

I can't find the static (camera captured) images of what a 'default', VT 1500 or VT 1350 Z series monitor looks like for the ghosting and strobing artifacts, or I could link you so you would know what you are looking for. I can only hope my explanation is good enough :(

Check DVI mode also if possible (might need 100 hz as someone said 144 hz won't work in DVI at 1440p mode).

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Re: XL2730Z strobe utility not working

Post by Falkentyne » 21 Mar 2015, 01:35

masterotaku wrote:
abrooksdavis wrote:Im just wondering about the VT hacks you were on about, what is the point in them?
The point is crosstalk. Those VT tweaks are necessary on the 1080p Z series monitors because without it, the area with crosstalk was very big (double image in more or less half of the screen). With the VT tweak, just a tiny bit at the top or at the bottom, depending on the crosstalk configuration in the blurbusters utility / service menu.

Since you got your monitor recently, you probably didn't compare pre and post VT tweak.

Edit: by the way, how's the AMA overdrive setting? I dont have much hope for something new and better, but I'm asking just in case :P . Does it look like this?:
The even BIGGER Question is:
What does "OD Gain" do? Why is it set to 204? (CC hex=204 decimal).

Can you test this too? What happens if you set it to 00? Or FF (FF=255)?
Funny enough in asus VG248QE, the service menu looks almost EXACTLY identical, except the "debug" stuff, but the max OD gain was 0F (15) and lowest was 00, and you could set this while in Lightboost mode, and even turn off all overdrive in Lightboost (pointless though). I found 0C to make the bottom of the screen look perfect in Lightboost and 0F (default) makes the top look perfect (at expense of more ghosting at the bottom).

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Re: XL2730Z strobe utility not working

Post by Falkentyne » 22 Apr 2015, 05:10

abrooksdavis, are you still around?
Send me over a PM if you come back. We need some XL2730Z users to test strobe crosstalk with VT tweaks to see if VT tweaks actually work on this screen :)

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Re: XL2730Z strobe utility not working

Post by Steeps » 11 May 2015, 15:43

What could I do to help? I have an XL2730Z sitting at home that I could help test these things. I would like to tweak my blur reduction settings for the better but I have no idea where to start. I also get distracted because it's so awesome to play on!

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Re: XL2730Z strobe utility not working

Post by Falkentyne » 11 May 2015, 17:06

At this point, testing this monitor is futile.

It's missing some VERY important things which make buying it for blur reduction sort of worthless, over a 2720z.

1) Single strobe option MISSING from the service menu.
Meaning the monitor only double strobes at less than 100 hz refresh rate :( No 60hz single strobe for consoles and 60 fps locked games :(

2) 100hz strobe is broken. it strobes at 120hz pulses at 100hz, causing some bad stuttering. Seems like only 120 and 144hz are working correctly.

I mean you can still test vertical total tweaks if you wish (using toastyX custom resolution utility) but you would have to test 120hz only. And that may be tricky. No one has tested the ranges yet and until Benq releases an updated firmware, I don't even know if it will work.

I do wonder what would happen with the 'Broken" 100hz strobe if someone tried using a higher Vertical Total at 100hz refresh rate...
144hz can't use custom vertical totals.

If you still want to (maybe) waste your time, use this fullscreen test,
then test changing the vertical total, restarting the driver (All with toastyX driver restarter and CRU) and seeing how the crosstalk at the bottom improves or doesn't improve.

http://www.testufo.com/#test=photo&phot ... &height=-1

But without a browser that can show 120 fps at 120hz in HTML5, or a single strobe option (for 100hz/100 fps), I don't know what you can do....

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