Is it possible to use VT tweaks with sub 1080 vertical res

Adjusting BENQ Blur Reduction and DyAc (Dynamic Acceleration) including Blur Busters Strobe Utility. Supports most BenQ/Zowie Z-Series monitors (XL2411, XL2420, XL2720, XL2735, XL2540, XL2546)
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Is it possible to use VT tweaks with sub 1080 vertical res

Post by Lagahan » 28 Apr 2016, 17:31

As in title, can vertical total tweaks be used when stretching resolutions lower than native to the full panel, for instance 1680x1050 to 1920x1080 on a 2411z?
Just messing around with different aspect ratios on CS:GO, wondering how 16:10 would look.
For 4:3 stretched its pretty easy, 1440x1080 and whatever VT I used for 1920x1080.

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Re: Is it possible to use VT tweaks with sub 1080 vertical r

Post by Falkentyne » 29 Apr 2016, 09:31

This should be in the Benq section. And yes if you use GPU scaling it's easy, because the only resolutions that will be used are 1920x1080 and the GPU will scale them down, and you can just create a 60hz lower resolution, then all other refresh rates will be automatically GPU scaled.

I would not attempt to use display scaled lower resolutions with VT tweaks. It's next to impossible for it to work (Except 1440x1080--the vertical matches the physical monitor native size), and the monitor OSD scaling settings will not work correctly.

(notice when using a VT tweak at 1920x1080, you can set "Aspect" even when it should be greyed out?
That's because 1920x1080@100/120hz is identified as 1280x1440@60, and 1080 (the physical resolution) is lower vertical than 1440 (the scaler resolution), so Aspect becomes available (and doesn't work right). That's also why using the screen size settings cause swimming pixels--the scalar is operating out of specification.

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