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My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 19:38
by Derosa
hello, my name is derosa, english is not my native lenguage sorry if not perfect =) discovered / try to fix this dirty electricity / EMI from 2 years.

Experienced games
Main Rust player 10k hours+
Eft over 2k
apex : Master rank

I am a player who can notice in a few seconds if the mouse moves correctly or if it is slowing down especially on rust which is my main game


-Mouse is really uncontrollable while shooting / aiming. Not snappy , super floaty impossible to precise aim , without aiming is the
same but ur not gonna notice that much bcs u dont need precise movements in my games

- playing on 240hz and 200 costant fps seems like to play with 60hz 60 fps

- people are rare to kill they ferrari peek and u can perceive that they are just more fast in everything while ur a tank

1 day or night dont make any differences to me INPUT LAG IS PRETTY ALWAYS
2 pointing a fan to pc cables i can notice that input lag is less but not much
3 moving pc cables around / shaking them make input lag completely disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
4 messing / moving around power strip make input lag completely disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
5 putting alluminum around all pc cables / strip cables make input lag less and u can see more clear without motion blur effect
6 formatting windows / changing pc name make pc way more smooth, monitor is clear too but Ferrari peekers and input lag are still there
7 RAM Frequency at 2133 - 2666 make aim kinda snappy but only for some days then input lag come back
8 unplugging and replugging an usb device like mouse keyboard mic ecc ecc make input lag disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
9 modifing for example nvidia reflex on nvidia control panel make pc more smooth until the next pc restart
10 messing with my second power Moving it / turn it off or on make input lag disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
11 Totally disconnecting my wifi cable for router too make my pc less input laggy and more responsive for 1 day then lag come back
12 if i plug a monitor that is off for like 1 week the first impression is that everything is clear and without that much input lag for some hours
13 in my main game (Rust) when a game restart like in FFA ak47 my input lag complitely go away for the first 30 seconds of the game then come back.
1 my abitation is a single new home only 2 years that is build
2 ups / Power condition FURMAN 10xE , no differences for me
3 changed 2 pcs monitor , 4 mices , 1 keyboard . after each change pc was more responsive but only for 1 day
4 I cannot change abitaton or find a place where the tings go well...

1 - do this bad elec / EMI infect ur pc components or mouse / monitor? i really hope no
2 - as i cant change home i was thinking about alimentating pc with solar pannels and storage battery , in my theory the
electricity generated
via solar pannels is pure / without interferences as is kinda direct and im the only one using it.

hope something helped ur troubleshooting

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 02:07
by blackmagic
there still ZERO proof that electricity is really the cause. no real numbers no real data or anything that would show that this the real cause...

i just saw an guy who moved in new building from 2019 with good infrastructure and all...

guess what happen after 1 month ? all the shit symptoms come back to him which u describe here too...

this just 1 example of many...

and that guy still believes that this must be electricity lol....somehow...after 1 month lol...his components got infected again ? but is it from new building or still from old bad building all ? THAT THE QUESTION ! lol.

looks like the components just decided to kick in again THE INPUT LAG after 1 month on new place...because the components somehow start to remember that they are still infected by the old place and become self-aware after 1 month that they now in new bulding and new location and must turn on the input lag again..."irony off"

sounds like very evil infected components and electricity to me...which randomly decides at some point to live their own life again...but after 1 month and not before..:lol:

and that guy almost describes same 1:1 symptoms and experience like many out there and like in your post...which talk about input lag but dont rly know what that all rly is and if it is rly has something to do with input at one can tell this really or proof somehow...

so how you explain such cases with electricity ? what electricity has to do with that at all ? and how ? find the logic pls...

"input lag" is just a word for all this symptoms that just go viral about this PROBLEM and nothing more....because people still dont know what it is all and what the real issue behind all this is...which makes people go crazy and they notice some day all the differences but still cant figure out what and how that possible and what happened to there online experience and what really behind this all...

1. it for sure dont infect pc components.
2. solar panel dont gonna help. this some bullshit too...where 1 or 2 guy said that THIS THE ULTIMATE FIX but now you cant hear NOTHING from them more or just some more details about this all or just some real results on tests no data no science and no real work was done to somehow proof to the world that solar panel are 100% fix and solution...

just turn your LOGIC ON guys. how something can get infected again after just 1 month or 1 year or dont matter after what time ? and how solar panels would kill this something that no one can even proof till today or even show some real data on this all...

how in hell this all should work out in your minds ?

what kind of thing is in electricity that makes components work and behave in some places like that but in some places like this ???

this all makes so less logic to zero. honestly.

but people for some reason still talk about electricity...and till today believe that they are "THE SPECIAL 2% ONES IN THIS MATRIX" which got infected by bad electricity or some magnetic interference bullshit in there town and village TOO...

i have no more words about all this guys but its completely bullshit that so many people with similar almost same symptom-es got infected by some strange unknown electricity problem which even follows and travels with them in new locations and kicks there after some time again...

that just all an big LOL to me and even sounds like that...

pls turn now ON YOUR BRAIN AND LOGIC guys and stop go the crazy path.
do it for your own health...pls.

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 05:49
by Derosa
Hello, probably u dont have this problem from the way u talking…

If the input lag came back in 1 month in another abitation it cant be for infected component.

But issue is still there

I think my problem is cause by electricity becouse
1 why touching cables make input lag disappear ? Messing with power strip too
2 i ask’d some of my friends to do the same i do with cables to see if that ‘extra sens’ happen.
Tested with 4 guys 3 of them didnt notice anything at all, 1 of them that his abitation is old and electricity is not good he always got problems about electricity in his home , all my symptoms are affecting him too , like moving cables gives extra sens. This cannot be placebo becouse i didnt tell him anything to what is going to happen
(Me and that guy have new pc with new specs)

3 i passed 7k hours in my old abitation as a strong rust fragger whitout weird input lag problems

4 tryd to move my pc elsewhere in home but problem is still there

Its true that no one never tryd solar pannel but
The electricity that solar pannel produce is clear it has to be good.

I want to do a test before buyn solar pannel system

Ill go back to my last abitation and see what happens, if i go there and input lag disappear for several days i can confirm that is electricity related (my problem and my symptoms)


After changing full pcs, monitors, mice ,keyboard, headphones issue is still there.

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 06:26
by adelsa123
Derosa wrote:
16 Jul 2023, 19:38
hello, my name is derosa, english is not my native lenguage sorry if not perfect =) discovered / try to fix this dirty electricity / EMI from 2 years.

Experienced games
Main Rust player 10k hours+
Eft over 2k
apex : Master rank

I am a player who can notice in a few seconds if the mouse moves correctly or if it is slowing down especially on rust which is my main game


-Mouse is really uncontrollable while shooting / aiming. Not snappy , super floaty impossible to precise aim , without aiming is the
same but ur not gonna notice that much bcs u dont need precise movements in my games

- playing on 240hz and 200 costant fps seems like to play with 60hz 60 fps

- people are rare to kill they ferrari peek and u can perceive that they are just more fast in everything while ur a tank

1 day or night dont make any differences to me INPUT LAG IS PRETTY ALWAYS
2 pointing a fan to pc cables i can notice that input lag is less but not much
3 moving pc cables around / shaking them make input lag completely disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
4 messing / moving around power strip make input lag completely disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
5 putting alluminum around all pc cables / strip cables make input lag less and u can see more clear without motion blur effect
6 formatting windows / changing pc name make pc way more smooth, monitor is clear too but Ferrari peekers and input lag are still there
7 RAM Frequency at 2133 - 2666 make aim kinda snappy but only for some days then input lag come back
8 unplugging and replugging an usb device like mouse keyboard mic ecc ecc make input lag disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
9 modifing for example nvidia reflex on nvidia control panel make pc more smooth until the next pc restart
10 messing with my second power Moving it / turn it off or on make input lag disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
11 Totally disconnecting my wifi cable for router too make my pc less input laggy and more responsive for 1 day then lag come back
12 if i plug a monitor that is off for like 1 week the first impression is that everything is clear and without that much input lag for some hours
13 in my main game (Rust) when a game restart like in FFA ak47 my input lag complitely go away for the first 30 seconds of the game then come back.
1 my abitation is a single new home only 2 years that is build
2 ups / Power condition FURMAN 10xE , no differences for me
3 changed 2 pcs monitor , 4 mices , 1 keyboard . after each change pc was more responsive but only for 1 day
4 I cannot change abitaton or find a place where the tings go well...

1 - do this bad elec / EMI infect ur pc components or mouse / monitor? i really hope no
2 - as i cant change home i was thinking about alimentating pc with solar pannels and storage battery , in my theory the
electricity generated
via solar pannels is pure / without interferences as is kinda direct and im the only one using it.

hope something helped ur troubleshooting

please can u tell me if u have grounding !!! or not in order to know if u have grounding is with grounding tester or u have to chheck it manual by removing ur socket and u have to see a third cable that connect to ur socket his color usually green !
please can u confirm if u have grounding socket !

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 08:12
by Derosa
yes, grounded outlets

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 09:20
by loltakoo
Unfortunately, all people who connect logic about electricity in this problem are treated with contempt in some groups, that, the fact of electricity already almost seems like a religion, when you dispute people come up with various arguments 0 sense.

High-game people are moving houses multiple times and staying consistent.

Reply to op, you have the same symptom as everyone, it's clear.
Save your money, don't spend anything on electricity, I bought everything, I know people who have tested everything
Money for nothing.

Don't let it get into your head about UPS, power conditioners, transformers or anything else.
Believe me, even if it is difficult, it will be the most foolish time and money of your life.

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 09:59
by delve
blackmagic, be nice to newbies!

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 12:00
by JustNumber
I fight 5 years with this shit and playing games 20 years. Remember times in dota 8000mmr, winning half life 2 tournaments and today this shit. Nobody knows what is that but 2% people is really bad number . That is much more but people think they are just bad in the game. During the day i hard get 2k 3k damage in world od tanks and if magic happend at night boom 6-7k without much effort( sometimes magic happend during the day). That magic pros are not magic they just have better conditions . One day we will find solution and i will make big lan party.

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 18:52
by amorou
Derosa wrote:
16 Jul 2023, 19:38
hello, my name is derosa, english is not my native lenguage sorry if not perfect =) discovered / try to fix this dirty electricity / EMI from 2 years.

Experienced games
Main Rust player 10k hours+
Eft over 2k
apex : Master rank

I am a player who can notice in a few seconds if the mouse moves correctly or if it is slowing down especially on rust which is my main game


-Mouse is really uncontrollable while shooting / aiming. Not snappy , super floaty impossible to precise aim , without aiming is the
same but ur not gonna notice that much bcs u dont need precise movements in my games

- playing on 240hz and 200 costant fps seems like to play with 60hz 60 fps

- people are rare to kill they ferrari peek and u can perceive that they are just more fast in everything while ur a tank

1 day or night dont make any differences to me INPUT LAG IS PRETTY ALWAYS
2 pointing a fan to pc cables i can notice that input lag is less but not much
3 moving pc cables around / shaking them make input lag completely disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
4 messing / moving around power strip make input lag completely disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
5 putting alluminum around all pc cables / strip cables make input lag less and u can see more clear without motion blur effect
6 formatting windows / changing pc name make pc way more smooth, monitor is clear too but Ferrari peekers and input lag are still there
7 RAM Frequency at 2133 - 2666 make aim kinda snappy but only for some days then input lag come back
8 unplugging and replugging an usb device like mouse keyboard mic ecc ecc make input lag disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
9 modifing for example nvidia reflex on nvidia control panel make pc more smooth until the next pc restart
10 messing with my second power Moving it / turn it off or on make input lag disappear for 30 seconds / 1 minute
11 Totally disconnecting my wifi cable for router too make my pc less input laggy and more responsive for 1 day then lag come back
12 if i plug a monitor that is off for like 1 week the first impression is that everything is clear and without that much input lag for some hours
13 in my main game (Rust) when a game restart like in FFA ak47 my input lag complitely go away for the first 30 seconds of the game then come back.
1 my abitation is a single new home only 2 years that is build
2 ups / Power condition FURMAN 10xE , no differences for me
3 changed 2 pcs monitor , 4 mices , 1 keyboard . after each change pc was more responsive but only for 1 day
4 I cannot change abitaton or find a place where the tings go well...

1 - do this bad elec / EMI infect ur pc components or mouse / monitor? i really hope no
2 - as i cant change home i was thinking about alimentating pc with solar pannels and storage battery , in my theory the
electricity generated
via solar pannels is pure / without interferences as is kinda direct and im the only one using it.

hope something helped ur troubleshooting
I have been strugglin with these for 7-8 years , reading your list make me sad because same for me.
Anyway , I got a smps 18v 2a , it has a ferrite choke on cable , for testing purposes i cut it out , when its on grid anywhere in house it decrease things in same direciton as "bad days" but slightly.

Maybe after main distrubation transformer , bad smps s near buildings sums up and degrade our experience.

If you are rich and your country allows it :

Re: My electricity input lag experience

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 19:32
by Derosa
def not rich to do that xD
in some days ill go back to my house where everything was working fine and ill test if is good.
if its good ill do some solar panel system for my pc