My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Separate area for niche lag issues including unexpected causes and/or electromagnetic interference (ECC = retransmits = lag). Interference (EMI, EMF) of all kinds (wired, wireless, external, internal, environment, bad component) can cause error-correction latencies like a bad modem connection. Troubleshooting may require university degree. Your lag issue is likely not EMI. Please read this before entering sub-forum.
Forum rules
This subforum is for advanced users only. This separate area is for niche or unexpected lag issues such as electromagnetic interference (EMI, EMF, electrical, radiofrequency, etc). Interference of all kinds (wired, wireless, external, internal, environment, bad component) can cause error-correction (ECC) latencies like a bad modem connection, except internally in a circuit. ECC = retransmits = lag. Troubleshooting may require university degree. Your lag issue is likely not EMI.
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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by pcenthusiast92 » 01 Mar 2024, 17:32

ChristophSmaul1337 wrote:
11 Feb 2024, 21:21
Good day, dear reader. After years upon years lurking around the internet and this forum, I thought it was finally time for me to make an account and voice my opinion, and share my experience. Warning, this is going to be a lot of text! Also, please excuse my English as I am not a native speaker.

TL;DR: There is no fix in here. It's just my experience with desync, bad hitreg and all the "good stuff" that people regularly talk about.

I started to play FPS games when I was 8 years old. My first game was Counter Strike Source, which I started playing in mid-2005. After grinding that game for thousands of hours, I picked up other FPS titles like Battlefield. I extensively played BFBC2 and went on to become Top 10 in ESL’s EU leaderboards in Battlefield 3. While enjoying BF3, I also transitioned to Counter Strike Global Offensive when it came out in 2012, grinding Faceit and even reaching Level 10 at some point. Including my old hacked steam account I have amassed more than 20.000 hours across both CS:S and CS:GO, more than 10.000 hours in Battlefield 3, with another 5.000 hours in all other BF installations. As you can tell form these numbers, I enjoyed playing competitive games A LOT. It was my favourite thing to do, period. Nothing came close and it was the best thing ever.

Starting at around 2018, everything began to change for the worse and every game became gradually more desynced, eventually culminating into today where any competitive game is completely unplayable. While before 2018, every Battlefield game after BF3 was a complete joke, CS becoming more and more infested with cheaters and a general lack of good, solid and skill-based shooter games was a problem in and of itself, the added agony from desync problems started to really deteriorate me from touching competitive games ever again. More and more did I realize that something is seriously wrong.

Fast forward to today, I have admitted defeat. Reading this forum, and many other forums including every reply in the “Mouse lag is killing me” thread over at NVIDIA’s forum, trying most of the suggested solutions along the way with nothing helping, I must accept that there will never be a fix for this problem and that the root cause of all of this must lie out of anybody’s control.
Nonetheless, I want to share my thoughts about these problems with you, because sometimes even the simplest ideas could spark a new idea in somebody’s mind.

Starting with the obvious, I am a computer guy. I know my way around hardware, BIOS and all its settings, I am familiar with Windows and Linux, and I have built at least 100 computers for friends and family so far.

I was born into a very wealthy family, so I always had the luck of owning the latest and greatest hardware available at the time, until I stopped yearly upgrading my setup when problems were starting to frustrate me. No matter the hardware I used, before 2018, everything was running smoothly, and I cannot recall any point in time where I was thinking “something isn’t right here”. All problems started occurring slowly but surely. It wasn’t something that happened when I bought a new computer, but rather happened “out of thin air”. Apart of family members dying left, right and centre, nothing ever changed in my household, from all the way back in 2005. Same house, same electrical installation, same room, same everything. I’ll address this later in more detail. The only “moving part” was the annual PC upgrade, which before 2018 never posed a problem.

Before reading anything on the internet at all, I remember thinking about this for myself and concluding that my horrible internet connection must be at fault. At the time of the first problems occurring, I had an ADSL connection with a DSL6.000 contract from my ISP, Deutsche Telekom. While the contract promised “up to” 6.000 Kbit/s downstream, the realistic, average throughput was more in the region of about 1.000 Kbit/s. We had this contract for years already at the time, as nothing better was available. My conclusion was that they somehow must have changed something in their infrastructure, the routing or they have simply oversubscribed the area, though that seemed unlikely since I live in an extremely tiny village with less than 100 inhabitants, most of them being elderly people who don’t use the internet much, and nobody was moving in/out at the time.

As time went on, it became even clearer to me that my ISP cannot be at fault. I did several tests to prove that they have messed something up so I could contact them and ask for them to fix it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find anything that would be out of the ordinary. It started with simple traceroutes, Pingplotter traces and Wireshark captures. As nothing seemed wrong, I rented a server in the Frankfurt datacentre, where most game servers I play on are located at. Conducting several tests with said server likewise revealed no anomalies but rather showed that the connection was as good as it gets from an online gaming perspective. A long-time friend with a network engineering degree aided me at looked at the results and he concluded the same. To get around possible routing hiccups, I even subscribed to a multitude of VPNs, all of them without any impact towards the problem.

At the time of these tests, I still had contact with someone I knew from school who lived in a very crowded area. Not only was the city a lot bigger, he also still had a slow ADSL connection and was living in an apartment complex with at least 30 more inhabitants. I set out to visit him and conduct some more internet related tests on his computer. From the school days I knew that games on his computer would run flawlessly because I have played at his house numerous times.

Apart from a slightly worse ping, his results were basically a copy of mine, which made sense because he was on an ADSL connection and with the same ISP, too. This ruled out the possibility of this being an internet issue once and for all. Also, I closely inspected his computer and his overall setup. Him not being as lucky as me, he only had a mid-range computer for it’s time. His router was the ISP’s default router, it wasn’t taken care of in a particular good way but rather was thrown behind his couch with little to no ventilation. He ran a 20m unshielded CAT5 cable from the router to his PC, the cable’s isolation was damaged at one point. Nothing about his setup was “optimized” in any way.

Over the next days my objective shifted towards ordering his exact PC parts, including peripherals, the monitor, and the router he was using, and even the 20m Ethernet cable. As I built a copy of his exact setup, the problems didn’t go away but felt even worse, probably caused by a lower framerate and the lower monitor refresh rate than I was used to. After this test failing, I donated the computer to another friend. To make everything even worse, I went on to play on that setup at his house, and everything felt fantastic again.

This was the point where I began to search the internet for this problem as I could not comprehend what was happening. Electricity came up as suggestion, so I decided to start with the most logical step and call an electrician to look if anything is out of the ordinary. The house I live in was built in 1967 but has a “modern, up to date installation”, according to the electrician. To make sure he was competent, I called 2 more electricians, and they all said the same thing. I even had them come around the entire house and check every outlet for proper grounding, and general conformity with the national electric code. I explicitly told all of them about these problems and they independently conducted several measurements, all giving excellent results. None of the three could explain my problems, from the electricians’ point of view.

Even though this was already cause enough for me to believe that electricity could not have any impact, I still went on to order a double conversion online UPS and an isolation transformer to make extra sure. And, as expected, neither made a difference at all. The last step was to try my setup somewhere else. To get buttery-smooth, flawless gameplay I didn’t have to look far, as my neighbour one street down is my mother. When I tried to move my setup to her house, everything was perfect again. This was the final piece of evidence I needed to confirm that the problem is neither related to the ISP nor electricity. If oversubscriptions would be the cause, I must’ve felt the same desync at my mother’s house too, as it is located inside the same village, just one street further down. Same with electricity.

Being completely out of options, I started to try some BIOS and Windows related fixes. These changed nothing, as I would have expected. Becoming more and more desperate, I eventually tried almost everything over the last few years regarding settings and BIOS options, to no avail. Really the only thing I haven’t done at this point is moving house, since that would not be practical. I own this house and the associated property.

At around this time I was completely deflated and didn’t even want to try anything more. No real solution was in sight, no fix was available and even the internet speed was too low to at least enjoy some YouTube or Twitch at the time. I began an apprenticeship just for the sake of it and I didn’t game on my computer for the better part of a year.

In 2020, the unthinkable happened. Germany is known to be a third world country when it comes to digital infrastructure, so I accepted early on that I will likely never have access to any kind of fast internet. Until suddenly, a “Deutsche Telekom” worker knocked at the door and offered a new fibre connection to be installed “this year” (2020) for free as part of some European Union funded infrastructural project. I signed that document faster than he could finish the sentence and despite some minor delays, the new fibre connection went live in February 2021. This was the last hope, I was preparing by upgrading my PC one last time. This surely would fix the problem, right? A nice, low-latency gigabit fibre optic connection is what every gamer dreams of, right? Wrong. Nothing changed apart from the ping going down from ~20ms to ~5ms. Again, I rented a server in Frankfurt and did the same tests as before. Same result, even better this time due to the drastically lower ping. Yet desync is on an all-time high to the point where I cannot even see people that allegedly kill me. Bullets pass through people more than ever before, shooting somebody in any FPS game is almost impossible.

And here we are. Threads about this pop up on the internet from time to time, and despite me playing games very irregularly nowadays due to this problem, I still read most of them in a desperate hope to maybe find something that could alleviate the horror that is this problem. I so desperately wanted to become a streamer at one time because I love social interaction and I also used to love video games. It only depended on the government upgrading the internet service. But now, with this kind of problem, streaming is pointless as I cannot deliver any kind of adequate gameplay and playing any game longer than 10 minutes is infuriating to the point where I just want to break the setup and throw everything out of the window.

Most people say that this happens when you get old, the reaction time becomes slow, you become inconsistent or any other kind of thing that revolves around the “human factor”. While I am generally open to any suggestion, I think that this can be ruled out quickly because I would know when I am to blame. I have developed a deep understanding for most of the games I play, differentiating a “I f*ed up and misaimed” moment from a “I CLEARLY should’ve gotten that kill and somehow it didn’t happen” is not that hard for me. I know when I had time to react but didn’t shoot in time, I know when I landed the first headshot but it didn’t register, I know when I spray 30 bullets into somebody in Battlefield from a few metres away yet he still doesn’t die. I know when people who kill me aren’t even on my screen while I get asked if I am asleep by my friend, who’s spectating me.

I have read that there can be a discrepancy in how you perceive situations when playing and spectating, but my friend laughing at me for not reacting to somebody who is allegedly on my screen for seconds while I can – at the best of times – see nothing but a few pixels of a shoulder cannot possibly be explained by us having a different perception of the same situation. I do understand that humans can be inconsistent and that your performance can vary greatly, depending on the amount and quality of sleep, what you had to eat etc. But I am very sure that you don’t go from curb stomping a Faceit 10 lobby to the point where they call cheats, to bottom fragging against silvers within a matter of minutes (this has happened before). And this behaviour is present across any game I play.

A final thought on lots of threads I read on here. Most of the time, desync and input lag problems go hand in hand and if you have one, you have the other as well. But for me, I do not feel that much input lag at all, I don’t think my mouse is behaving weirdly or that anything else is amiss. The only exception is Rocket League, where I have lots in input lag when using a controller. That is a game-specific thing though I feel. For me, it really is only about desync and not being able to react to anything happening as well as having horrendous hit detection problems in virtually every game I try to play.

If you have made it this far into this wall of text, thank you for reading all of it. Maybe this has given you or someone else yet another idea about what the problem could be. If anything, it is another count on the list of people who stand defeated by whatever this stupid problem is. I have my fingers crossed for everybody who suffers from this and I hope that a solution, or at least a workaround, can be found in a timely manner.

Hello how are you, I have been in this situation since 2010 or 2011, and till a point my game stuttering even by having nice temperatures , zero throttling, low latency, super tweaked system, tweaks reverted, hundred installations of OS, bios tweaking, modded bios(not advisable to do) hundred of hours invested in understand, doing research, opening multiples threads at github, guru3d, steam, tomshardware, you named it. also from commenting the old topic made back in 2009 in steam: (CS isn't smooth) that's where all beging then it spreads to Nvidia forums, toms hardware, github, here, etc.etc

Lastly but not least, what I learn is that, you need more competent electrician, not the regulars one, the one who specialize also in (harmony distortion)<-- this is what break o cause this weird sensation of monitor or games feeling like 30 frames per second even at 100+. Also i don't know if this happens to you, but my eyes seems to lost the track of my character in game, when I get into few monsters this never happened before, is like I don't feel in the game as I used to be, i don't feel immerse, I get tired watching the screen, and is not even fast motion games, happens with old games like tibia or ravendawn, the game looks more blurry than usual, (and nope is not blur motion nor antialising,) I'm 100% sure that this is harmony distortion my father explained to me. but yeah I'm from Venezuela situation is hard here, so I don't have the money to invest to fix my problem :(

TLTRD: Problem is Harmony Distortion. <-- and this is a very complex topic.

Sorry for my ugly English/grammar.

Hope this helps

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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by Kvoyn0v » 01 Mar 2024, 20:05

Could it be some sort of induced current by a field emitted by your body

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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by ChristophSmaul1337 » 02 Mar 2024, 00:39

pcenthusiast92 wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 17:32
Hello how are you, I have been in this situation since 2010 or 2011, and till a point my game stuttering even by having nice temperatures , zero throttling, low latency, super tweaked system, tweaks reverted, hundred installations of OS, bios tweaking, modded bios(not advisable to do) hundred of hours invested in understand, doing research, opening multiples threads at github, guru3d, steam, tomshardware, you named it. also from commenting the old topic made back in 2009 in steam: (CS isn't smooth) that's where all beging then it spreads to Nvidia forums, toms hardware, github, here, etc.etc
Thanks for your reply first of all. Your english is totally fine. I can absolutely feel the pain you've been through. I difenitely read the Steam topic before, and very likely also all the other ones, and I've tried all of this with no luck so far.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 17:32
Lastly but not least, what I learn is that, you need more competent electrician, not the regulars one, the one who specialize also in (harmony distortion)<--
I have called multiple "ordinary" electricians to check on my situation before, and to all of them I've specifically stated what my problems are and that it could be electricity related. None of them found anything unusual. After doing more research, I found a specialized company, called them and explained the situation. I did tell them that something to do with harmonics might be to blame, and that they should check for everything which could have an impact on the situation. The simple and short answer he gave was: "No, everything is about average and nothing that I wouldn't expect in the average home installation. Your wiring is decent and the breaker panel was done with great care. All is good, as far as my knowledge goes". And yes, he did roll out various test equipment, lots of meters and it all took at least a day to finish. The guy was through and I absolutely believe that what he said is accurate.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 17:32
Also i don't know if this happens to you, but my eyes seems to lost the track of my character [...]
No, I don't think this happens to me. There is a sort of "motion blur" (not acutally motion blur) in many games but I'm very sure that comes from the framerate being far below my monitor's refresh rate at 360Hz (ghosting). My computer is old at this point, and it doesn't hold up to any modern game. I simply refuse to upgrade it as long as I can't find any fun in gaming because of some weird desync problem.

Thanks for your input.
Kvoyn0v wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 20:05
Could it be some sort of induced current by a field emitted by your body
I'm again no physicist but my layman logic highly doubts that this could be the case.
For an electric field to be present, there has to be a charge. Your body therefore needs to be charged in order to create an electric field. If this would be the case, you could easily prove this by grounding yourself and measuring the current that flows from your body to ground. Just put on a grounding strap and hook up a mulitmeter/ammeter between you and the ground. I can bet it reads 0. It does for me at least. Even if there would be a charge on the body, grounding would remove it and therefore fixing the problem. Don't get it wrong, the body can pick up a charge no problem, and you know that it did so by touching a metal surface and get a good shock from it. Static electricity is obviously a thing but the discharge happens very, very quickly all at once, not continuously.

Even if the body would create an electric field, it would somehow need to be induced into the computer. For induction to happen, current needs to flow. For current to flow, there has to be a conductor. Your body would have to continuously conduct electricity in order to induce a current into the computer. The presence of voltage alone can't induce a current.

Let's say the body somehow does conduct electricity in a continuous manner which could then induce a current. Popular belief has it that a current of 0.1A going through your body can be lethal. This leaves only two possible options:
1. The current induced in the computer through the field is negligible. If you're still alive, the current can't be above 0.1A. Let's put this into context. The CPU currently installed in this computer has a nominal TDP of 125W. The normal operating voltage for a 14nm Intel chip is about 1.1V when not overclocked. This means that for the CPU to consume 125W of power at 1.1V, a current of about 113A is flowing. I don't think I'm leaning far out of a window when saying that an induced current of 0.1A would not do a lot of damage, if the body could do that without you noticing.
2. The body induces a vastly greater current than 0.1A. In this case, you're no longer alive.

I'm not convinced about the body argument yet. Again, I'm glad it helped a lot of people, it being placebo or not. But for me, it isn't the cause of the problem and basic logic supports this. I don't need to be a studied physicist to come to the conclusion that whenever I play at someone else's house, the problems are gone and therefore can't possibly be created by my body. Nonetheless, thanks for your input.

Posts: 42
Joined: 10 Jul 2023, 00:18

Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by pcenthusiast92 » 03 Mar 2024, 13:09

ChristophSmaul1337 wrote:
02 Mar 2024, 00:39
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 17:32
Hello how are you, I have been in this situation since 2010 or 2011, and till a point my game stuttering even by having nice temperatures , zero throttling, low latency, super tweaked system, tweaks reverted, hundred installations of OS, bios tweaking, modded bios(not advisable to do) hundred of hours invested in understand, doing research, opening multiples threads at github, guru3d, steam, tomshardware, you named it. also from commenting the old topic made back in 2009 in steam: (CS isn't smooth) that's where all beging then it spreads to Nvidia forums, toms hardware, github, here, etc.etc
Thanks for your reply first of all. Your english is totally fine. I can absolutely feel the pain you've been through. I difenitely read the Steam topic before, and very likely also all the other ones, and I've tried all of this with no luck so far.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 17:32
Lastly but not least, what I learn is that, you need more competent electrician, not the regulars one, the one who specialize also in (harmony distortion)<--
I have called multiple "ordinary" electricians to check on my situation before, and to all of them I've specifically stated what my problems are and that it could be electricity related. None of them found anything unusual. After doing more research, I found a specialized company, called them and explained the situation. I did tell them that something to do with harmonics might be to blame, and that they should check for everything which could have an impact on the situation. The simple and short answer he gave was: "No, everything is about average and nothing that I wouldn't expect in the average home installation. Your wiring is decent and the breaker panel was done with great care. All is good, as far as my knowledge goes". And yes, he did roll out various test equipment, lots of meters and it all took at least a day to finish. The guy was through and I absolutely believe that what he said is accurate.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 17:32
Also i don't know if this happens to you, but my eyes seems to lost the track of my character [...]
No, I don't think this happens to me. There is a sort of "motion blur" (not acutally motion blur) in many games but I'm very sure that comes from the framerate being far below my monitor's refresh rate at 360Hz (ghosting). My computer is old at this point, and it doesn't hold up to any modern game. I simply refuse to upgrade it as long as I can't find any fun in gaming because of some weird desync problem.

Thanks for your input.
Kvoyn0v wrote:
01 Mar 2024, 20:05
Could it be some sort of induced current by a field emitted by your body
I'm again no physicist but my layman logic highly doubts that this could be the case.
For an electric field to be present, there has to be a charge. Your body therefore needs to be charged in order to create an electric field. If this would be the case, you could easily prove this by grounding yourself and measuring the current that flows from your body to ground. Just put on a grounding strap and hook up a mulitmeter/ammeter between you and the ground. I can bet it reads 0. It does for me at least. Even if there would be a charge on the body, grounding would remove it and therefore fixing the problem. Don't get it wrong, the body can pick up a charge no problem, and you know that it did so by touching a metal surface and get a good shock from it. Static electricity is obviously a thing but the discharge happens very, very quickly all at once, not continuously.

Even if the body would create an electric field, it would somehow need to be induced into the computer. For induction to happen, current needs to flow. For current to flow, there has to be a conductor. Your body would have to continuously conduct electricity in order to induce a current into the computer. The presence of voltage alone can't induce a current.

Let's say the body somehow does conduct electricity in a continuous manner which could then induce a current. Popular belief has it that a current of 0.1A going through your body can be lethal. This leaves only two possible options:
1. The current induced in the computer through the field is negligible. If you're still alive, the current can't be above 0.1A. Let's put this into context. The CPU currently installed in this computer has a nominal TDP of 125W. The normal operating voltage for a 14nm Intel chip is about 1.1V when not overclocked. This means that for the CPU to consume 125W of power at 1.1V, a current of about 113A is flowing. I don't think I'm leaning far out of a window when saying that an induced current of 0.1A would not do a lot of damage, if the body could do that without you noticing.
2. The body induces a vastly greater current than 0.1A. In this case, you're no longer alive.

I'm not convinced about the body argument yet. Again, I'm glad it helped a lot of people, it being placebo or not. But for me, it isn't the cause of the problem and basic logic supports this. I don't need to be a studied physicist to come to the conclusion that whenever I play at someone else's house, the problems are gone and therefore can't possibly be created by my body. Nonetheless, thanks for your input.
Oh I see my friend interesting and glad you have such a nice 360hz monitor, I still with a 60hz haha ^^,

By the way have you tried already swapping the gpu to Intel or Amd?
Also I'm just desperate , I want to enjoy gaming, is frustrating, I get easily tired, hard to enjoy games, etc,etc, peek advantage, but yeah :C

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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by ChristophSmaul1337 » 04 Mar 2024, 06:45

pcenthusiast92 wrote:
03 Mar 2024, 13:09
Also I'm just desperate , I want to enjoy gaming, is frustrating, I get easily tired, hard to enjoy games, etc,etc, peek advantage, but yeah :C
Yeah I know the feeling. It's not only hard to enjoy games, for me it's outright impossible. I'm watching streams from actual pros/FPL players in CS having what feels like an eternity to react to the best players, even when standing in predictable spots and being hard cleared. And then I'm playing some CS casual against literal silvers, I'm in the weirdest off-angle ever, and some silver without crosshair placement or any kind of decent aiming abilities absolutely shits on me like I've never played a shooter game before. It's a lucky occurente if I can see the opponent earlier than in the killcam nowadays.

I'm watching Battlefield streamers running at opponents, running circles around them without taking any damage, while I'm being laserbeamed by every single player I encounter, from any weapon, without the slightest chance of even aiming at them. I'm literally lucky if I get the chance to see the oponent that kills me. Most of the time, it's me dying and I'll only see that person in the killcam.

And then I'm thinking back to how this was before all this BS started happening, and I remember that this was once me who could do such things. I was the one standing in a predictable angle against Faceit 10 players, being hard cleared and still could take 1 guy with me because my reaction time is way faster than average (around 120ms on humanbenchmark). I was the guy who ran circles around some noobs in BF and effortlessly clearing objectives and winning games on my own. And today? I'm holding long doors on Dust II from atop the bluebox and some silver 2 player with 200 hours, no aim and corsshair placement, kills me with 4 AK bodyshots before I can see a pixel of him. It's beyond frustrating and I only still have my computer in case this ever gets resolved. No fun to be had.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
03 Mar 2024, 13:09
By the way have you tried already swapping the gpu to Intel or Amd?
Yes, I have tried a multitude of different hardware configurations before. My current hardware is:
- Intel i9-10900k, on a MSI MEG Z490 GODLIKE
- 64GB RAM at 3600MHz CL16
- RTX 2080 Ti

A non-comprehensive list of CPU's I've had before:
- I5-2500K
- i7-2600K*
- i5-4690K
- i7-4790K*
- i7-6700K
- i7-7700K*
- i7-8700K*
- i9-9900K*
- Ryzen 5 2600X*
- Ryzen 7 3800X*

Most of these were tested after 2018 (marked with *) and all tested CPU's show the same problem.

And another non-comprehensive list of GPU's I've had so far:
- GTX 550 Ti
- GTX 750 Ti*
- GTX 780 Ti*
- GTX 960
- GTX 970*
- GTX 1060 3G*
- GTX 1060 6G*
- GTX 1070*
- GTX 1080
- GTX 1080 Ti*
- Radeon R9 280X*
- Radeon R9 285
- Radeon R9 380X*
- Radeon RX 480 4G
- Radeon RX 480 8G*
- Radeon RX 580 8G*
- Radeon RX 5600XT*
- Radeon RX 6700XT*

Again, the ones tested are marked with the (*) and they all show the problems.

Before the problems started occuring, I was changing hardware yearly and I've never had problems, no matter the hardware used. Nowadays, the feeling is always the exact same. I've also tried to find different RAM which is listed in the QVL, the most generic RAM available and a plethora of SSD's. It all changes nothing. I haven't had an Intel GPU before, but after testing all of the above hardware I'm quite convinced that it wouldn't make a difference.

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Joined: 10 Jul 2023, 00:18

Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by pcenthusiast92 » 04 Mar 2024, 18:16

ChristophSmaul1337 wrote:
04 Mar 2024, 06:45
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
03 Mar 2024, 13:09
Also I'm just desperate , I want to enjoy gaming, is frustrating, I get easily tired, hard to enjoy games, etc,etc, peek advantage, but yeah :C
Yeah I know the feeling. It's not only hard to enjoy games, for me it's outright impossible. I'm watching streams from actual pros/FPL players in CS having what feels like an eternity to react to the best players, even when standing in predictable spots and being hard cleared. And then I'm playing some CS casual against literal silvers, I'm in the weirdest off-angle ever, and some silver without crosshair placement or any kind of decent aiming abilities absolutely shits on me like I've never played a shooter game before. It's a lucky occurente if I can see the opponent earlier than in the killcam nowadays.

I'm watching Battlefield streamers running at opponents, running circles around them without taking any damage, while I'm being laserbeamed by every single player I encounter, from any weapon, without the slightest chance of even aiming at them. I'm literally lucky if I get the chance to see the oponent that kills me. Most of the time, it's me dying and I'll only see that person in the killcam.

And then I'm thinking back to how this was before all this BS started happening, and I remember that this was once me who could do such things. I was the one standing in a predictable angle against Faceit 10 players, being hard cleared and still could take 1 guy with me because my reaction time is way faster than average (around 120ms on humanbenchmark). I was the guy who ran circles around some noobs in BF and effortlessly clearing objectives and winning games on my own. And today? I'm holding long doors on Dust II from atop the bluebox and some silver 2 player with 200 hours, no aim and corsshair placement, kills me with 4 AK bodyshots before I can see a pixel of him. It's beyond frustrating and I only still have my computer in case this ever gets resolved. No fun to be had.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
03 Mar 2024, 13:09
By the way have you tried already swapping the gpu to Intel or Amd?
Yes, I have tried a multitude of different hardware configurations before. My current hardware is:
- Intel i9-10900k, on a MSI MEG Z490 GODLIKE
- 64GB RAM at 3600MHz CL16
- RTX 2080 Ti

A non-comprehensive list of CPU's I've had before:
- I5-2500K
- i7-2600K*
- i5-4690K
- i7-4790K*
- i7-6700K
- i7-7700K*
- i7-8700K*
- i9-9900K*
- Ryzen 5 2600X*
- Ryzen 7 3800X*

Most of these were tested after 2018 (marked with *) and all tested CPU's show the same problem.

And another non-comprehensive list of GPU's I've had so far:
- GTX 550 Ti
- GTX 750 Ti*
- GTX 780 Ti*
- GTX 960
- GTX 970*
- GTX 1060 3G*
- GTX 1060 6G*
- GTX 1070*
- GTX 1080
- GTX 1080 Ti*
- Radeon R9 280X*
- Radeon R9 285
- Radeon R9 380X*
- Radeon RX 480 4G
- Radeon RX 480 8G*
- Radeon RX 580 8G*
- Radeon RX 5600XT*
- Radeon RX 6700XT*

Again, the ones tested are marked with the (*) and they all show the problems.

Before the problems started occuring, I was changing hardware yearly and I've never had problems, no matter the hardware used. Nowadays, the feeling is always the exact same. I've also tried to find different RAM which is listed in the QVL, the most generic RAM available and a plethora of SSD's. It all changes nothing. I haven't had an Intel GPU before, but after testing all of the above hardware I'm quite convinced that it wouldn't make a difference.
Wow you have tested a bunch of components, by the way why you don't measure your 1% low and 0.1% with programs such: msi afterburner? that would be super interesting

For example look at this guy, its is such an interesting topic: ... d_01_lows/

According to 1% low or 0.1% if you have bad measurement there, then you will start to have stuttering, visual lag, etc,etc.

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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by ChristophSmaul1337 » 05 Mar 2024, 01:55

pcenthusiast92 wrote:
04 Mar 2024, 18:16
Wow you have tested a bunch of components, by the way why you don't measure your 1% low and 0.1% with programs such: msi afterburner? that would be super interesting
According to 1% low or 0.1% if you have bad measurement there, then you will start to have stuttering, visual lag, etc,etc.
Thanks for the suggestion! Until now, I haven't really tried this because I don't have any performance problems. I've been through the motions of checking for performance before and deployed 3DMark and similar benchmarks. I've never encountered my PC performing under spec and games do run very smoothly most of the time. The only exception would be Battlefield V and Battlefield 2042, but these games are notorious for being absolutely horribly optimized and my hardware is also becoming quite old. Counter-Strike always runs fine, even CS2 does, despite it is said to be badly optimized.

Nonetheless, I've enabled the overlay and tried to test in CS2, but the game still blocks overlays of any kind. It's a disgustingly stupid and horrendous decision, it's meant to combat cheating but all it did is prevent streamers from streaming the game with "Game Capture" and it prevents benchmark/monitoring software like Afterburner from interacting with the game while cheating is rampant. You can disable this blockage and get the overlay to work, but that would crush the trust factor, a risk I'm not willing to take.

I've therefore tested it with GTA V, driving around the city for about 5 minutes and it is giving me these results: AVG: 165, 1% Low: 135, 0,1% Low: 123. Temperatures stay in the high 40's to low 50's for CPU, and in the 60's for the GPU. So yes, everything is fine.

What the guy in the reddit thread is experiencing is probably the same as I do with Battlefield. It's the games that are horrendously bad and devs don't really give a sh*t anymore. They're focused on making as much money as possible, selling skins and pushing the in-game store (in a game you already paid 60$ for) on every occasion. A smooth gameplay (great optimization) doesn't make them a cent, but it costs them hundreds if not thousands of work hours. Designing skins on the other hand doesn't cost them more than maybe 1 employee's time, while making millions upon millions a day. It's becoming like this for every major AAA game studio, and I don't think it has anything to do with PC parts. Games that have been made with passion do actually run fantastic and smooth, I'm thinking of Battlefield 3, GTA V, Rocket League... You can immediately see that these are games the devs cared about and didn't see them as a quick cash grab.

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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by pcenthusiast92 » 05 Mar 2024, 14:48

ChristophSmaul1337 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 01:55
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
04 Mar 2024, 18:16
Wow you have tested a bunch of components, by the way why you don't measure your 1% low and 0.1% with programs such: msi afterburner? that would be super interesting
According to 1% low or 0.1% if you have bad measurement there, then you will start to have stuttering, visual lag, etc,etc.
Thanks for the suggestion! Until now, I haven't really tried this because I don't have any performance problems. I've been through the motions of checking for performance before and deployed 3DMark and similar benchmarks. I've never encountered my PC performing under spec and games do run very smoothly most of the time. The only exception would be Battlefield V and Battlefield 2042, but these games are notorious for being absolutely horribly optimized and my hardware is also becoming quite old. Counter-Strike always runs fine, even CS2 does, despite it is said to be badly optimized.

Nonetheless, I've enabled the overlay and tried to test in CS2, but the game still blocks overlays of any kind. It's a disgustingly stupid and horrendous decision, it's meant to combat cheating but all it did is prevent streamers from streaming the game with "Game Capture" and it prevents benchmark/monitoring software like Afterburner from interacting with the game while cheating is rampant. You can disable this blockage and get the overlay to work, but that would crush the trust factor, a risk I'm not willing to take.

I've therefore tested it with GTA V, driving around the city for about 5 minutes and it is giving me these results: AVG: 165, 1% Low: 135, 0,1% Low: 123. Temperatures stay in the high 40's to low 50's for CPU, and in the 60's for the GPU. So yes, everything is fine.

What the guy in the reddit thread is experiencing is probably the same as I do with Battlefield. It's the games that are horrendously bad and devs don't really give a sh*t anymore. They're focused on making as much money as possible, selling skins and pushing the in-game store (in a game you already paid 60$ for) on every occasion. A smooth gameplay (great optimization) doesn't make them a cent, but it costs them hundreds if not thousands of work hours. Designing skins on the other hand doesn't cost them more than maybe 1 employee's time, while making millions upon millions a day. It's becoming like this for every major AAA game studio, and I don't think it has anything to do with PC parts. Games that have been made with passion do actually run fantastic and smooth, I'm thinking of Battlefield 3, GTA V, Rocket League... You can immediately see that these are games the devs cared about and didn't see them as a quick cash grab.
I swear I reply to this but for some reason my message didn't submitted. Interesting so you have basically a good 1% low 0.1% but my question is, have you ever try a different OS than Windows? for example lets say you have a nice gaming on Battle field 3, and lets say that this game is also very well optimized in either MACOS or Linux, would you try to play Battle field 3 in Linux Os or Macos? and see how your computer behave?

Or lets do it better, lets says that you play Counter strike global offensive and you are tired of visual lag or peek advantage or weird rcoil patterns, or things that never happen in your childhood and not even in your friend computers, so why you don't Linux in a second partition in your current hardware, like Cinnamon or Linux Mint, or Nobara, that are friendly with Windows users (that's what they said) I haven't yet gaming on Linux, but I'm about to try it sooner, so yeah, like doing a research of installing properly a good Linux distro, with a windows interface, properly configured (there are a bunch of videos out there of how to configure Linux for gaming) and then finally once you have all setup, just try that game that is bothering you, and see if that helps? this way we can come to a conclusion if we are all F-up :D, or if its only something related with Windows? or the electricity or the harmony distortion, or our brains?

^^ have a good one, and again sorry for my grammar I know is hard to read me haha :D

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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by ChristophSmaul1337 » 05 Mar 2024, 16:17

pcenthusiast92 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 14:48
have you ever try a different OS than Windows?
Yes. I can't recall exactly what they were called but it was 2 different Linux distros. Same behavior on both.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 14:48
or if its only something related with Windows?
I honestly don't think so. So many people, like 99,9% of people, use Windows. Watch a CS streamer, any pro or FPL player, they'll be on Windows. If it were a Windows thing, every single player playing on Windows should notice and come across this, yet they don't.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 14:48
or the electricity
This might be the case, although I can't really see how with current information available. Yet it's the best thing I can imagine what could possibly be the case. Maybe some relatively unknown phenomena that isn't really understood yet, something along these lines. Definitely not anything an ordinary electrician, or a EMI/EMF specialized company could measure with their equipment.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 14:48
harmony distortion
Yeah, could also very well be this, and the electricians and specialized company didn't have the correct measuring devices to pick it up at this location. Definitely an option.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 14:48
or our brains?
DEFINTELY not that. This I'm more than sure about. Nothing I've been more sure about actually. This is a million percent not something like that.
pcenthusiast92 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 14:48
sorry for my grammar I know is hard to read
Don't worry too much, it's fine.

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Re: My experience with all sorts of Problems regularly mentioned here.

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 07 Mar 2024, 21:36

pcenthusiast92 wrote:
05 Mar 2024, 14:48
I swear I reply to this but for some reason my message didn't submitted.
Ah, I'll tell you what happened. It appears you clicked the "Report Post" exclamation mark icon instead of "Reply" icon, a mechanism normally reserved for complaints to forum staff/volunteers -- usually for reporting forum violations, spam, and other purposes.

It came into my Inbox as the follows, and I was confused because it looked like you were trying to publicly reply to the forum.
(I'll post it here, since it was clear that was your intent)
Accidental Report-Post Submission wrote:Indeed, there a couple of games not to say a bunch of poorly optimized games, but even that, in my case, I'm experience this problem in most games, and is very annoying. By the way have you tried a different OS? by example: Macos, or Linux? I know most triple AAA games doesn't run directly on Mac-Os or Linux, but it would be interesting to do some test with games that has support in those operative system.

for example lets say, you play i don't know Battle Field 4 and the game is very good optimized but on your on, you have this visual lag, stutter, or sensation of peek advantage, hard to aim, etc,etc. but then you realize Battle Field 4 is also on Linux and very well optimized, then is where you also test this Battle field 4 on Linux and see if its a Windows problem with drivers, or your hardware at all or the electricity?
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