Another shit post with generic placebo

Everything about latency. This section is mainly user/consumer discussion. (Peer-reviewed scientific discussion should go in Laboratory section). Tips, mouse lag, display lag, game engine lag, network lag, whole input lag chain, VSYNC OFF vs VSYNC ON, and more! Input Lag Articles on Blur Busters.
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Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by agendarsky » 14 Jan 2025, 01:21

1. U need motherboard with two usb 2.0 ports obviously for you keyboard and mouse
2.Enter your bios and pray for luck
3.Go to your usb settings and keep all that bs like legacy usb , xhci , ehci on
3.Now became moment of truth , search for usb 2.0 controller mode and switch from "hi-speed" (480 mbps) to fucking "full speed (12 mbps).
4.If you're not lucky , use scewin to access that , if you are still not lucky u may need bios mod to unlock it, my board have some settings shown in scewin but not shown in bios even with fully unlocked bios, yeah and thoose unlocked bios settings are not visible in scewin , so i would give it a chance. If you want to do it use this alternative method which is much easier method than broken outdated amibcp ... me-ov-file . Also im not responsible on any damage you may do, if you have usb flashback option its kinda safe to do it with propietary bios loaded in backup usb. Dunno i remember i had that setting in scewin with z390 board but for some reason i never tried it, because HiGhEr iS BeTTer.
5. Now you gonna need to launch your cs2 and kill all your dopamine levels in one deadmatch session.
6. If its not gonna work u come to this thread and post clown jpegs. I will give you my adress and all you guys come for me and u sacrifice me to Lord Gaben.

I've been testing this straigh for 5 hours with no degradation (ehhh i was in total shit state and after this change there is no variation, it just stays) so besides absolute insane input this is things i gained:
heavy movement is gone: fast strafe is thing again
recoil is accurate to crosshair position
shoooting sounds very fast , not single audio skip in spray
frames are also a lot more stable and most important if iam in heavy cpu/gpu situation i dont feel that fucking drop on input like you are on previous frame and that lack frames doesnt affect my spray pattern.
bunnyhop is a thing, even if its nerfed.
edit 8:02 am : I just now noticed there is a fresh thread by hyote promothing same thing as me. Its coincidence , usb controller mode on fullspeed is thing.

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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by MIETAS » 14 Jan 2025, 03:41

Bro changed usb speed and gained improved frame pacing

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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by agendarsky » 14 Jan 2025, 04:01

so maybe instead of trying something u can done in 5 mins u go to shitpost into my thread. I like it. There is so many variables like who knows, it still can be a driver a issue from microsoft. If you can get microstutter by having high dpc latency from poorly coded audio/network driver why would this not be a thing? But i know , its easier to bitch on people who are trying to find something , sacrificing their time then doing something on your own. Thums up pierdas.

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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by MIETAS » 14 Jan 2025, 04:13

agendarsky wrote:
14 Jan 2025, 04:01
so maybe instead of trying something u can done in 5 mins u go to shitpost into my thread. I like it. There is so many variables like who knows, it still can be a driver a issue from microsoft. If you can get microstutter by having high dpc latency from poorly coded audio/network driver why would this not be a thing? But i know , its easier to bitch on people who are trying to find something , sacrificing their time then doing something on your own. Thums up pierdas.
+1 for pierdas, that actually made me laugh

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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by JimCarry » 14 Jan 2025, 04:24

agendarsky wrote:
14 Jan 2025, 01:21
1. U need motherboard with two usb 2.0 ports obviously for you keyboard and mouse
2.Enter your bios and pray for luck
3.Go to your usb settings and keep all that bs like legacy usb , xhci , ehci on
3.Now became moment of truth , search for usb 2.0 controller mode and switch from "hi-speed" (480 mbps) to fucking "full speed (12 mbps).
4.If you're not lucky , use scewin to access that , if you are still not lucky u may need bios mod to unlock it, my board have some settings shown in scewin but not shown in bios even with fully unlocked bios, yeah and thoose unlocked bios settings are not visible in scewin , so i would give it a chance. If you want to do it use this alternative method which is much easier method than broken outdated amibcp ... me-ov-file . Also im not responsible on any damage you may do, if you have usb flashback option its kinda safe to do it with propietary bios loaded in backup usb. Dunno i remember i had that setting in scewin with z390 board but for some reason i never tried it, because HiGhEr iS BeTTer.
5. Now you gonna need to launch your cs2 and kill all your dopamine levels in one deadmatch session.
6. If its not gonna work u come to this thread and post clown jpegs. I will give you my adress and all you guys come for me and u sacrifice me to Lord Gaben.

I've been testing this straigh for 5 hours with no degradation (ehhh i was in total shit state and after this change there is no variation, it just stays) so besides absolute insane input this is things i gained:
heavy movement is gone: fast strafe is thing again
recoil is accurate to crosshair position
shoooting sounds very fast , not single audio skip in spray
frames are also a lot more stable and most important if iam in heavy cpu/gpu situation i dont feel that fucking drop on input like you are on previous frame and that lack frames doesnt affect my spray pattern.
bunnyhop is a thing, even if its nerfed.
edit 8:02 am : I just now noticed there is a fresh thread by hyote promothing same thing as me. Its coincidence , usb controller mode on fullspeed is thing.
I did this on my old pc and saw it hayote showing it,but on my new pc when i extract my bios via scewin i cant see so many options but when i enter bios with delete key i see i cant try these thing because when i enter bios with del button the option you are saying is hidden like hpet for example on every asus mb(but with scewin i can change the hpet to off and the usb setting).

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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by Mr1991 » 16 Jan 2025, 13:58

I remember seeing this when I was scouting through the hidden bios settings, unfortunately my board doesn’t have 2.0 :cry: , maybe I’ll set up my old pc and try it

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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by agendarsky » 16 Jan 2025, 16:08

Mr1991 wrote:
16 Jan 2025, 13:58
I remember seeing this when I was scouting through the hidden bios settings, unfortunately my board doesn’t have 2.0 :cry: , maybe I’ll set up my old pc and try it
yea try it

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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by Unreazz » 16 Jan 2025, 20:39

I tried it and can actually confirm that it helped. Desync was less, shots went in faster and more directly and I also didn't have the feeling of being at such a disadvantage as before. What surprised me the most was that flickshots were suddenly possible again and the WTF moments became fewer and fewer. It's not perfect now, but I clearly enjoyed it. I still die quickly, but those were probably globals that have an internet advantage.

The funny thing is that the game didn't even run smoothly at first because it didn't fully utilize the resources of my graphics card (rarely play CS2), but I fixed that and it went even better after that.

For those who have the same problem, no matter in which game: [Settings] - [System] - (scroll down) [Graphics settings] and add the game exe. there and set it to High.

What I have to say is that I had already tried Scewin before, through AgN, the creator of this video, I completely lost sight of him and thanks to this post here, I found him again. i copy/pasted the changes he made in his video on my PC years ago and only this one was new. For everyone I highly recommend SCEWIN if it works for you. Give it a try.

I tried 7 - 10 deathmatches in 2 - 3 hours and was pleasantly surprised. I haven't had this much fun in a long time and I guarantee that this is definitely not a placebo. Before it was much worse and I had no fun at all, but when I did this, it was almost a different game. And yeah again, thanks man. testing Valorant tomorrow.


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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by SeekNDstroy » 17 Jan 2025, 01:22

Can you please check the port slot maximum speed in "Usb tree viewer" before & after changing the mode, whether it changes or not.
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Re: Another shit post with generic placebo

Post by themagic » 17 Jan 2025, 02:04

For me it don't changes after set Fullspeed in SCEWIN and restart...

Port maximum Speed shows everywhere Highspeed still.

edit: here is my keyboard connected to USB 2.0 as example and after apply fullspeed with scewin ...nothing changed.


why it says device low speed :?:

edit: and here usb wireless mouse (dont have right now a cable one because i detroy them in rage) :lol:


but it said Fullspeed already before the SCEWIN change already in connection and maximum here too no changes.

both are connected to USB 2.0 in the back but for some reason it says by the Mouse USB version 1.1...why lol :?:

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