Floaty mouse / accel with HT off?

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Re: Floaty mouse / accel with HT off?

Post by BlurWickd » 07 Dec 2023, 21:41

stormielele wrote:
01 Dec 2023, 04:48
Did you manage to get it sorted?
Nope ended up turning ht back on, its a shame because the system feels so much better with it off

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Joined: 29 Jan 2022, 13:17

Re: Floaty mouse / accel with HT off?

Post by Synnx90 » 09 Dec 2023, 08:35

I have the same issue on Overwatch and have been having it for over a year with a 13900k + Asus z790, some days its perfect, other days its slow, unresponsive, shots delayed, with motion blur or something when im aiming around.

If I set the game to use only 1 core in task manager, its super responsive, snappy, and no motion blur, but only 180fps, Turning threaded optimization off in NV control panel helped a little, but not perfect.

I've tried with HT/MCE/IAB/E-cores on/off, also tried undervolting/overvolting + other pc parts.

Every day the game feels different, floaty mouse, shots delayed, some type of blur/screen tear when aiming makes it so i cant see a thing, or sometimes the mouse will be sliding on ice, and shots wont register at all.

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Re: Floaty mouse / accel with HT off?

Post by Slender » 12 Dec 2023, 00:42

Synnx90 wrote:
09 Dec 2023, 08:35
I have the same issue on Overwatch and have been having it for over a year with a 13900k + Asus z790, some days its perfect, other days its slow, unresponsive, shots delayed, with motion blur or something when im aiming around.

If I set the game to use only 1 core in task manager, its super responsive, snappy, and no motion blur, but only 180fps, Turning threaded optimization off in NV control panel helped a little, but not perfect.

I've tried with HT/MCE/IAB/E-cores on/off, also tried undervolting/overvolting + other pc parts.

Every day the game feels different, floaty mouse, shots delayed, some type of blur/screen tear when aiming makes it so i cant see a thing, or sometimes the mouse will be sliding on ice, and shots wont register at all.
z690 / z790 worse systems i have
last good intel - gen 9/10
last good amd - 5800x

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Re: Floaty mouse / accel with HT off?

Post by Sambyal » 12 Dec 2023, 01:00

I have found the fix after 8 years , its fking windows man and im glad you are also on the right track .

The culprit is windows defender, You have to disable the windows defender, note you just simple cant disable windows defender , I mean even if you disable from multiple methods ( Control panel , Group policy , Registry ) it will still be running as windows kinda force it and make us fool .

Run the cmd via below command and check truly wthether defender still running or stop.

sc query WinDefend

I have found that only fix is the to add the defenderdisable app to the security exclusion and disable real time monitoring and Tamper protection and the run the program to truly disable it. All steps shown in below video .


once its done run below command again

sc query WinDefend

state should be changed from "running" to "stop".
and restart your system.

the go to your game and feel the difference .

I want to help community who is thinking its Internet or electrical problem they have no clue windows defender is messing up with steam and steam related games .

IF you have other Antivirus installed make sure Game optimizer kinda options are turned off or try to simple uninstall th AV and follow above steps to disable Defender and try

Hope this helps . 😊

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