I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by R1sk » 23 Oct 2022, 03:50

Yes, Pro players are noobs in terms of setting up the system but they are rich enough to get someone to Do these Magic OS tricks 😁

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by triplese » 23 Oct 2022, 06:54

R1sk wrote:
23 Oct 2022, 03:50
Yes, Pro players are noobs in terms of setting up the system but they are rich enough to get someone to Do these Magic OS tricks 😁
and then proplayer going to lan and sucking all cocks with floaty mouse/ferrari peek/hitreg desync on "non-magic OS"?

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by Dalek » 23 Oct 2022, 19:47

'Ferrari peeking' will always exist due to connection latency and the way a game engine is built as far as I'm aware.

There are many other factors at play such as your internet connection, what the server is doing, other people's connections etc. I still remember dealing with those issues around 10 years ago in CS:GO, and earlier years in CS:S. CS:GO just seems to be more notorious for those issues probably due to the Source Engine's dated netcode.

Not much you can do about your issues other than try to use ethernet instead of Wi-Fi, try to pick the lowest latency server where possible, take into consideration other factors such as getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy food, exercise, etc.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by triplese » 24 Oct 2022, 09:54

Dalek wrote:
23 Oct 2022, 19:47
'Ferrari peeking' will always exist due to connection latency and the way a game engine is built as far as I'm aware.

There are many other factors at play such as your internet connection, what the server is doing, other people's connections etc. I still remember dealing with those issues around 10 years ago in CS:GO, and earlier years in CS:S. CS:GO just seems to be more notorious for those issues probably due to the Source Engine's dated netcode.

Not much you can do about your issues other than try to use ethernet instead of Wi-Fi, try to pick the lowest latency server where possible, take into consideration other factors such as getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy food, exercise, etc.
Its not about latency, read about lagcompensation. If you dont have 200+ ping or your enemy have 200+ ping - its not latency, period.

How about other, non-Source games? ;)
And many people have lag on perfect hardware only last 2-5-8 years, when CS:S already was outdated. Its definitely not engine fault.

I have friend in Switzerland, he have this even on servers with 5 ping and wired connection from FTTB.
Thats nothing about reaction and healthy food, even with 100ms reaction and perfect crosshair placement you cannot react (without wallhack ofc) to moving with 1000u/s model that giving you instaheadshot.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by abcpeppi » 26 Oct 2022, 04:27

triplese wrote:
24 Oct 2022, 09:54
Dalek wrote:
23 Oct 2022, 19:47
'Ferrari peeking' will always exist due to connection latency and the way a game engine is built as far as I'm aware.

There are many other factors at play such as your internet connection, what the server is doing, other people's connections etc. I still remember dealing with those issues around 10 years ago in CS:GO, and earlier years in CS:S. CS:GO just seems to be more notorious for those issues probably due to the Source Engine's dated netcode.

Not much you can do about your issues other than try to use ethernet instead of Wi-Fi, try to pick the lowest latency server where possible, take into consideration other factors such as getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy food, exercise, etc.
Its not about latency, read about lagcompensation. If you dont have 200+ ping or your enemy have 200+ ping - its not latency, period.

How about other, non-Source games? ;)
And many people have lag on perfect hardware only last 2-5-8 years, when CS:S already was outdated. Its definitely not engine fault.

I have friend in Switzerland, he have this even on servers with 5 ping and wired connection from FTTB.
Thats nothing about reaction and healthy food, even with 100ms reaction and perfect crosshair placement you cannot react (without wallhack ofc) to moving with 1000u/s model that giving you instaheadshot.


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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by espresso » 26 Oct 2022, 05:52

assombrosso wrote:
12 Oct 2022, 15:32
Don’t worry it will come back. I have tried separate partitions to play csgo using custome windows install where everything is deleted, I’m talking about all not needed services and programs and this OS was extremely tweaked by a csgo pro yet lag was there from the get go. This fix has indeed helped you from your win rate and top fraggin but from my past experience, I would say it will comeback soon and comeback hard and comeback to destroy everything ;(
It pisses me off to admit it, but it is back in full force. Strangely it is only full DESYNC. The game still feels extremely crisp, i am just behind by like 0.5seconds. I did apply a few dozen more tweaks in the meantime, so maybe i fucked something up. Contemplating to start over again from scratch and tweak only in Block and write down exactly what i changed and then Zero in. But my hope has melted down do a single drop of rain in the Sahra Desert.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by assombrosso » 26 Oct 2022, 08:52

espresso wrote:
26 Oct 2022, 05:52
assombrosso wrote:
12 Oct 2022, 15:32
Don’t worry it will come back. I have tried separate partitions to play csgo using custome windows install where everything is deleted, I’m talking about all not needed services and programs and this OS was extremely tweaked by a csgo pro yet lag was there from the get go. This fix has indeed helped you from your win rate and top fraggin but from my past experience, I would say it will comeback soon and comeback hard and comeback to destroy everything ;(
It pisses me off to admit it, but it is back in full force. Strangely it is only full DESYNC. The game still feels extremely crisp, i am just behind by like 0.5seconds. I did apply a few dozen more tweaks in the meantime, so maybe i fucked something up. Contemplating to start over again from scratch and tweak only in Block and write down exactly what i changed and then Zero in. But my hope has melted down do a single drop of rain in the Sahra Desert.
Yeah sometimes I think i think its one of the tweaks that I did that made it comeback until I started to reinstall windows every day and use a saved windows image and do it every 3-4 hours and I saw the lag comes back in real time after few hours or 20 minutes of solid lag free gameplay . Then I knew this is some wild wild shit that we experience and we are robbed of something amazing, the clean fast sprays, the clean counterstravinvg and hitting headshots with ease is absolutely something amazing but as soon as this tricky lag comes back, you can’t do a single thing, even against level 3-4 players lol.

I can tell you change computer or location or account, but I’m not even sure that’s gona help.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by BumFlannel » 01 Nov 2022, 08:20

Hey espresso,

I've suffered with this same problem for 7 years with brief moments (maybe about a total of 2 weeks per year but not necessarily back to back) where the game runs as it should. The problems started seemingly overnight around June/July of 2015.

I have just had 2 weeks in October, just like you, where the game ran perfectly starting from 4th October.

My problems started just prior to Operation Bloodhound (I Valve were already testing the reanimated update on the server side) at which point I had around 3k hours in CS:GO. I started to see inconsistencies in the game. Enemies backtracking a solid meter or 2 after death, Rag dolls acting strange, stiff, jittery, falling through meshes. Valve later acknowledged this in some patch notes with wording along the lines "fixed incorrect position on enemies on death" which didn't fully fix the problem. We all later found out this issue was caused by choke (choke fix came in 2017 I think, so a good 2 years or so later). This choke fix never seemed to fix the delay problems for me though, it just felt as if choke was being masked or the game was being delayed by x amount so the choke can compensated for. I still think this is a big issue today and one of the major culprits to desync problems. The choke (packet loss on the download) is being compensated for but in order for there to be enough data to smoothly interpolate over then said data HAS to be delayed by an appropriate amount.

So my theory here is that the people who have this problem for some reason are still suffering from choke but the server itself is compensating for it by buffering movement data over x amount of time before sending it so the client has enough data to smoothly interpolate over. This would explain odd enemy movement speeds/full accurate while running/going from standing to crouch state while moving extremely fast over large distances as the client now has to move the entity to a position over an amount of time that isn't possible within game mechanics. It would also explain the lack of choke in net graph and after match network statistics as if it is being compensated for it can technically not be classed as choke, even though it has a very real and very negative effect on game play. Shooting and other events such as jumping and crouching are not delayed in the same way as regular movement. These events have no acceleration or deceleration so are simply "send as fast as you can" events so coupled with the buffered data of the enemy movement these non buffered events can appear out of sync with buffered movement. Hence, enemies running whilst hitting all successive shots of a spray and running whilst transitioning into a crouch.

If this is the case then the question is where is this choke coming from?

On top of the general movement desync symptoms are many other problems. Mouse movement feels sluggish/inconsistent/not snappy. Micro stutters everywhere, when seeing enemies small stutters, when flicking stutters that completely throw off my aim, uncontrollable spray/feels like inaccuracy/spread has been multiplied and terrible hit reg. I can click heads all day and keep missing while my enemies can consistently head shot me from the same range. I know there is a slight element of luck involved when it comes to accuracy at range but the number of my perfect shots that hit vs the number of my enemies shots that hit seem statistically skewed by a large amount in my enemies favor, even more so when the vast majority of the time they are moving and shooting.

In the brief moments where the game plays as it is supposed to play on a mechanical level I get way way WAY more head shots from slight misses (element of luck goes both ways) than I do with perfect head shots when the desync problem is present. Mouse movement will feel as if my sensitivity has been increased as it feels much more responsive and snappy. I can track enemies better simply because everything on the screen looks "clear" when turning and the movement between the hand and the view on screen matches perfectly. I Don't lose focus of enemies when I try to spray because A. The screen/cross hair doesn't appear to bounce around as wildly and randomly and B. If I land a bullet on the guy he will be tagged and slowed. With the problem, anyone I tag just sprints out of my spray at max/faster than max speed regardless.

With the problem a lot of things are just impossible to do, like spray transfers and correcting minor whiffs due to the overwhelming feel of the recoil/inaccuracy and the heavy feeling of the mouse. Without the problem, if I start my spray off target I can easily correct it with a micro adjustment and spray control and still get the head shot or a pretty clean spray consistently. With the problem if I whiff no amount of corrective skill can fix it. Even if I stop for a good second, displace crouch and respray properly the bullets will just go all over the place. Any form of b-hopping is impossible. I don't just mean a successful b-hop where you retain your velocity then gain speed with an air strafe. Just a simple successive jump is almost impossible as I just get pulled to the ground and can't jump again no matter how well I time it. When the game is working as intended I can hit many successful b-hops, 2 or 3 in a row a good amount of the time and this is without any form of binds or using the mouse wheel. Simply using my jump key on the keyboard. With the problem I stick to the ground after almost every jump even if I try using the mouse wheel.

Speaking of air strafes, when I don't have the problem I can immediately jump and perform an air strafe when I come into an encounter where I'm caught off guard and reliably get the enemy to miss or get into cover in time to avoid being killed. With the problem and the same air strafes, I will cover a good distance but I will still get killed and warp back to about where I was before I jumped. Air strafing is absolutely useless when the problem is present. Just as useless as trying to get into cover when you see someone peeking you.

To people who keep saying "These problems are just general limitations of online play". please stop! Sure, with online gaming you can experience hiccups....maybe you get a lag spike, a tiny amount of packet loss for a second or your enemy does. This will surely create the problems above from time to time. For the minority who are suffering from these problems constantly, in every match, on every server, against every skill level of player at any time of the day on any computer, regardless of the "apparent" quality of their own internet connection ... this is NOT normal and not caused by "limitations of online play". I have played CS:GO for 3K hours WITHOUT this problem but I have also played CS:GO for 3K hours WITH this problem. I have also played many thousands of hours of countless other online fps games from 2002 to when the problem first started in 2015. These are NOT just intermittent occurrences or the occasional laggy encounter here and there, or that one guy you just can't seem to kill because he is lagging - I'm talking a constant, consistent and obvious problem with rare and short amounts of time where "the problem is fixed". I'm not talking about a good experience the majority of the time with hiccups, or maybe a day here and there where "the game is lagging a bit". Invert that and you have a good idea of the experience I and some others have.

Sorry for wall of text, but this has been driving me nuts for 7 years and as someone with decades of online fps gaming behind me and knowing from a technical standpoint what the "limitations of online play" really are it really gets my back up when people dismiss this problem with comments like "You're just bad", "Just take a break for a week", "Dude, that's just the limitations of online play, it's called latency - (proceeds to go into some armchair coder description of how online gaming works whilst getting the vast majority of it completely wrong)", "Git good".

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by espresso » 01 Nov 2022, 12:29

BumFlannel wrote:
01 Nov 2022, 08:20

So my theory here is that the people who have this problem for some reason are still suffering from choke but the server itself is compensating for it by buffering movement data over x amount of time before sending it so the client has enough data to smoothly interpolate over.
It is always good to hear other people describe EXACTLY what you experience to reaffirm that you are not living in placebo world.
I wrote another post ( viewtopic.php?t=9722 ) about server side desync and as someone like you who came from the old Counterstrike and experienced playing on a 1000FPS server with sys_ticrate of 5000+ and very little lag comp you will never shake that feeling in CSGO. The only mystery remaining is how there is only very few people who have this problem. Are there only few who notice it, are there only few it is Happening too? Are we doing something, like a tweak that makes the desync spiral out of control?

I might start a new partition soon and leave everything on stock and the increase tweaks in blocks of weeks to try to cancle out placebo.
Just the thing is, i never had a good feeling with stock settings to begin with. but ye we will see.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by InputLagger » 02 Nov 2022, 00:55

espresso wrote:
01 Nov 2022, 12:29
BumFlannel wrote:
01 Nov 2022, 08:20

So my theory here is that the people who have this problem for some reason are still suffering from choke but the server itself is compensating for it by buffering movement data over x amount of time before sending it so the client has enough data to smoothly interpolate over.
It is always good to hear other people describe EXACTLY what you experience to reaffirm that you are not living in placebo world.
I wrote another post ( viewtopic.php?t=9722 ) about server side desync and as someone like you who came from the old Counterstrike and experienced playing on a 1000FPS server with sys_ticrate of 5000+ and very little lag comp you will never shake that feeling in CSGO. The only mystery remaining is how there is only very few people who have this problem. Are there only few who notice it, are there only few it is Happening too? Are we doing something, like a tweak that makes the desync spiral out of control?

I might start a new partition soon and leave everything on stock and the increase tweaks in blocks of weeks to try to cancle out placebo.
Just the thing is, i never had a good feeling with stock settings to begin with. but ye we will see.
If you're are talking about csgo desync, maybe the account somehow affected, because new account (im never tried it, only play casual, but on my main account the game became smooth and sharp only once, when csgo looses some connection or have bug, and suddenly I m only have all default knifes, gloves, guns at this moment) and the game feels butrery smooth and sharp. You can also try Non-steam csgo version with bots, for comparison.

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