I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by 13n47 » 05 Sep 2023, 00:45

Chief Blur Buster wrote:
04 Sep 2023, 20:19
Keep in mind that the lag compensation algorithms vary a lot depending on all the below:

- Your own lag to server.
- Player 2 lag to server.
- Player 3 lag to server.
- Player 4 lag to server.

Your sweet spot will depend on the lag of other people, as the lag compensation algos tries to (often imperfectly) tries to tilt the playing field based on all the known lags etc.

So (XX ms) will work for you in one specific game, in one specific part of the world, on one specific server, in one specific time of day.

So whether it works -- can sometimes be crapshoot. It's a ferocious black box in many ways.

Changes in OTHER players' lags will affect the benefit/handicap of lag compensation algorithm for you.

So there are no reliable always-works rules, but you can come up with generalities like the 40ms ballpark rule, etc, and try to optimize (e.g. use multiple different gaming VPNs etc). However it is not a guarantee, and that number shifts wildly depending on other peoples' lag and on the specific game server, specific location, specific time of day (Internet performance).

Hundreds of variables creating dominoe effects! It's almost a House of Cards.
So if you were a developer and wanted to fix it or minimize it as much as possible, how would you go about doing it? Give players a setting or a slider to adjust the algo manually? Implement real-time monitoring and diagnostics to identify and recorrect instances where lag compensation is not performing as expected? This seems something necessary to ensure the fairness of online tournaments and has been greatly overlooked.

At its current state, this greatly amplifies issues like peekers advantage, no reg, input lag, desync. Manipulating with latency is the only thing that has consistent results in fixing these issues for me, as nothing else has worked this well throughout the years. Sometimes also changing network buffering setting has also worked as it increases the overall latency.
cursed-gamer wrote:
04 Sep 2023, 18:46
13n47 wrote:
04 Sep 2023, 15:42
Raphaeangelo wrote:
04 Sep 2023, 15:24
Ok so after my last comment I got to thinking. It has to be network related. Since I can’t change my ISP and there is nothing I can do about server performance I was thinking maybe lag compensation is the reason for inconsistencies. I normally have a ping of less than 20ms. I have what’s called peakers advantage. People with more than 80ms have hiders advantage. I wanted to play a game right in the middle at 50ms. I selected a server that wasn’t the closest but also not the farthest. My ping was right around 40-50ms and the game felt great! I wasn’t dropping 20 bombs but I felt like all my damage was registering and people would die with the right amount of bullets. It felt fair. When I would get killed it was because I was out gunned or out positioned. I wasn’t getting shot 3 times and dying while landing two whole magazines (like I used to on 20ms ping). I know everyone says “I found the issue” then a few days later say “it’s back” but lag compensation is a factor I’ve never tested before. I’ll keep playing like this and report back in a few weeks.

I found this compilation of pro streamers. It’s interesting that they all have a ping of 40-50ms.


Curious if anyone can confirm that 40-50ms feels the best.
You're correct, it is the lag compensation. Same thing happens in Valorant, but it's even weirder. I used to have 43ms to London and was having a blast most of the time while playing, then the routing changed and I had 37ms ping. With that ping, my KDA tanked and I felt like I had no time to react to enemy movement at all. Increasing my latency with a tool back to 43ms ping and voila, most of the games feel much better and it doesn't feel that off anymore, KDA instantly improved. There's something going on, that around 40ms-60ms ping feels much more consistent(although not always) than 15ms-40ms ping. But holy, just 6ms difference in ping can cause such a vastly different experience.

There's something going on with the lag compensation algos. There seems to be a sweet spot in latency, more often than not it happens to be in that 40-60ms range. Other players, get cucked, unlucky for you. It's rare for the sweet spot to be for low ping players and even rarer for really high ping players but I've experienced it on all sides.

What really confuses me how has this lag compensation problem issue spread like wildfire to different games. From player feedback i'm certain this issue extends to cs:go, but also seen similar complaints on fifa, halo and rocket league forums. wtf?
Already tried it with clumsy for 40-50-60-70 ping and makes absolutely zero difference in terms of hitreg/desync. Wherever I bring my PC it works like utter shit, which means heavy movement, delayed clicks combined with enormous desync. Gaming RIP.

But in last month there was only one time, somewhere around 3 AM when everything was just surprisingly perfect. That time I was 1 second ahead of everybody but not sure what changed.
Hmm, i've had plenty of games where this seemingly doesn't work. How many matches did you try this method on of incrementally increasing latency each round? What were the latencies of other players in the lobby? If all the other players had pings under 40ms, then the algo would more likely have chosen the sweet spot to be under 40ms which can screw with this test. I'm not saying it's the holy grail of a solution, but i've found my consistency has increased a lot more with a ping over 40ms. But this was in Valorant not csgo. I haven't done any testing on csgo.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by joseph_from_pilsen » 14 Sep 2023, 17:01

As you probably noticed, CS2 suffers from way worse desync than csgo. Dying behind walls, rushing corners with +W and fire is a new meta and holding angles is a Russlan roulette with all 6 shells loaded in revolver.

But one positive, after many years of crying about high ping players peekers advantage and threatening with abusing on purpose, valve hell started freezing:

Rebalanced lag compensation to favor lower-latency players

FIRST try of valve to do something with this. I doubt it will have any bigger impact but finally they ADMITTED I WAS ALWAYS RIGHT !!!

Btw did you know that cs2 has in current state worse input lag than csgo? Lowest achieavable source1 csgo input/processing lag you cant get below is 13ms, while eminimum processing/input lag in source 2 cs2 is currently... 15ms. And requires vsync on to not run choppy and with 60hz feeling. Also the game is heavily CPU bottlenecked so nvidia LLM / reflex doesnt have any bigger impact on input lag, the GPU at usual competitive settings is not the bottleneck (unless you have some obsolete or low end one or you have 3D ryzen with 500+fps, then the GPU may get fully used and tuning GPU starts making any sense and effect).

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by F1zus » 15 Sep 2023, 06:13

joseph_from_pilsen wrote:
14 Sep 2023, 17:01
As you probably noticed, CS2 suffers from way worse desync than csgo. Dying behind walls, rushing corners with +W and fire is a new meta and holding angles is a Russlan roulette with all 6 shells loaded in revolver

FIRST try of valve to do something with this. I doubt it will have any bigger impact but finally they ADMITTED I WAS ALWAYS RIGHT !!!

Btw did you know that cs2 has in current state worse input lag than csgo? Lowest achieavable source1 csgo input/processing lag you cant get below is 13ms, while eminimum processing/input lag in source 2 cs2 is currently... 15ms. And requires vsync on to not run choppy and with 60hz feeling.
I measured input lag using "Intel PresentMon" and "CapFrameX". In CSGO the average latency was 12ms, in CS2 it was about 14ms.
But it is worth noting that the GPU load in ks2 was significantly higher, about 80-90% constantly.
I carried out measurements both with the frame rate limited to 237 and without restrictions. There isn't much difference.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by joseph_from_pilsen » 15 Sep 2023, 11:26

Thats the issue, reducing GPU usage has no impact on input lag, the game is CPU bottlenecked, it only starts growing wheen you fully overload your GPU (90 percent usage+). But never gets to valorant level or generally to a level of modern FPS (overwatch 2 with beefy GPU + CPU can go to single digit levels too).
Technically, you got 12 and 14, other source 13 and 15 and in reality its 12 and few decimals and 14 and few decimals :lol:

please moderator, can you create a specific thread "Input lag, desync, hitreg in cs2 and move these 3 posts here? Because the cs story continues (and its even a bigger mess).

I will start with known issues:

1) the hitreg, desync, movement and overall is WAY much worse online and way much worse than in csgo, cs2 offline with bots its much better - reason is most probably traditional - valve servers suck, me personally thinking the main reason is the updaterate which is said that its set to 20 (= game updates only every 50ms so it absolutelly undermines even the 64tick as it behaves even by feeling like a 20 tick apex legends, same muddy movement with inertia, close combat suffers from huge heavy aim feeling, low hitreg from sprays, also people have insane headshot rate but its partially an effect of bad spray hitreg - winning an aim duel by NOT hitting opponents head is much harder, logically the number of HS is bigger as there is no other choice to kill. Secondary very minor reason of bigger HS rate are a bit bigger hitboxes (pay2win agents no more have smaller head hitbox like in csgo, so the heads are from 4 to 20 percent bigger than in csgo depending on agent).
2) valve forced 64tick in client by hardcoding it into client to actually (permanently?) prevent faceit and other platforms from running 128 tick (rip 128t)
3) valve removed some cl_ parameters so you cant manually set your interp, interp_ratio, updaterate. Everything is now hard coded for all (and obfuscated)
4) net_graph was removed so you cant see how much the server sucks (cq_netgraph as a quasi replacement doesnt show ANY numbers, only a green line which changes to a tetris of all colors whenever it lags)
5) Live vac not working yet (only single cases of live bans caused most probably by randomly delayed previous VAC ban triggers being postponed accidentally to the time of match - VAC bans are delayed so they may explode just during the match, happened also in csgo)

Valve releases patches very often but it seems that they fall into 2 categories - 1) working updates patching core gameplay bugs with immediate effec, and 2) clueless updates to netcode and framework trying to solve issues without increasing server performance (resulting always into an inveitable persistence of problem in 50 shades of crap).

In few weeks im planning to host a CS2 mini event offline at LAN so i could give more info how the game runs offline, the most issues are online so its very probable that the game will be in current state great at LAN and terrible online in valves regierung.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by Traveler » 15 Sep 2023, 18:10

joseph_from_pilsen wrote:
15 Sep 2023, 11:26
2) valve forced 64tick in client by hardcoding it into client to actually (permanently?) prevent faceit and other platforms from running 128 tick (rip 128t)
Maybe it's just temporarily so that third-party platforms don't steal players from official servers while the game is still in beta phase.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by joseph_from_pilsen » 16 Sep 2023, 08:34

Highly doubt, as the servers have an opposite problem - are permanently at full capacity and lagging as hell...¨

in primetime according to https://steamstat.us/ they are totally full
Last edited by joseph_from_pilsen on 16 Sep 2023, 15:29, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by Traveler » 16 Sep 2023, 08:41

joseph_from_pilsen wrote:
16 Sep 2023, 08:34
Highly doubt, as the servers have an opposite problem - are permanently at full capacity and lagging as hell...
You think there's no way this sub-tick system could turn out to be good by the time CS2 gets fully released?

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by joseph_from_pilsen » 16 Sep 2023, 12:27

I cant have a sure opinion as it all depends most probably just on valves manager decision. Buy power or keep releasing ton of crap to try to camouflage the lack of power...

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by dougg0k » 18 Sep 2023, 20:43

I didnt tested in CS, but I can certainly say that today I have truly solved this sort of problem, so far at least in Overwatch 2, in my machine. With results I have never experienced before. I left all comments about how I did in my interrupt affinity auto file. Though I think this will be for every game.

It's been consistent across different ranked matches.

https://github.com/dougg0k/gaming_os_tw ... o.ps1#L233

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Re: I fixed my Desync/input Lag/Hitreg in CSGO

Post by [email protected] » 19 Sep 2023, 09:24

dougg0k wrote:
18 Sep 2023, 20:43
I left all comments about how I did in my interrupt affinity auto file. Though I think this will be for every game.

It's been consistent across different ranked matches.

https://github.com/dougg0k/gaming_os_tw ... o.ps1#L233
I don´t undestand the script. Can you make a little tutorial with screenshots please. :)

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