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What ever happened of the arduino input lag meter?

Posted: 13 Oct 2024, 03:01
by dishwater
The sneak preview of the tool shown in Mark's blog back in 2012: ... lag-meter/
Coming soon: How to build your own Arduino-powered input lag meter using a photodiode! No soldering needed.
It sounded perfect! No soldering, no high-speed camera needed, extremely accurate and consistent results.

I looked and looked and couldn't find the software nor any build-guide, i'm not experienced at all with microelectronics or building circuits so an accessible guide like that would be just what i needed, specifically the no-solder part. most guides out there either required soldering or used seemingly sub-optimal parts such as slow light sensors (with response times of 16ms - 24ms) that made me unsure of a lot of the DIY projects.

Was there ever any followup on it?