What ever happened of the arduino input lag meter?

Everything about latency. This section is mainly user/consumer discussion. (Peer-reviewed scientific discussion should go in Laboratory section). Tips, mouse lag, display lag, game engine lag, network lag, whole input lag chain, VSYNC OFF vs VSYNC ON, and more! Input Lag Articles on Blur Busters.
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What ever happened of the arduino input lag meter?

Post by dishwater » 13 Oct 2024, 03:01

The sneak preview of the tool shown in Mark's blog back in 2012:
https://blurbusters.com/sneak-preview-o ... lag-meter/
Coming soon: How to build your own Arduino-powered input lag meter using a photodiode! No soldering needed.
It sounded perfect! No soldering, no high-speed camera needed, extremely accurate and consistent results.

I looked and looked and couldn't find the software nor any build-guide, i'm not experienced at all with microelectronics or building circuits so an accessible guide like that would be just what i needed, specifically the no-solder part. most guides out there either required soldering or used seemingly sub-optimal parts such as slow light sensors (with response times of 16ms - 24ms) that made me unsure of a lot of the DIY projects.

Was there ever any followup on it?

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