Floaty Mouse INPUT LAG EMI/RFI Grounding Whatever...

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Floaty Mouse INPUT LAG EMI/RFI Grounding Whatever...

Post by Mighty » 20 Oct 2024, 14:26

Hey Guys i wanted to make a quick Post as i Suffered alot from Input lag since a couple years and also thought my mouse was floaty and imprecise. Read a shitton of articels here about the problem without any solution i could find so i was going mad as gaming and furthermore playing competitive games on a chill basis was just impossible with all that desync and Ferrarie Peekers + squishy aim and stuff...

so Today i found my solution that worked IN MY CASE!!! (maybe you have a different problem so idk if it helps but if it does i am Glad i could.)

That the story makes more sense i should mention i live in quite an old building thats never got really finnished is liveable in there but its just old and not the glamourast one. Important is that the grounding wasn't made from a certified electrician in this House it was made bye some guy who built it and that guy well (i just know storys from my father never met him in person but he sayed he was quiet a drinker and from what i can say his work he did on building this house (Electical formost!) wasn't the best... sooo to my story:

I am a 26 year old guy from Austria who suffered extensivly from High Input lag floaty Imprecise mouse and stuff like that. Tried everything searched all Floaty mouse forums, videos and Articel that i could find on the internet for about 1 year... couldn't fix the problem till Today! Already changed motherboard and Cpu Ram.. Tried USP, Ferride Chokes, nothing helped. So as i sayed i am a Certified Electrician and some people mentioned insufficiend grounding so i thought this couldnt be the reason at first because my home is Grounded i thought also are all outlets with 230v i have in my room... UNTIL i discovered that the Earth (PE-Wire) wasn´t connected to my room because the wire comming from the Outside was going Blind! so i thought i had Earth on my PC but the cable was going blind... as Soon as i fixed the Earth and connected it to my Room (outlets and everything. I started my PC and hit up a game and man o man its faccinnating what a difference it makes.
(I also properly grounden my motherboard with chromescrews and Chrome Distance Screws. Dont know if that makes a difference honestly as my pc wasnt grounded from the outlet as i mentioned earlier but it definetly doesnt hurt. If you want to know what i mean exactly - search for WINKLY - YT on Youtube hes a guy who made a video about it almost or more than a year ago.

i hope i could help you have a nice Sunday. Bye :)

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