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Two computers on one circuit

Posted: 22 Oct 2024, 03:08
by simon
I have read through almost all the topics here trying to find an explanation or a solution to the problems that most people here have. I haven't really seen anything about my discovery. But first I want to point out two things that are irrelevant imo: what game we talk about and what hardware is used.

What I have discovered is that when you have two computers on the same circuit and they are turned on they will start affecting each other and most of the time they SYNC UP. It actually makes sense when you think about it but the way it happens, doesn't.
Basically when the game runs smoothly on one computer with less recoil and all those good things we all know about, so does the other. Actually to the point where the players on both computers will have IDENTICAL score as in same amount of kills and deaths. When the game runs sloppy, it runs sloppy on both. Even the picture on both monitors(one is a 160hz and the other only 60hz) will look the same.

Here's the thing though - it can be ''changed'' by unplugging something from the same circuit and plugging it back in the other way. Most of the time the change is immediate. It can also be changed by changing a game setting on one computer, or restarting the computer or simply closing the game - it will change something either to better or worse, kind of 50/50.
As a note electrcitiy is the only thing connecting the computers, Internet providers are different(on is 4g phone tethering and the other is fibre cable connected). The funny thing is internet and ping seems to play zero role on how many kills and deaths you get because like I said the scores sync up too.
It's almost as if electrcitiy does the gaming and you just sit there doing what it allows you to do. Or one pc feeds the other pc somehow.

One other thing I'd like to confirm that is regularly mentioned here: everything runs better after midnight or sometimes a bit later.