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Trying to get the least input lag

Posted: 28 Nov 2021, 13:03
by blaufg
Hey recently bought an AOC 24g2, trying to do some due diligence since this is my first 144hz monitor. I play a lot of fighting games and use RTSS to lock to 60 since I see it recommended. In the past, I'd play with v-sync off on my 60 hz monitor since I prioritized less input lag over tearing.

For this monitor, I've disabled g-sync in control panel, turned off freesync on my monitor OSD (is this necessary?), and continued with no v-sync in the game (no tearing as far as I can see now though). Is there more I could do to reduce input lag, maybe in my monitor's options? What exactly is game mode (I hear some saying it's just a filter, some reporting they get less input lag, etc.)? Is there some sort of general guide that can help me calibrate my monitor for the least input lag? Thanks for any help!

Oh, and in case I'm horribly misunderstanding the term, I understand "input lag" to mean the time between me pressing a button on a controller and seeing the result on the screen.

Re: Trying to get the least input lag

Posted: 30 Nov 2021, 12:07
by deama
Why are you locking it to 60fps? Are you not able to pull 144? Also, I'm surprised you're not seeing any tearing as 60fps should give you a lot of tearing because you're on 144hz, 144/2 = 72 not 60. Maybe the compositor is fixing it.

Anyway, if you haven't already, making sure the game is running at proper fullscreen should disable compositor (unless you use directx 12) which will improve input lag by about your monitor's refresh rate cycle + some ms for processing. In 144hz's case, that will yield about 7ms + 2ms, so a reduction of about 8-9ms input lag or so. Though you might get tearing problems, I wrote a guide on how to setup RTSS' scanline sync feature which allows you to get rid of tearing whilst having vsync and compositor off and it doesn't affect input lag from my measurements:

You can also try and lock your clocks for both CPU and GPU so it's more stable. And make sure you're using XMP profile for your RAM sticks so you get the advertised speeds.

I think that's pretty much all you can do other than overclocking or getting newer hardware. I have observed better input lag over on linux with a low latency kernel and compositor disabled compared to windows with compositor disabled too if you got even more time to spend on this.