I have encountered sudden problem of unexpected dim and flicker on my xl2411z and I don't know what to do or what is the problem with it. One day it just lost the brightness and became dim.
It is now my secondary monitor so no ToastyX tweaks or Blur busting app is applied to it, however I did instal the blur buster app after the problem to see if I can brighten it up by manipulating presistance and it doesnt affect the brightness at all, ( screen does not go dark or bright regardles of the setting). The flickering was intense on 144hz so I reduced it to 120hz and it is better in that regard.
I did reset all settings in OSD,
I did reinstal the gpu drivers,
I switched the DVI cable to HDMI cable,
none of those above methods are working so is there anything left to check?
Thank you for your time and any help.