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My experience and rant on Benq xl2411 series

Posted: 23 Oct 2023, 11:10
by Srksi
First I got plain xl2411 model. Crap tier colors, but lot of tweaking possibilities, and blur reduction was bingo. Beside improving motion quality, it helped me to reduce brightness under factory level and made monitor use way more pleasant in dim room. Nothing special, but it was stable and suited to my needs

Then had to upgrade to xl2411p cos my new card didnt had display port, and OMG, it was bad... Colors were bit better, but gamma was worse, and strobing was HORRENDOUS! Lot of overshoot, image was watchable at 100hz, but for some reason, motion quality degrades significantly if game frame rate drops few frames under 100fps. Hell, even 92 fps was enough to mid speed movement make image messy mess. On plain xl2411 motion quality was linearly degrading as frame rate drops, and it was tolerable even at 70-80fps. Also, it had awful bad GTG zone. like 30% of screen was out of sync. 3rd "feature" it had was some weird edge tearing on games with not synced frames. Like, imagine you are passing near traffic sign with your car, and pole have distortions like on low bitrate wmv video. Changing dvi cable and syncing games helped, but it was still visible occasionally.

Then xl2411k popped relatively cheap on trading site and I decided to add it too it into my collection, and I actually got pleasantly surprised! Colors are 2 classes better than on rest benqs, and dyac is dem good! Way less overshot and way easier on your eyes. Slow to mid movement is amazing with fully synced stable 100fps frame rate. Like image is alive! Now, ofc, it never can be easy... Monitor have bad GTG zone almost identical as p model! Like 3rd of top screen is blurred to hell even on slow camera pan!

Rant: I dont understand... Plain xl2411 almost had NO bad gtg zone! It actually do had, but it was like one row of UFOs, few centimeters wide, and it was stationed on bottom of screen at optimum settings. Almost invisible. How? Why? Why they couldnt make K model that is 50% more expensive to work well so I wouldnt had to bust my head with large vertical columns tweaks! Im not monitor expert, but still, when they could make decent gtg zone on cheaper model, why not on expensive one too! It ruins all good impressions having one third of screen heavily blurred every time you move camera around