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Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 07:39
by Granatnik

I would like to set my settings to be my monitor the fastest it can be, minimal input lag and so on, I've read sth about strobing on this page and still don't know how to translate it to my language so don't know what it is exactly. Colors doesn't interest me, already set them up, i just want to maximally minimize input lag on this monitor so if you could help me i'll be glad. By the way, blur busters utility reset its settings when i off it - is it normal :/? Don't quite understand how it is supposed to work. Anyways - any help will be good.

Thanks and sorry for making another "noob" topic.

EDIT: By the way - is there a possibility to enable saturation and hue options? I read somewhere that if monitor is connected with HDMI cable it is enabled. Is it true?

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 14:32
by Q83Ia7ta
MBR(motion blur reduction) off
LightBoost off

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 16:08
by Granatnik
Thanks for answer :). About lightboost - is it turned on by default (if so - how to turn it off?). I'm total noob I must admit if we're talking about monitors, don't know much. Can somebody tell me about hue and saturation options blocked too? Is it enabled only on HDMI? I want to see saturation really bad, my colors aren't perfect without it i think ^^. Any help will be appreciated

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 16:28
by monitor_butt
Granatnik wrote:EDIT: By the way - is there a possibility to enable saturation and hue options? I read somewhere that if monitor is connected with HDMI cable it is enabled. Is it true?
Not sure, but HDMI will limit you to 60hz.

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 16:52
by Q83Ia7ta
Granatnik wrote:Thanks for answer :). About lightboost - is it turned on by default (if so - how to turn it off?). I'm total noob I must admit if we're talking about monitors, don't know much. Can somebody tell me about hue and saturation options blocked too? Is it enabled only on HDMI? I want to see saturation really bad, my colors aren't perfect without it i think ^^. Any help will be appreciated
by default both MBR and LightBoost are turned off. You don't need hue and saturatuion. They wont help you to make colors better. This monitor is for fast paced games not for beauty of colors.

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 04:19
by Granatnik
I know it isn't created for colors but i want to make them more the way i like them, on previous monitor i used more saturation so i want to do same here. I know hdmi limits 60hz but i read somewhere on this forum that it is possible to connect it with hdmi and save profiles with saturation or sth and use it on dvi and it is the only option to use this i think. I'll check it, needed to buy one hdmi cable anyway. Thanks for help guys.

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 02:00
by Granatnik
Sorry guys, i forgot to ask about instant mode and AMA - should i on these options? AMA has a off/high/premium options, which one to choose?

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 02:33
by Falkentyne
leave them at default.
Instant mode defaults to on. AMA defaults to high.

AMA high can be *slightly* improved (only on Version 4 firmware) by turning on blur reduction, going to AMA, pressing enter on "high to highlight it" then pressing "back" (instead of pressing enter again. If it was previously on off or premium then you can press enter). This reduces the overdrive intensity by about 5% on XL2411z and xl2420z. (XL2430T is untested). This is very subtle and it's easiest to tell at 60hz than it is at higher refresh rates (assuming Single strobe is "on"). This is an undocumented change.

AMA high can be massively improved and set to "Lightboost" level on XL2720Z (only on V4 firmware) by doing the same thing, but because the overdrive is drastically reduced, you must lower the contrast to 0-15 to prevent too much normal ghosting.
AMA "premium" On XL2720Z has the same toggle, but premium's toggle doe the same thing as the 24" Z's do on high...reduces the intensity by about 5%. This is also an undocumented change.

I do not know why the XL2720Z has such a massive improvement while the other ones don't. This may have been a test setting for the XL2730Z, which had not been released at that time of V4.

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 06:50
by Granatnik
I forgot to ask - what does strobe duty and strobe phase in benq service page do? i have strobe duty set on 020 and phase on 100. What are these settings? I noticed that with strobe utility its getting different. How much should i set on each one? Does it affect input lag or something else?

Re: Benq XL2411z fastest settings

Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 08:01
by Falkentyne
Strobe duty controls the persistence (amount of blur reduction with 0 being the dimmest screen and most amount of blur reduction and 30 being the brightest screen).

Strobe phase controls where the strobe pulse begins and ends and thus changes the position on the screen where the crosstalk is (basically where pixels are caught between transitions before or after a frame). Strobe phase at 100 (WITHOUT a vertical total tweak) gives the lowest input lag (basically indistinguishable from blur reduction off) but makes the bottom of the screen a mess while having the top fully crosstalk free.

Strobe phase 000 gives exactly 1 frame higher input lag (1 / hz x 1000=amount of input lag increase), but makes the bottom of the screen look much better, with just a small part of the top of the screen having crosstalk (the top crosstalk will ironically increase slightly as strobe DUTY is increased--no idea why).

Using a vertical total change (e.g. 1500 VT) extends the blanking interval by giving the screen more time to complete pixel transitions between blank intervals. Chief said that the default blanking period is around 0.5ms, and using a higher vertical total increases this to 2-4 ms. The effect of this is this pushes the bottom side crosstalk farther down the screen, so when strobe phase is 000, the top of the screen crosstalk will remain in the same position while the bottom gets pushed farther down or offscreen completely (for refresh rates of 80hz or lower that work with a VT 1500 tweak).

Using a VT 1500/1501/1502/1498 tweak (you will have to experiment to find which one does not cause strange strobe errors if you are using custom refresh rates) will LIMIT the maximum STROBE PHASE you can use, before the persistence starts dropping suddenly (increasing strobe phase WITH A VT Tweak active, will eventually cause a DECREASE in strobe duty, until the persistence reaches 0 ms, where the backlight shuts off).

The maximum strobe phase for a vertical total 1500 tweak at certain refresh rates are:
91hz: phase 67
100hz: phase 59
120hz: phase 49
125hz: phase 47.