Okey i will describe some additional information for people who want to understand things.
Split screen with stuck incorrect scaling even if you run game and it still persist - this can be "solved" by many things, reconnect cable / change resolution, reinstall drivers, i mean anything that can bring monitor via its software reboot.
If you have precise same stuck half split screen - its kinda rare occasion, but nothing good in that, even if you can easily remove it. Its a sign of... khm.
Okey from another side, main question is why it appeared, not how to remove it, but why it happend and why it persist especially while within PC recordings where is no split screen all seems almost normal. I achieved that for a reason, i played with freesync for a reason, tried to figuered out many things: why it not work and could it do damage to another system or not. Because Freesync its a Chip (processor) inside monitor, it work on its own software, which have access not only to GPU but to ram via DMA, i mean it has access to system/flags.
This means that display manufacturers are free to use whatever scaler hardware they like to implement FreeSync, so long as it supports the standard. As multiple scaler manufacturers produce FreeSync-compatible chips, this creates competition that drives prices down, which benefits the consumer.
Main reason i wanted to understand can this monitor do damage to new system, because i like this monitor (it better than Apple Thunderbolt 27). So i wanted to figuere out what is damaged: or/and -> Freesync/GPU/CPU registers/physical or/and virtual adresses - PCH. Your whole System (PC + Monitors and etc) - its Ram, Ram is everything in PC, Drivers - SoC (40% of CPU die its North Bridge) and PCH, they are two chipsets and they control/configure everything through Windows, electricity management, ram and software and all perephery. CPU itself(Cores) complex thing, but without chipsets its just brainded zombie. Chipsets give you as user maximum performance which you see with your eyes on screen and provide fastest speed access to any PC endpoints.
So if you saw my videos, you saw horizontal black bars - why horizontal? If you move text horizontaly it will washing out, but if you move text vertically it almost not washing out. I know why it happens but i will not tell, because anyway it cannot be physically fixed. I made these examples for you to test your PCs or other PCs to not drawn in madness even further, because it is hard to understand. - another test. Vertical almost not washing out. But if your freesync is working, both pictures will be smooth and readable. - but horizontal is another story. Again if freesync work, both pictures will be smooth and readable.
That's why i decided to post this information on Blurbusters forum, because they have golden benchmarks. And for that my big thank credit to you.
So about black bars, i saw them on my monitor in the moment of Windows startup, was booting crucial pcie i/o tasks/flags, and if i saw them on my monitor so it is a chain: CPU/PCH to RAM to GPU to Monitor's freesync. There is huge (90%) possibility that whole chain was damaged, and any of these components i cannot use on any other systems, synchronization/configuration was failed/damaged through Ram to all connected high speed devices. GPU could be wrongly configuered or even damaged through 3v PCIE slot from Ram and Monitor's Freesync too. These black bars and these symptoms tells only one thing: symptoms of hardware structure change -> goes incompatibility. After black bars, i noticed that in AE, Creative Media Window start to lose location. Main question is not why with shuting down PCIE controller it became nailed, the main question why it loses location with enabling drivers, i know answer for that, but i will no tell and actually the answer is very obvious.
And last one about black bars - security. In PC like devices main thing is security. If security would not triggered in that moment or not triggered at all, some lod inconviniences or permanent black bars on screen - it is the last thing i could worried about, could be much worse things - hdds could be damaged, vanished information and overall PC could burnout literally.
So about Monitor and Freesync. After that Ram incident, in a first day i noticed whining noise through my monitor (monitor has no internal speakers), these noises only happens when i switch hertz or/and enable/disable freesync through Nvidia panel, in a moment when monitors goes in reboot state i hear these noises from monitor, but when picture appears any noises dissapeared. The interesting part in that if i press turn off/on physical button on monitor and monitor shuts down or boot up from that button no noises, pure silent. Noises happens only when i changing something via software (hertz or freesync) in Windows.
So overall i give around 90% that this monitor is damaged, and it will do damage to new system.
An additional test for freesync & system: there is a third party software called CRU - nice programm, never failed and never damaged my config, so you can try to lower your Freesync treshold for 1-2 points, if your PC will stuck/blackscreened - bad sign - its a sign that not only freesync is not work, but that i/o system overall is stuck.
Befor Ram incident i could lower freesync rate to 38 hertz on that monitor - ... 3279vwfd8/ - now with any lowering treshold point = insta blackscreened and have to reset bios to bring PC to operate state.
Now for you Slender, your test with GPU cost you around 1000$, in my videos described not to do that for any reasons (never place used GPU to system which you like, but fact shows that you read another words, like: c'mon do it do it, this is an example that if you say to people what to do or not to do they do oposite things, break things is always easy, there is nothing to prove here all already proven long ago without your case (your example is one of many), with people shared different cases and perfectly showed the issue, it's only your attitude which led you to pay that price). And no one even tell you thank you for that, and you will realize what this "input-lalgers-sect" it is just a swamp. You decided to share and this is a huge step to bright future in a future and you showed that you are a man. Its good deed - that's why i said not words are matters, matters deeds. But if you watched my videos and read comments, i described that alot of people shared with me with some GPU maniputalions they bring thier PCs to that state (like for example bought used, thermal paste change, dust clean and etc). You even shared reddit case with that: ... issues_to/
Some day you will understand that whole "input-electrical-anomality-laggers" - its same issue caused by latencies via damaged system (symptoms of hardware structure change -> goes incompatibility -> something missing).
The main issue with this problem is People, people lie or/and not tell you everything or how they done these things, how they use hardware. I mean you dont know which windows he uses, how he dissasembled gpu from PC, how he dissambled radiator from GPU, how he placed holy paste on crystal, how he put gpu back. If he would done all right, his topic and his problem wouldnt ever exist.
Why with your system happend this? Only 2 things: or/and - GPU is broken, maybe this PC was activated with pirated Win activations, you dont know how they work, and there is a possibility that configuration was changed with GPU change and this key from activator not allowed you to do that. Same thing does OEM Keys OS laptop, they are very restrictive and you cannot reinstall OS on laptop.
And this is an opportunity to give you another advise for future, if you someday achieve ideal PC, you have to install OS only from that exact USB iso from which you did first Windows installation, to exclude any hypoteticall faults with reinstallation/configuration OS of your hardware.
Forget to mention, some high-end game developers like Rockstar for example, they use i/o possibilities to optimize performarnce and decrease load from CPU. That's mean that around 20-30% off GPU effects are lacking in open world like games on these systems, not in all games ofcourse but in few. For example if we take Resident Evil 4 - it has awesome RE Engine too, and it fully or almost (95%) is made for CPU. So if you play or record Re4 footage it will be same as on ideal system with one remark - on these systems desktop picture on monitor will be slightly blurry and in game too ofcourse (on monitor). You can test all by yourself, compare graphics with your games with youtube top videos. Make footages from your PC and see how they look on your phone / or/and via Smart TV hardware. Iphone ofcourse is better for that, because more than 50% of phone price you pay Apple for their software.
Overall im tired of describing this issue, i not only solved this problem, i shared & provided an exhausted info how to avoid in a future, how to test, how to build new PC and make things right from the start + big thank to people who shared with me all their exact moments after system start to work "different" - this information is golden too to prevent these things/mistakes in a future because all hardware is very expensive and these technologies are very fragile. I provided this even with realization that 50% of people as minimum not deserve that to see, but there are people who desire achieve this candy ideal PC and desire is so much, so for them i decided to share and save em from madness and to prevent em to make same mistakes all over again. There is no fix for these old systems, you have to take it and play / watch movies, use as server / renders , but without maximum performance. I know that to build what you want is very expensive. You have to change everything, build new from scratch because this issue could swim. Stabilizer is needed for new monitor/lan device, needed only retail Microsoft Windows boxed (if you not 100% sure that you are buying 100% retail boxed license you not buy). Ah and forgot to tell, better is to buy Z chipset - because the same as CPU, Chipset too can be performance or not perfrormance. Z chipset is maximum performance chipset, withouth PCH, CPU not start, GPU not start, nothing will start, same is for SoC. Overall how to make things right described in my videos / comments / posts, dont want to double. ... -brief.pdf - PCH is everything, it determine capabilities not only of your perephiry, it determine capability of CPU + voltage/electricity control inside system, same things does CPU's SoC = North Bridge, that's why exist high speed PCIE DMI interface - because they depend on each other. All what i described, same applies to Consoles / phones - Unlike its predecessor, the PlayStation 5 uses a modified SSD (SSD) instead of a hard drive, which includes the Oodle Kraken compression and decompression algorithm and the Oodle Texture Coding System. The new I/O subsystem can significantly improve the overall performance of the console - according to the statement of the leading architect Mark Cherni, the Kraken decompressor is equivalent in power to 9 cores Zen 2[14]. Also, SSD can now be used as a virtual RAM - thus, the PS5 can have more RAM than the declared 16 GB. The device includes a custom APU from AMD, which supports ray tracing technology, displaying an image with a resolution of 4K and frame rate up to 120 Hz.
Its totally user/human/shop-vendor factor fault. And first one is to blame for that it is user as user or/and as consumer. Because without a man will be no actions, people exist and they are not precise - its their nature and they does mistakes and its normal, sure sometime it expensive. Just remember money without brain never fix problems.
Good luck with your new setups!
And final bonus for to increase brain neurons speed: