[Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by 1000WATT » 25 Jan 2025, 14:20

Future wrote:
24 Jan 2025, 11:31
See, that's the problem. There was a guy here, who claimed that air purifier completely fixed his input lag issue. Or air humidifier, I might be wrong. Anyhow, that's possible... even theoretically. Air could make your mouse and keyboard switches sticky, your mouse sensor tricky, static could build up, mouse pad could become draggy. Then the same guy appears out of nowhere and he claims that the author of this thread helped him to solve his input lag problem building new pc.
Well, yes, this guy is texre. He already has about 10, 100% corrections. And each subsequent one is 100% better than the previous corrections. Autumn exacerbation, spring exacerbation.
I often do not clearly state my thoughts. google translate is far from perfect. And in addition to the translator, I myself am mistaken. Do not take me seriously.

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by TN_fun » 25 Jan 2025, 14:31

Tea wrote:
25 Jan 2025, 03:08

Hello, OP, I recorded my other computer and found that there was no "double cursor" problem (https://youtu.be/dt1dsoJ4EcI), which is very suspicious because I am sure that both of my computers have mouse problems, but only the new computer I have been using now does not have the "double cursor" problem. I also want to say that, believe it or not, I found in the Internet cafe that their computers have no mouse problems, everything is very fast and accurate, they use a diskless system, and connect computers through servers and network cables, and most importantly, all their computers use pirated systems! I really want to know the answer
How did you do that? What did you use to record obs shadowplay?
texre wrote:
25 Jan 2025, 12:21
I don’t know how I can help but I definitely want to help. My gaming experience the last 2 months have been so amazing. Building this pc all I can remember me saying in my head “this zdcross guy is full of it” then my first load up of windows it was so different looking ik something was either right or wrong. But my games are super consistent I get better everyday now. If you guys want help or clips or anything let me know. And zdcross I seriously can’t thank you enough lol I need to send gift.
What about double cursor? You can record your screen and drag windows. For example, shadowplay or obs.

There(on youtube) are already people who are trying to cheat here. Making fake recordings, passing off an obs recording as a shadowplay recording. It's funny.

let's at least sort out these double cursors.

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by 1000WATT » 25 Jan 2025, 14:43

And you're here, we'll gather everyone together soon)
TN_fun wrote: let's at least sort out these double cursors.
Let's wait for Z3CrosS first.
He will confirm the miracle. The ideal PC has been found.
I often do not clearly state my thoughts. google translate is far from perfect. And in addition to the translator, I myself am mistaken. Do not take me seriously.

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by Future » 25 Jan 2025, 14:44

1000WATT wrote:
25 Jan 2025, 14:20
Future wrote:
24 Jan 2025, 11:31
See, that's the problem. There was a guy here, who claimed that air purifier completely fixed his input lag issue. Or air humidifier, I might be wrong. Anyhow, that's possible... even theoretically. Air could make your mouse and keyboard switches sticky, your mouse sensor tricky, static could build up, mouse pad could become draggy. Then the same guy appears out of nowhere and he claims that the author of this thread helped him to solve his input lag problem building new pc.
Well, yes, this guy is texre. He already has about 10, 100% corrections. And each subsequent one is 100% better than the previous corrections. Autumn exacerbation, spring exacerbation.
And it was me who demystified his experience with different devices all along... :lol:

The main problem of this thread is that people tend to not realize that even if hypothetically they have input lag problems, buying new pc does not guarantee solution to the problem. You will definitely see better numbers in terms of FPS and response time of the system but your input latency issues might be caused by too many different factors, even nocebo ones. Yes, if you had unstable framerates and bad HDD/SSD, bad ram stick that would cause system instabilities which result in input lag, but they are completely trackable and solvable. Same with the people who think their network inconsistencies are input lag. Yes, in online games bufferbloat, jitter and packet loss would definitely impact the overall input/output feeling of the game, but again - trackable and solvable. Same with the scaling issues on the previous pages - I'm amazed that people can't make a difference between different windows scaling settings, game scaling settings, video driver scaling settings and how they affect the overall feeling of the game. The difference on non-native resolutions is absurdly huge, let alone if the game does the scaling. The other and bigger problem is that as I said people here tend to put every issue under one common denominator - input lag. Their problem might be completely different and easy to solve but they dive into the deep waters and it hits them hard when they realize how much money and time they've wasted without any results. Like a friend of mine, who has hyperhidrosis - condition where your hands become sweaty for no reason and his mouse skates stick to his mouse pad thanks to the sweat. He was searching for a solution to his "input lag problem and it turned out to be washing his hands with cold water and dish soap before each gaming session. Everyone who claims that he has input lag MUST first look at his own numbers - fps, frametimes, jitter, packet loss, thermals, obvious bottleneck.

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by Aadam » 28 Jan 2025, 02:15

I have read the article but i don't understand how can i confirm that my pc is suffering from this issue let me know. I'm moving to a new country in a month so if my pc is suffering from this issue i am willing to sell all of it and build a new one from the start as you have mentioned.

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by Future » 28 Jan 2025, 05:44

Aadam wrote:
28 Jan 2025, 02:15
I have read the article but i don't understand how can i confirm that my pc is suffering from this issue let me know. I'm moving to a new country in a month so if my pc is suffering from this issue i am willing to sell all of it and build a new one from the start as you have mentioned.
That's easy. Run benchmarks and stress tests. Your system has the usual numbers and everything is okay with the temps? Then nothing to worry about and the cause of your input lag problem is not your hardware.

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by Z3CrosS » 31 Jan 2025, 10:10

dervu wrote:
20 Jan 2025, 07:07
Z3CrosS wrote:
17 Oct 2024, 11:40
Sad to hear really
One man who watched my videos shared with me:
Thank him for sharing, awesome footage. He sold that PC and still sit on this old laptop
If your laptops works in a same incorrect way like your main PC, sell laptops or leave em be.
This test is flawed, as first system is Windows 10 with only Windows 10 capture mode available which doesn't add cursor by default, you have to have it ticked to show cursor (ticked by default), so you will never get duplicated cursor.

Second system has Windows 11 where you have two capture modes available:
- DXGI - where cursor is captured with all frame from GPU ( ticking capture cursor adds software another one on top of it - so duplicating it)
- Windows 10 mode - where cursor would not be present until you tick to capture it, same as on Windows 10 with same mode

Show recording for those two systems with Win 11 where recording is showing what capture method is used (same method selected) and then if there is any difference it might mean something otherwise this is not confirmation of anything.
1. Before writing this, you have to ask yourself what is the difference between shadowplay recording vs obs recording and any other recordings.
2. I provided benchmarks & footages for people/gamers salvation/happiness, with which you can test by yourself on any machines to not be scammed and this will lead you to your desire
3. What you are doing here is you are trying to scamm yourself - its next level of madness. Picture is totally fit here, but anyway you are starting to understand.
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Last edited by Z3CrosS on 31 Jan 2025, 13:08, edited 1 time in total.
I think that i don't think

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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by Z3CrosS » 31 Jan 2025, 10:15

Future wrote:
28 Jan 2025, 05:44
Aadam wrote:
28 Jan 2025, 02:15
I have read the article but i don't understand how can i confirm that my pc is suffering from this issue let me know. I'm moving to a new country in a month so if my pc is suffering from this issue i am willing to sell all of it and build a new one from the start as you have mentioned.
That's easy. Run benchmarks and stress tests. Your system has the usual numbers and everything is okay with the temps? Then nothing to worry about and the cause of your input lag problem is not your hardware.
1. Your system has the usual numbers and everything is okay with the temps? - are you sure that your numbers are okey and temps?
2. Then nothing to worry about - sure, especially if to read 1. qoute
3. The cause of your input lag problem is not your hardware - its Sun radiation or/and neighbors PSI generators?

This is not even an advise, here it's worse than nothing, whole expression is faulty from man who do not understand which numbers are correct and even where to watch and still advise something, which is not an advise in a first place, it's just nothing and worse than nothing because it's faulty again (round and round).

And i can make a hint, if you did not realized yet, i'm that guy who solved this 10y your faulty calling issue "input lag anomality" and i do not care do you like it or not, it's a fact. Name of this issue is damaged chipsets or incorrect working chipsets, call it as you like.
Last edited by Z3CrosS on 31 Jan 2025, 11:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Solved] Wrong Lod Bias | Jitters (Desync) - Damaged I/O System (Chipsets)

Post by Z3CrosS » 31 Jan 2025, 10:25

Aadam wrote:
28 Jan 2025, 02:15
I have read the article but i don't understand how can i confirm that my pc is suffering from this issue let me know. I'm moving to a new country in a month so if my pc is suffering from this issue i am willing to sell all of it and build a new one from the start as you have mentioned.
Nothing will change with location change. You bring incorrect working device in another place. My videos shows culprit, and the easiest one benchmark is double cursor test, you have to record with shadowplay and see one mouse or two on recorded footage, if you have two mouse as i showed in my 3rd video, so yes it's same issue. Must be one cursor on recording. If you have two, read Act2, and minimum what you have to change is CPU & board in the same time (and board must be "peoples" board, or atleast not cheapier than 170$ for B chipset, cpu and board must be 101% new without any excuse), and if in your country there is no Microsoft offices, use non activated Windows from Media Creation Tool (its the safest variant) till you can achieve true genuine Win.
Last edited by Z3CrosS on 31 Jan 2025, 10:56, edited 1 time in total.
I think that i don't think

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