Are slight frametime spikes normal?

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Joined: 24 Jan 2024, 14:02

Are slight frametime spikes normal?

Post by benjji1 » 26 May 2024, 04:40

ive been playing Elder scrolls online recently, and im having a constant small frametime spike in an otherwise flat graph. is this normal? could it be texture streaming or something? its not a big spike, barely even an added ms, the spike is more pronounced when panning the camera but it still does it even when looking at a wall. i was also trying to figure out why my camera feels a bit floaty when panning, with both mouse and controller. albeit i think that issue is more with me than anything else because everyone ive tried to show doesnt see what i do.
SPECS: 3090 fe
32gb ddr4 corsair vengence ram (was replaced recently, but isnt amd certified. could it be this?)
game on NVME SSD
Gsync and vsync (nvidia control panel) is enabled and in game vsync is disabled.
thanks alot for any help, things like this i get pretty obsessive over.

Posts: 20
Joined: 24 Jan 2024, 14:02

Re: Are slight frametime spikes normal?

Post by benjji1 » 26 May 2024, 04:43

would like to add there is no thermal throttling, nor any overclock, (except XMP if you count that) with most recent chipset drivers and nvidia 551.86 driver installed with nvcleanstall.

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