Does true full screen exclusive still exists in Win11?

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Re: Does true full screen exclusive still exists in Win11?

Post by wtfisgoingon » 25 Jan 2025, 08:22

matrox-40 wrote:
22 Jan 2025, 07:16
Yes you are correct I believe and I wish something happens from iRacing side to get it sorted. After several months since I started topic here, iRacing also keeps updating, Windows updates, nVidia updates...there is almost no possibility to make long term tests with the same stable version. Currently I see still microstuttering but it's not exact the same as it was. I feel that distant objects (like trees hills etc) are stuttering as earlier, but for example closer objects like signs fences cones are more fluid. But still it may vary day-to-day.

But just answering topic question, I think there is no sense anymore to expect/desire full screen exclusive anymore with the way Windows progresses. When I learned all that stuff about presentation models, variety of options that are there, it's a pity it's not just all growing next to stabilized FSE. For your well being they just decided true FSE is not there (windowed borderless imitates FSE), they develop much more complicated scenarios which many users possibly don't need or even don't want.
Greetings! I'm quickly replying so that it doesn't slip my mind later to read the whole thread when you reply..

I haven't been on here for awhile and I just happened to be stuck sitting waiting for seemingly-ever for a train and stumbled on to this thread. The train is nearly cleared but I might have some ideas and be able to help a little later today when I'm at home.

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Re: Does true full screen exclusive still exists in Win11?

Post by 1000WATT » 27 Jan 2025, 09:30

matrox-40 wrote:
Forgot about this thread.
There is another option, check this method.
But I don't know how the anti-cheat will react if it exists.
I often do not clearly state my thoughts. google translate is far from perfect. And in addition to the translator, I myself am mistaken. Do not take me seriously.

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