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Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 22 May 2016, 23:52
by Sparky
Don't worry about it.

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 24 May 2016, 07:57
by Jbinn
I'm selling my computer, can't stand this anymore :-/

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 24 May 2016, 10:14
by Glide
Jbinn wrote:I'm selling my computer, can't stand this anymore :-/
Seems like a mistake when replacing your monitor should fix this.

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 24 May 2016, 17:24
by Jbinn
Glide wrote:
Jbinn wrote:I'm selling my computer, can't stand this anymore :-/
Seems like a mistake when replacing your monitor should fix this.
Seems like a mistake to keep it when I have to buy a $300 monitor to make my PC work properly.

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 24 May 2016, 18:03
by Sparky
Jbinn wrote:
Glide wrote:
Jbinn wrote:I'm selling my computer, can't stand this anymore :-/
Seems like a mistake when replacing your monitor should fix this.
Seems like a mistake to keep it when I have to buy a $300 monitor to make my PC work properly.
So you're just not going to play any games?

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 25 May 2016, 13:41
by Jbinn
Sparky wrote:
Jbinn wrote:
Glide wrote:
Jbinn wrote:I'm selling my computer, can't stand this anymore :-/
Seems like a mistake when replacing your monitor should fix this.
Seems like a mistake to keep it when I have to buy a $300 monitor to make my PC work properly.
So you're just not going to play any games?
I mean I can't get into them or enjoy them the immersion is broken with this stutter... and in competitive games it causes me to miss shots that I normally wouldn't. I don't know what else to do I don't have $350 for a monitor right now... I just feel like I'm being robbed of what PC gaming should be and the enjoyment I used to have.

Just doesn't seem fair when one person can have a smooth experience while the next doesn't. Regardless of if this is normal or not I have never noticed it before and I don't see how I wouldn't have. I've searched google for months upon months for answers and I've found topics similar to mine with no answer everyone just says the same thing VSYNC or VRR monitor... Yet I can't even stream anymore because when I do it gets twice as bad... I just don't know what to do anymore, I'm not smart enough to diagnose and fix it by myself,. The graphics I got from FRAPS make zero sense, what you guys are telling me doesnt correlate to the problem I'm at my ends with this, never had issues with my consoles like this. Sure I can play single player games just fine and old games where I get over 200-300fps but anything new or demanding or anything multiplayer forget about it. It doesnt make sense if this was normal I feel like it would be more widely complained about I feel like there would be more stutter in youtube videos like I have in mine. I literally watched 100's of youtube videos last night to see if I could see anyone else having my issues and nope all of their games are butter smooth I feel if my issue was normal that other youtube videos would present this but no they don't. Not sure what it's but I can't stand it anymore. I couldn't find a single World of Warships or battlefield 4 video with stutter or judder even ones with low FPS and not running 60fps were smoother than my videos.

and it sucks because I just built this PC and spent $1100 on it and even if I put it on craigslist I'll be lucky to get $900 out of it so I'm going to lose $200 on a brand new computer I just built. I scrapped my last build and started new because of this issue and it didn't seem to fix it, I just don't get it I built my friends 2 PC's and both of them ran flawless, I built 2 PC's and they both do this. The only game I can play right now without VSYNC is CSGO and that's only because I get 300fps, if I stream CSGO it drops to 240fps and it starts to stutter again. I was playing BIOSHOCK last night and it ran GREAT but I was also getting 260FPS. I tried getting into battlefield 4 and couldnt the stutter was bad even at 100fps.

The videos I posted definitely don't do it justice... Imagine it being like twice as worse as the videos basically when I pan my camera its massive stutter I don't even see any screen tearing. I think I'll try RMA'ing the GPU and if that doesn't work I'm done I'm just going to sell it and cut my losses.

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 25 May 2016, 15:14
by Glide
Jbinn wrote:I've searched google for months upon months for answers and I've found topics similar to mine with no answer everyone just says the same thing VSYNC or VRR monitor.
If you've been searching for months to "find an answer", and you're only getting one answer back, you have to recognize that this is the answer.
Just because you don't like the answer you're getting, does not change reality.
You cannot change how the hardware/software works by wishing it were different.
Jbinn wrote: I scrapped my last build and started new because of this issue and it didn't seem to fix it
It didn't "fix anything" because your hardware is performing as expected.
Variable refresh rate displays exist because people weren't happy with the performance they were getting with fixed refresh-rate displays.
Jbinn wrote:it sucks because I just built this PC and spent $1100 on it and even if I put it on craigslist I'll be lucky to get $900 out of it so I'm going to lose $200 on a brand new computer I just built.
How does it make sense to get rid of a second system and lose $200+ vs selling your current monitor and replacing it with a variable refresh rate one?

We have told you the problem over and over, and yet you keep saying that "no, that can't be it, something must be wrong".
You're doing this to yourself.

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 27 May 2016, 21:34
by RealNC
This thread is too long to read, but your issue is caused by running in windowed mode with Aero enabled instead of exclusive fullscreen or windowed mode with Aero disabled (which can only be done in Windows 7; in Windows 8 and 10 you can't disable Aero).

You have three options:

1. Fullscreen mode with vsync off. You'll get tearing though, unless you can reach very high FPS (400FPS makes tearing almost unnoticeable.)

2. Fullscreen mode with vsync on. You'll get some input lag. With a 120 or 144Hz monitor (and 120 or 144FPS) the input lag is much less.

3. Buy a G-Sync (if you're on NVidia) or FreeSync (if you're on AMD) monitor.

There's another "half-option", which involves having a 120 or 144Hz monitor and capping your framerate to the half of the refresh rate and enabling vsync. For example, if you have a 144Hz monitor, you can enable vsync and cap your FPS to 72 (with 120Hz, cap to 60FPS). This will make it easier to keep a consistent framerate while having low input lag (the capping to half the refresh on 120Hz/144Hz does reduce input lag by a good margin.) This solution is basically the "poor man's G-Sync." You can cap the framerate of all games with RTSS (RivaTuner Statistics Server, which comes with MSI Afterburner.) Do NOT use "half refresh adaptive vsync" or the nvidia inspector frame limiter. Either use RTSS or the in-game frame limiter if the game has such an option (like fps_max in counter-strike.) It is important that you use a 120Hz or 144Hz mode for this to work. If you run a game in 60Hz mode, this method won't do much.

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 29 May 2016, 13:24
by Jbinn
RealNC wrote:This thread is too long to read, but your issue is caused by running in windowed mode with Aero enabled instead of exclusive fullscreen or windowed mode with Aero disabled (which can only be done in Windows 7; in Windows 8 and 10 you can't disable Aero).

You have three options:

1. Fullscreen mode with vsync off. You'll get tearing though, unless you can reach very high FPS (400FPS makes tearing almost unnoticeable.)

2. Fullscreen mode with vsync on. You'll get some input lag. With a 120 or 144Hz monitor (and 120 or 144FPS) the input lag is much less.

3. Buy a G-Sync (if you're on NVidia) or FreeSync (if you're on AMD) monitor.

There's another "half-option", which involves having a 120 or 144Hz monitor and capping your framerate to the half of the refresh rate and enabling vsync. For example, if you have a 144Hz monitor, you can enable vsync and cap your FPS to 72 (with 120Hz, cap to 60FPS). This will make it easier to keep a consistent framerate while having low input lag (the capping to half the refresh on 120Hz/144Hz does reduce input lag by a good margin.) This solution is basically the "poor man's G-Sync." You can cap the framerate of all games with RTSS (RivaTuner Statistics Server, which comes with MSI Afterburner.) Do NOT use "half refresh adaptive vsync" or the nvidia inspector frame limiter. Either use RTSS or the in-game frame limiter if the game has such an option (like fps_max in counter-strike.) It is important that you use a 120Hz or 144Hz mode for this to work. If you run a game in 60Hz mode, this method won't do much.
If you read the whole topic or at least the first 2 pages you would have seen all of this was covered. Some of these things do help my issue but none of them fix it completely, except VSYNC which is not an option in more than half of my games. I guess I'll invest in a freesync monitor which is complete bs because ive never had these issues before. I am honestly about done with PC gaming after all of this. Between bad unoptimized performance and all the alpha titles that are never finished I really don't even see a reason to stay on PC anymore when a PS4 can give me close to the same performance without stuttering for $300. I'm just so done with this crap.

Never had a damn issue with stutter before, screen tearing doesn't bother me but that's not my issue here, I wish it was.

Re: All games have massive Frame Rate Judder.

Posted: 29 May 2016, 13:51
by Glide
I think you'll be in for an unpleasant surprise if you bought a PS4 considering that you find V-Sync unacceptable and consoles don't give you the option to disable it.
Stuttering is absolutely a problem on PS4, and the framerate is already much lower to begin with. Bloodborne is a complete mess for example.

I'd still recommend that you switch back to NVIDIA and buy a G-Sync display if you want the smoothest gaming experience possible, but FreeSync is the less expensive option and should still bring a huge improvement.