05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Everything about displays and monitors. 120Hz, 144Hz, 240Hz, 4K, 1440p, input lag, display shopping, monitor purchase decisions, compare, versus, debate, and more. Questions? Just ask!
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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by Adept4k » 26 Jun 2020, 02:41

RLCScontender wrote:
25 Jun 2020, 04:55
part 1 acer predator xb273x cont...


one main advantage of 1080p 27" is, things are larger which means better precision when shooting in rocket league, or sniping/shooting for FPS, etc.

vs TN

Only a very small % of TN is faster in terms of G2G response times. Even then the xb3, predator has .03ms input lag(negligible processing latency). This xb3 model has the new g-sync specific MODULE. This module allows freesync GPU owners to be able to play on it. It also allows HDMI-VRR and HDMI 2.0 which is also the FIRST of its kind.

If i had to pick the best candidate to basically beat any TN user, the xb273x would rank #1. (this is presuming that your SKILL and the TN user's skill is similar/equal to and the sample size is enough to the point where the person with the lower input lag will eventually win a vast majority of games.
RLCScontender, cant you test the Zowie xl2746s so we can get a comparison with one of the most used panels in competitive gaming? There’s NOBODY reviewing the Zowies. I’m really curious to know IF the Acer could stand up against it. Especially as the price is almost half of the Zowie panel

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by Siye » 26 Jun 2020, 03:57

Blehhh wrote:
26 Jun 2020, 02:20
Siye wrote:
25 Jun 2020, 04:50
Can someone correct me if im wrong. So im looking at the ASUS VG259QM as currently its the only monitor i can find to buy on amazon in the UK currently. I may wait for another monitor or wait to see if the MSI becomes in stock.....if this doesnt give me what im looking for. Iv made previous comments in regards to my sitution, still seeking help before i pull the trigger on buying it from amazon as 530 pounds which is like 600 dollars (Yes thats acctually the current price, not 320 like some of you US guys payed). So my questions are and from information iv gathered:-

At 240 @ 80 OD is gtg is 3.6ms

however monitor is best at 280 @ 80 OD if you reach the higher frame rates? but it gives a g2g time is reduced to 4.0ms despite being a higher refresh rate which is 0.4ms less but the trade off is better motion clarity? and every better with elmb (with a further 1.1ms added) if you can stay above 200 fps? Is this correct? what frames would i have to be hitting to make 280@80 worth while in practice?

If you cant reach 200 fps+ in the current game is it best to use 240@80 and you will get a better responce time or do you just stick to 280? i take it the better motion clarity is only a thing when over 240 fps or no? do you get better motion clarity regardless at 280@80 OD?

IS all of this what iv said accurate? Im no monitor expert and in desperate need of advice before i purchase. Litterally sat waiting on one or more of you knowledgable guys on here to give me the information i need or steer me clear of making the wrong choice? from what i can see its a solid monitor (only one i can get rn as stated).
Im no monitor expert either (so anyone can correct me if im wrong) but it seems like u wanting to buy the VG 259QM the 25inch version right. and the results you show seems to be taken from Tftcentral VG279QM the 27inch version. is still 2 different monitor using 2 different panels, the results will vary in terms of response time and input lag. :S
just letting you know before you purchase and cant return it.
yes your correct, however it seems that the ASUS 25 inch panel according to people on here is the better of the two panels 25/27 inch. It shares the same panel as the MSI if im not mistaken. Im just waiting for a the part 3 coming soon, as iv asked many questions on the monitor with no responce. I understand people like to comepare there findings etc. But isnt the whole point to help the buyer? I was hoping someone would have told me what i need to know by now... Thanks for the reply and im just going to hold out a few days and hope to find the information i need to justify my purchase.

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by sk1p » 26 Jun 2020, 08:01

RLCScontender, how do you think, does Acer Predator XB253QGX have the same input lag as XB273x?

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by Kryptik » 26 Jun 2020, 17:43

RLCScontender wrote:
25 Jun 2020, 01:49


do you have an srgb color profile to camp the gamut to 99% srgb?
Not sure what you mean. I did the calibration using the default racing mode not sRGB mode. They looked the same to me anyways.
Are you suggesting to do recalibration using sRGB mode?

I'm happy with how the color look at the moment. 98.6% to 99% probably wouldn't be anything noticeable. I might do another calibration later though.

I'm more concerned about ELMB sync..Not sure if it's doing anything. I thought it's supposed to make the screen darker but I'm not seeing any shift in brightness.

Does using any overdrive or ELMB sync add any input lag at all?..I'm not noticing any major or noticeable effect using them in quake. Only using OD at 100 it becomes noticeable but it doesn't look good. I'm doing most of the testing at 240hz btw.

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by RLCSContender* » 26 Jun 2020, 22:06

part 1.5 INPUT LAG Acer Predator xb273x review cont..., the #1 overall LOWEST input lag out of any monitor that isn't a CRT display

. Sorry for the delay gentlemen but chief brought up a very important point. I really had to figure out how my friend james got those numbers of .03ms input lag because i too was skeptical. I belileve response times and input lag is the #1 most important variable when it comes to buying these expensive monitors and because this topic gets a lot of traffic, the UTMOST ACCURACY of these tests HAS to be backed up by evidence and explanations.

I called james(electrical engineer) he told me that the 0.03ms input lag was put in there out of formality. It should be less than 0.03ms input lag. His oscilloscope doesn't measure wavelengths in the 0.001(thousandths) he still has to include a number out of formality purposes.

There are a variety of ways to measure input lag. Some use human benchmarks, some use SMTT devices, and a wide variety of ways. in my opinion, the most accurate way of measuring input lag is

1. photodiode Image

2. oscilloscope(this is my budget oscilloscope to measure the slower IPS monitors) Image

I own multiple oscilloscopes(3) but only 1 kind of photodiode which is more than sufficient enough to estrapolate those wavelengths+input stimuli.

Perceived input lag (display lag) 1.27ms(half of my pixel g2g response time measurements) also known as response time element

0.01ms ACTUAL INPUT LAG(how snappy you feel when pressing a button relative to the game u are playing)(the moment you press a button, it should be instantaneous. 0.01ms signal processing lag.

why 1.27? Because for me, it doesn't take the whole pixel transition to perceive the g2g color changes(although i only speak for myself, i have 20/20 vision) of the 2.54 pixel response time that i measured on this monitor. . 1.27ms (or half of the g2g respones times) is a safe bet. Then again, i DO NOT CONSIDER THIS INPUT LAG, I CONSIDER the non-existent processing delay input lag because that is when you press the button and the thiing u are controlling on the monitor will instantly move.

Hopefully i got that cleared up for everyone. I don't know how monitors work exactly, but i can measure the changes of colors thanks to my engineering background with the relevant tools that i own. I get that this post may sound pretentious, but i have to be because as a consumer, i want to set a good point of reference to the consumers since consumers tend to be biased towards those bogus review websites.


1.28ms input lag of total display lag+processing lag

.01ms input lag(the amount of time AFter pressing a button, the soldier/character/car/batman/hipster/dog/mario/sonic/etc you are controlling will move(how snappy u feel)

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by thaleskbulozo » 27 Jun 2020, 00:41

Entao pessoal qual monitor atual com painel ips a 240hz voces me recomendam?

Pretendo jogar com uma rtx2080ti, jogos como AAA ou competitivo Es.
gostaria de um monitor com boa resposta e movimentaçao fluida, no range de 130 fps à 240 fps
sem distorçao de imagem ou fantasmas... oque seria melhor G sync , ou Gsync compatible+ Freesync

lembrando que quero ter uma boa fluidez nos jogos

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by thaleskbulozo » 27 Jun 2020, 02:18

1 - Acer Predator XB253Q Gxbmiiprzx 24,5 G sync compatible
2 - XB273 Xbmiprzx 27" G sync native
3 - MSI OPTIX MAG251RX 25'

Acer de 24.5 se compara ao xb273? Gsync compatible ou G sync native qual melhor, para toda faixa de 130 hz a 240 hz?

estou na duvida entre os tres, quero um monitor rapido e pequeno (24.5)

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by RestTarRr » 27 Jun 2020, 12:41

+1 on hoping for a comparison with xl2546s

RLCS is heavily advocating for IPS panels but people want/need to see black and white comparison against the best TN panels so they can make a final and educated decision.

input lag is important but so is response time, clarity, motion blur, black EQ etc. and no site has reviews for this monitor. It'd be really great if RLCS could do a detailed review of it so that we can choose between xl2546s, mag251rx or the xb253q.

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Re: 05/22/2020 UPDATE. The IPS 240hz monitor tier list.(I've measured/tried the all) and my honest explanation why.

Post by PixelDuck87 » 27 Jun 2020, 12:49

I'm hopelessly confused here...

Rtings tested vg279qm and came up with 1.7ms input lag that's 1700 microseconds. You are talking about 0.03ms (30microseconds) input lag on the predator?
