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HP X34 IPS ... is it recommended?

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 10:22
by RostokMcSpoons

I've just upgraded my PC so maybe it's time to replace my trusty Benq XL2720 for something with a higher resolution to take advantage of the extra horsepower (3080 replaces 1070ti, i7 12k replaces i5 9k etc)

An ultrawide appeals as I've done the 3 monitor thang before (but in the end I didn't like the bezels and the 60ish framerate I was getting) so I'm fine with a bit of image stretch at the edges. The screen width will help my programming day job too.

I mostly play Battlefield and CoD games so clarity of image is very important at high fps. I'm willing to sacrifice fancy graphics to get above 100fps, but they have to be nice and crisp.

Budget is restricted to £500 as I went a bit overboard on the PC spec ;)

I've been watching review videos, and I had the Sammy G5 34" high on my list, but then saw about the dark smearing etc common to VA panels, so IPS seems to be the way to go? The HP G34 is currently on offer at £320 which seems excellent value. Can anyone critique or suggest alternatives?