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Damaged matrix Benq Zowie XL2546k

Posted: 04 Jul 2023, 19:48
by Pitereeek
Recently I bought a used Benq Zowie XL2546k monitor, unfortunately the monitor was damaged (broken matrix) during transport, my question is - is such a monitor still worth anything, or is it only suitable for a landfill?

Re: Damaged matrix Benq Zowie XL2546k

Posted: 05 Jul 2023, 03:44
by Chief Blur Buster
Depends on how handy you are.

(A) When selling, the monitor can be be useful as parts.

(B) The panel might be replaceable by a standalone panel from Alibaba/Aliexpress.

These panels may be somewhat standardized in the sense that multiple manufacturers share many 240Hz panels. But might have Zowie customizations (due to DyAc). You'd have to find out which panel part it is (e.g. panellook) and get the right panel, and transplant BenQ/Zowie's motherboard (scaler/TCON) to it. I have heard of a small few doing this, but it takes a person who knows what they are doing.

But, for the inexperienced, it is a lot of work to replace the LCD on these panels, though. And easy to accidentally get an incompatible panel. In the past, replacement panels (if you find the correct one), was typically only several tens of dollars (under $100) but the chinese parts supply crisis pushed some of these parts way up in price, especially for niche panels that are no longer stockpiled in large quantities. Depends on how lucky you get!

It may be easiest, however, to attempt a sell on eBay -- broken esports monitors typically sell for a few tens of dollars for repairers who need them to repair other monitors, or attempt self-repair. It may be practical if you have the original shipping box, but shipping cost of a monitor will be fairly high ($100+ even for same country).

Sending it to a local electronics recycler (even when having to pay a fee, such as $5), is temptingly easier in this case, though.

Re: Damaged matrix Benq Zowie XL2546k

Posted: 05 Jul 2023, 10:10
by speancer
Why not complain to the deliverer? It's their responsibility. Unless you damaged it yourself during transportation somehow, you should file a complaint. Don't know where you live but here the carrier would absolutely be held responsible for the damage.