240hz 1080p monitors EU region

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240hz 1080p monitors EU region

Post by Kurse00 » 04 May 2024, 17:46

Hello guys I recently sold my old 2546k monitor and I was looking for and "upgrade" I end up buying the XL2546X but sadly came in with a defect (dark pixel on center the screen) now its sitting there in the box to return.
Now Im stuck here because I dont know if when try my luck again on same monitor after the return progress or just buy something new.
I feel like going for zowie monitors we sacrifice a lot for other uses than some fps games, I dont watch much content on pc but when I had my MAG251RX it was much better experience all around.
I feel being in EU makes buying monitors harder I go amazon US and I find good monitors always available and good price per example the Acer 390hz and the Viewsonic XG 2431, for me the viewsonic is double the price and the acer almost non existent.
I could buy another MAG251RX but unavailable every store I try.
The market now its shifted for OLED and 1440p resolution and feels like 240hz 1080p for competitive gaming only zowie and viewsonic is the way to go because it has great motion clarity.
I dont know what to do now, using old xl2540k as a backup, Im starting contemplating the idea of using a old CRT at this point because to have the best motion clarity and colors for 1080p doesnt seem what companies are focusing now.
Any advice what to do or what monitor to get? I play mostly cs2 nowadays not focusing on max rank or anything like that just dming to keep my aim sharp. Here the wise choice would be a zowie monitor but sometimes I also like play story games like Final Fantasy VII remake, GTA V, Witcher etc..

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