XL2546K vs. XL2411K input lag comparison

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XL2546K vs. XL2411K input lag comparison

Post by phaze » 22 May 2021, 05:19


Im an Esports player who currently focusing on Valorant, Switched from CSGO.
Now im about to buy a monitor but my pc isnt constantly generating 240fps. So I was considering the XL2411K for now, but at the same time I wanted to finish the band of a monitor so I dont consider it again for a few more years even when I got a better pc.

So I wanna know if there is a huge difference between the Input latency of XL2546K and XL2411K or the performance of both is almost unoticable.

Also is the XL2411K uses better components than XL2411P? And is the K better in terms of performance?

Thanks in advance.

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