Lossless Scaling LSFG + 48 FPS video is insane

Discussion about 120fps HFR as well as future Ultra HFR (240fps, 480fps and 1000fps) playing back in real time on high refresh rate displays. See Ultra HFR HOWTO for bleeding edge experimentation.
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Lossless Scaling LSFG + 48 FPS video is insane

Post by blurfreeCRTGimp » 27 Nov 2024, 15:44

I have my BenQ XL2720 OC'd to 180hz and I have been using Lossless Scaling religiously for its frame generation.

Since 180hz is 5.5 ms of persistence, and I wanted to see how HFR video could look on my LCD, I watched some clips from Youtube that were frame doubled with AI to 48 FPS. I then used LSFG with FSR upscaling scaling and sharpening to boost that 48 fps by 4x to 192 FPS.

With that many frames and with backlight strobing, it made for a very pleasant refresh rate=strobe rate=frame rate image that resolves 1200 pixels per second in motion with minimal artifacting.

I advise anyone with an ultrahigh refresh rate disp;ay to try it.

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