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VSync/blank timing for Nintendo Switch

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 05:56
by noodalls
Hello, first time post, long time enthusiast for input lag testing. I think I have got a few tweet-replies from Blur Busters for some of the things i have posted on twitter.

The question I have, which I can't find an answer for but hope this would be the right place to ask, is what is the HDMI timing for the Nintendo Switch. I have written my own input lag software, but it tends to fall apart when the timings are not standard. PS4/PS5 1080p60 work fine, with 1125 scanlines, however the Switch seems to be using something non-standard. As best as I can calculate it seems to be about 1130 scanlines, but this doesn't seem to fit with any known standard.

Sorry if this information is out there somewhere already, I have searched and couldn't find what I was after.