Guys please do this quick test for me | Way to measure input lag

Separate area for niche lag issues including unexpected causes and/or electromagnetic interference (ECC = retransmits = lag). Interference (EMI, EMF) of all kinds (wired, wireless, external, internal, environment, bad component) can cause error-correction latencies like a bad modem connection. Troubleshooting may require university degree. Your lag issue is likely not EMI. Please read this before entering sub-forum.
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This subforum is for advanced users only. This separate area is for niche or unexpected lag issues such as electromagnetic interference (EMI, EMF, electrical, radiofrequency, etc). Interference of all kinds (wired, wireless, external, internal, environment, bad component) can cause error-correction (ECC) latencies like a bad modem connection, except internally in a circuit. ECC = retransmits = lag. Troubleshooting may require university degree. Your lag issue is likely not EMI.
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Guys please do this quick test for me | Way to measure input lag

Post by internetexplorer4 » 03 Mar 2024, 22:08


this is the test I'm asking for you guys to do if you have logitech mouse:

- open ghub
- go to assignments
- create a new macro and set it to toggle
- click on start now, record keystrokes
- press Z one time and X one time
- click on stop recording
- make sure "used standard delays (50ms)" option is active
- drag the created macro to any button of the mouse (don't drag to the primary click)
- go to this website
- click "go!' and press the button you choose to toggle the macro
- comment the exact result for example "148bpm"

(I just prefer doing that way with keyboard because I find more realistic, but you can do with mouse clicks if you want, just press the left click button 2 times instead of pressing Z and X when recording the macro, then you can use any website that measure cps, I use this one

hey guys, so as I say here to people, for some reason laptops are less affected than pcs by this issue, at least for me. tried about 5-6 laptops and about 15 different pcs, all the laptops were way better even tho most of pcs I tried had way better specs than the laptops, and I played on pc my entire life so it can't be because I'm more used to laptops, not only input lag was lower but mouse was less floaty, better image, smoothness etc. you can feel the difference instantly just by moving the mouse on the desktop, and also it is possible to see the difference by looking the scores I get on laptop compared to pc, I always get way better scores on laptop. I play mainly osu which is a heavy aim game that you also need to click really fast, and we can see the difference not only by looking the scores but also watching the replays we can see that the mouse movement is sharper on the laptop, this is not even close to fix tho, it is just a bit better, but we can already see a huge impact on the results

also I made a video that shows the laptop I have here can actually register 3 clicks on 0.1 secs waaaay easier than my pc, so the only explanation for this would be laptop having less input lag, you can see it here: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12561#p98416

so recently I was testing autoclicker and I found out that not only my pc was not clicking what it was supposed to click but I was getting better results on laptop, same autoclicker with exactly same configs, and laptop was having more cps (clicks per second) than my pc, so I decided doing the same thing but instead of using a autoclicker program, I did a macro on logitech ghub, both for keyboard to see kps (keys per second) and for mouse to see cps, I tested the exact same macro config, same program, same mouse, and I'm also getting better results on laptop than pc, laptop is clicking faster than pc, more cps and more kps, too much coincidence, right?

I don't know if this is normal or not, if getting different results with same macro on different pcs is normal, maybe you guys can tell better than me. so please if you find this stupid or you know this doesn't mean anything, comment here and explain why, because I found it pretty weird and I really think this happens because of input lag (our issue)

from what I've seen until now about this issue, I'm the person who has the most input lag when it comes to keyboard delay, I never saw someone having so bad results like I have on the game I play, and even outside the game, doing some tests, my results are always way worse than everyone, even compared to people with the same problem we have

I was able to confirm not only the interference comes from the body but also that this problem has levels and each person can have more interference or less interference

so what I want with this post is to know if most of people here will get better results than me, even tho you guys have the same problem, if this can really measure input lag, most of people here would probably get better results than me, so if this doesn't happen at all, I'll know that we can't measure input lag like that, I had already 2 people to test for me and they got better results, but I need more people to test for having any conclusion

edit: btw both pc and laptop are not clicking what is supposed to click, and the more I lower the ms (to get more cps) the delay is worse, laptop is still better tho, so for example if I set a value that is supposed to click 10cps, my pc clicks only 9cps and laptop can click 10cps, but if I set a value to click 15cps, laptop starts to have higher delay and clicks only 13cps, while pc is even worse clicking only 11cps (not exactly this values, just an example) it has a math behind it so we can make those calculations between ms and cps

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Re: Guys please do this quick test for me | Way to measure input lag

Post by Slender » 03 Mar 2024, 23:03

im play on friend gigabyte trash laptop 144hz, it was responce and smother then my 360hz.

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Re: Guys please do this quick test for me | Way to measure input lag

Post by internetexplorer4 » 04 Mar 2024, 23:58

Slender wrote:
03 Mar 2024, 23:03
im play on friend gigabyte trash laptop 144hz, it was responce and smother then my 360hz.
yeah I know some others who have this problem that also reported the same, laptop performing better than pc. this is not normal, right? pcs should perform way better having better specs, so I guess this symptom of laptops performing better is related to this problem, I think this happens because laptops uses less watts so it has less electricity running through the device, and maybe we affect the electricity inside the devices

would be interesting if people could do this test with 2 pcs/laptops that they know one is less affected than the other, or even one of them not being affected by the problem, to confirm that macros can really measure input lag in some way

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Re: Guys please do this quick test for me | Way to measure input lag

Post by MegaMelmek » 07 Mar 2024, 03:51

There is simple explanation for
that: Desktop PC is way more power hungry than laptop thats all.
If there will be not issue with input electicity Desktop PC will crush any laptop

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