Hi rx7.rx7 wrote: ↑12 Dec 2023, 00:08Hi! So first I will say I have issues where I cant tolerate ANY screens BUT my Xiaomi 13T amoled 120hz.. I just picked up a odyssey g8 OLED for a stupid good price.. haven't used it yet as I'm worried about wrecking my eyes LOL.
So the question is... What settings on the Odyssey g8 OLED should I enable/disable for maximum eye comfort? I want to avoid temporal dithering and any sort of flickering as much as I can. I don't care for a super pretty picture just want to prioritize comfort!
Supposedly DP has DSC over a certain refresh rate? Is that going to be an issue if I run DSC? Will that cause flicker ? I bought a DP cable that reviews say can run 4k@144hz so was planning on trying that unless there's better alternatives? I have access to type c also.. the quadro doesn't have HDMI though.. but do have other GPUs that do..
My GPU is a nvidia quadro rtx 4000 but do have access to 1660 super and 2080 S. Not sure which works best with no dithering 🥲
Also interested in hearing all/any recommendations that can help my intolerance to screens !!
For reference I cannot tolerate a iPhone 11, SE 2nd, XR, X, 27ul600 LG, aw3420dw, older Panasonic plasma, older Samsung TV , and list goes on... They cause horrible symptoms. Not sure if it's a IPS sensitivity or what... Pg278qr also started bugging me too (unsure if a win update caused it to be more problematic)
The symtoms are the following: instant head pressure , wired feeling throughout my body , anxiousness/agitated, brain fog, instant dry eye, head/eye pain, nausea, blurry vision, head/neck tension pain..and so on... The Xiaomi 13T does NOT give me those symptoms..
I've read the PM you've sent me but I can't reply back to you for some reason. Can't find any reply button.
Do you think you can write here what you found out?