Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by Valahnuk » 02 Jan 2024, 18:34

rx7 wrote:
12 Dec 2023, 00:08
Hi! So first I will say I have issues where I cant tolerate ANY screens BUT my Xiaomi 13T amoled 120hz.. I just picked up a odyssey g8 OLED for a stupid good price.. haven't used it yet as I'm worried about wrecking my eyes LOL.

So the question is... What settings on the Odyssey g8 OLED should I enable/disable for maximum eye comfort? I want to avoid temporal dithering and any sort of flickering as much as I can. I don't care for a super pretty picture just want to prioritize comfort!

Supposedly DP has DSC over a certain refresh rate? Is that going to be an issue if I run DSC? Will that cause flicker ? I bought a DP cable that reviews say can run 4k@144hz so was planning on trying that unless there's better alternatives? I have access to type c also.. the quadro doesn't have HDMI though.. but do have other GPUs that do..

My GPU is a nvidia quadro rtx 4000 but do have access to 1660 super and 2080 S. Not sure which works best with no dithering 🥲

Also interested in hearing all/any recommendations that can help my intolerance to screens !!

For reference I cannot tolerate a iPhone 11, SE 2nd, XR, X, 27ul600 LG, aw3420dw, older Panasonic plasma, older Samsung TV , and list goes on... They cause horrible symptoms. Not sure if it's a IPS sensitivity or what... Pg278qr also started bugging me too (unsure if a win update caused it to be more problematic)

The symtoms are the following: instant head pressure , wired feeling throughout my body , anxiousness/agitated, brain fog, instant dry eye, head/eye pain, nausea, blurry vision, head/neck tension pain..and so on... The Xiaomi 13T does NOT give me those symptoms..
Hi rx7.

I've read the PM you've sent me but I can't reply back to you for some reason. Can't find any reply button.

Do you think you can write here what you found out?

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 10 Jan 2024, 02:50

Forum members need a few approved posts to reply/send PMs -- since this is a practice to prevent spammers from registering and sending PM-spam to forum members here. Once you have enough approved public forum posts then the reply button appears. It greatly reduces PM-based spamming.
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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by Valahnuk » 10 Jan 2024, 12:53

rx7 wrote:
12 Dec 2023, 00:08
Hi! So first I will say I have issues where I cant tolerate ANY screens BUT my Xiaomi 13T amoled 120hz.. I just picked up a odyssey g8 OLED for a stupid good price.. haven't used it yet as I'm worried about wrecking my eyes LOL.

So the question is... What settings on the Odyssey g8 OLED should I enable/disable for maximum eye comfort? I want to avoid temporal dithering and any sort of flickering as much as I can. I don't care for a super pretty picture just want to prioritize comfort!

Supposedly DP has DSC over a certain refresh rate? Is that going to be an issue if I run DSC? Will that cause flicker ? I bought a DP cable that reviews say can run 4k@144hz so was planning on trying that unless there's better alternatives? I have access to type c also.. the quadro doesn't have HDMI though.. but do have other GPUs that do..

My GPU is a nvidia quadro rtx 4000 but do have access to 1660 super and 2080 S. Not sure which works best with no dithering 🥲

Also interested in hearing all/any recommendations that can help my intolerance to screens !!

For reference I cannot tolerate a iPhone 11, SE 2nd, XR, X, 27ul600 LG, aw3420dw, older Panasonic plasma, older Samsung TV , and list goes on... They cause horrible symptoms. Not sure if it's a IPS sensitivity or what... Pg278qr also started bugging me too (unsure if a win update caused it to be more problematic)

The symtoms are the following: instant head pressure , wired feeling throughout my body , anxiousness/agitated, brain fog, instant dry eye, head/eye pain, nausea, blurry vision, head/neck tension pain..and so on... The Xiaomi 13T does NOT give me those symptoms..
Did you try the OLED monitor?

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by rx7 » 21 Jan 2024, 01:50

Valahnuk wrote:
10 Jan 2024, 12:53
rx7 wrote:
12 Dec 2023, 00:08
Hi! So first I will say I have issues where I cant tolerate ANY screens BUT my Xiaomi 13T amoled 120hz.. I just picked up a odyssey g8 OLED for a stupid good price.. haven't used it yet as I'm worried about wrecking my eyes LOL.

So the question is... What settings on the Odyssey g8 OLED should I enable/disable for maximum eye comfort? I want to avoid temporal dithering and any sort of flickering as much as I can. I don't care for a super pretty picture just want to prioritize comfort!

Supposedly DP has DSC over a certain refresh rate? Is that going to be an issue if I run DSC? Will that cause flicker ? I bought a DP cable that reviews say can run 4k@144hz so was planning on trying that unless there's better alternatives? I have access to type c also.. the quadro doesn't have HDMI though.. but do have other GPUs that do..

My GPU is a nvidia quadro rtx 4000 but do have access to 1660 super and 2080 S. Not sure which works best with no dithering 🥲

Also interested in hearing all/any recommendations that can help my intolerance to screens !!

For reference I cannot tolerate a iPhone 11, SE 2nd, XR, X, 27ul600 LG, aw3420dw, older Panasonic plasma, older Samsung TV , and list goes on... They cause horrible symptoms. Not sure if it's a IPS sensitivity or what... Pg278qr also started bugging me too (unsure if a win update caused it to be more problematic)

The symtoms are the following: instant head pressure , wired feeling throughout my body , anxiousness/agitated, brain fog, instant dry eye, head/eye pain, nausea, blurry vision, head/neck tension pain..and so on... The Xiaomi 13T does NOT give me those symptoms..
Did you try the OLED monitor?
Hey sorry just now saw your reply. I did also reply to your PM.

I haven't tried the OLED yet, been trying some other things and really flared up right now unfortunately so taking a break. Planning to test some more monitors once my body unwinds from the triggers. I really am waiting for the eazeye monitor to come in the mail that I ordered. I feel like that would work. Will try the OLED eventually here, just not sure what settings to disable/enable on it for maximum comfort

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by thief666 » 10 Mar 2024, 15:52

I guess i am not going to be very helpful but 1 way i tried to narrow down eyestrain/headaches was to use screen that is 100% not to suppose to cause any side effects- E-INK.

today E-inks are not your grandfathers e-ink - refresh rates are almost 20hz and scrolling can be "almost" smooth for low speed.

I tried to use Boot tab ultra C as tablet and BOOX MIRA as monitor. I found that it improved a lot my eyestrain. almost eliminated. Headaches still persist - and knowing 100% its not monitor this time i narrowed ti down to my posture (sitting by the desk for prolonged time).

All that said - i know you will most likely need to use color monitor and you regular phone. but going through e- ink halted me to narrow down problems.

With this now i reduced both eyestrain and headaches. I can use MIRA monitor 13" at work - it is usbC/HDMI and portable, can be plugged to any computer. I have to work on color monitor as well but splitting work between Mira nd regular monitor + remembering correct posture changed a lot.

there are phones with e-ink screens as well.

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 10 Mar 2024, 21:24

Yes, E-Ink desktop monitors is one unorthodox solution.

It's a weird frankenstein solution that ACTUALLY works for some subsection of our audience -- you're probably the 3rd or 4th person I heard this from.

But try easier apples first (e.g. older glossy CCFL Apple displays etc, OLED vs LCD, high vs low framerates).

Some people even adjust their LCDs to 24Hz to solve problems. ToastyX CRU and NVIDIA Custom Resolution can add 24Hz modes to any 60Hz, 144Hz and 240Hz screens. 24Hz works fine my 240Hz Corsair Xeneon Flex. It's janky as hell for me, but some people have their eyestrains fixed by that.
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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by thief666 » 13 Mar 2024, 09:06

And "one more thing" a new typ of monitor i forgot to mention - half-way alternative to e-ink - this new "naturally backlight" monitor may be life saving.
its called EAZEYE ( was trying to pass link but seem its not allowed.

I am closely monitoring it if its reasonable price i will buy. 60 hz/ full color and being half way between e ink and regular sounds really tempting to me.

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by yehaw » 23 Mar 2024, 07:47

I've been having the eye strain with practically every monitor. I think I might have finally tracked down my problem, hopefully. I tried a bunch of stuff from the blue light filters, placing monitor far away, light source behind and above monitor, low brightness, high brightness, dithering disable, etc. Pretty much all the typical stuff you see recommended. I even tried the eye drops to see if maybe my eyes were dry, but they made no difference and didn't even help alleviate the heavy feeling eyes.

One day when I got out of a hot shower and the steam from the hot shower fogged up the entire bathroom and I felt some relief in my eyes. I had forgotten the turn on the ceiling fan and this caused the humidity in the bathroom to skyrocket. As soon as I came out of the bathroom, the air just felt really harsh on my eyes compared to being in the high level humidity bathroom. I checked the humidity levels in my house and they are at about 33%-35% (winter here). I then googled what are the proper humidity levels for eye health and I came across this article from the University of Rochester Medical Center. They state "Humidity levels of about 45% or more are best for your eyes.".

I've ordered a humidifier for my room that arrives today. Going to take a break from my PC for 2-3 days and raise the humidity levels in my office room where I use monitors and see if I feel any difference with a humidifier in the room pumping up the humidity levels.

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by yehaw » 24 Mar 2024, 07:26

Just hoped on for a few mins to update, the humidifier has made a huge difference. I would say 60-70% of my eye strain is gone, but I'm still going to limit monitor/phone use to 10-15min a day for a few days to let my eyes fully recover.

From the limited research I did, what I think is happening is, the monitor is drying out my eyes, plus throw in a dry climate which exacerbates the issue. Blue light is known to dry your eyes. This is probably stripping the moisture barrier the eye uses for protection. Our eyes apparently have 3 protective moisture layers called a "tear film" which probably help block some of the harmful affects of blue light.

If you want to try and test this yourself, just go in your bathroom and run your hot shower until the bathroom gets foggy from the steam. Sit in the bathroom for 5-10mins in the steam. If you feel some type of relief, you probably have the same issue. Make sure you don't turn on the ceiling fan if you have one, as this sucks the humidity out and dries the air faster. And when you're done with your experiment, turn the ceiling fan on to dry out the room. If you don't have a fan, wipe down the streaky walls with a towel to prevent mold growth.

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Re: Eyes/brain can't tolerate ANY screens!! Going to try a G8 OLED, need help with comfort settings!

Post by jenue » 14 Jan 2025, 06:54

Hey guys, I am a graphic designer, and I have spent more than 15 years working in front of all kinds of high-quality displays (Apple, Samsung, LG, Dell, etc.). Over the last 5 years, I’ve suffered from the most horrible migraines and headaches almost every day.

In my case, the brightness of the displays, along with who knows what else, was causing me to need painkillers every day.

Using projectors reduced my symptoms by about 80%, so the displays were clearly the main problem.

Last year, I got a pair of tinted orange glasses that almost completely stopped the migraines and headaches. The only issue is that they slightly alter the colors, which is not ideal for a designer, but they’ve been a massive relief in my life.

I am still trying different displays and sometimes returning them, hoping to find one that doesn’t strain my eyes. However, so far, tinted glasses are the only thing that has fully worked for me.

Hope this helps!

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