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IPS Motion Sickness VS TN

Posted: 01 May 2022, 09:10
by shaqun
I have been using Asus IPS VG27AQL1A for about 2 years and I was having severe dizziness with motion sickness episodes even while reading on IPS or regular use without games. I went number of doctors almost every possible department including brain and heart tests mr scans and everything was clean, my eyes are also checked and they are fine.

I never thought that IPS monitor was the reason. In order to test it, I bought Asus VG27BQ which is a TN panel and almost 6 days now without any dizziness or motion sickness. I am playing the same games that were giving me dizziness and no problem with TN panel at all. The brightness settings are the same 10 on IPS and 10 on TN, the monitor sits on the same position, nothing changed but only the monitor itself.

Are there any people like me ? Any idea on this issue ? Might be just the ASUS IPS only or maybe all IPS monitor brands are the same for me ? I dont want to buy another monitor but you know IPS colors are better than TN.

Re: IPS Motion Sickness VS TN

Posted: 03 May 2022, 18:06
by overaller
Some newer high refresh rate (especially, but not exclusively IPS) monitors have awful FRC and pixel inversion artifacts.
I don't get motion sickness per se, but I do notice them a lot more than the average person. Something like some people being able to distinguish the 50/60hz lightbulb flicker.
Quite likely those artifacts, while usually invisible to the regular person, can cause motion sickness.

Unfortunately you rarely find a review with those issues mentioned, as there isn't really a way to test a monitor for that without a high quality high speed camera and knowing what you're looking for, but you might get lucky using and your phone's extreme slow motion camera mode. do sometimes mention these artifacts, but idk if they test for that purposefully or only mention if visible to the naked eye. Taken from their site:
Interlace pattern artifacts
On some monitors, particularly but not exclusively those with high refresh rates, interlace patterns can be seen during certain transitions. We refer to these as ‘interlace pattern artifacts’ but some users refer to them as ‘inversion artifacts’ and others as ‘scan lines’. They may appear as an interference pattern, mesh or interlaced lines which break up a given shade into a darker and lighter version of what is intended. They often catch the eye due to their dynamic nature, on models where they manifest themselves in this way. Alternatively, static interlace patterns may be seen with some shades appearing as faint horizontal or vertical bands of a slightly lighter and slightly darker version of the intended shade. We did not observe either artifact type on this monitor.

Re: IPS Motion Sickness VS TN

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 19:23
by shaqun
Just an update after a long time, that may help someone.

I was having motion sickness on almost every computer monitor, almost all games or watching movies. After I got 55 OLED TV and PS5, I said thats it, because I was dying of motion sickness. I went to countless doctors, some said you have neck problems thats why, a lot of them said it is psychological and that I should use anti-depressants. I never accepted that.

I finally checked by ophthalmologist and they found that I have astigmatism that is also not equal on my eyes. I have given a glasses and I can now play games hours and hours, I can watch OLED TV and play games with PS5 even at high brightness, zero motion sickness, no more problems.

I have been living with this issue 6 years. Get your eyes checked before someone tell you that is psychological, there are tons of people living this with this problem without knowing it and thinking it is vertigo or motion sickness.