PG27AQN ULMB2 Best settings for minimum motion blur

Ask about motion blur reduction in gaming monitors. Includes ULMB (Ultra Low Motion Blur), NVIDIA LightBoost, ASUS ELMB, BenQ/Zowie DyAc, ToastyX, black frame insertion (BFI), and now framerate-based motion blur reduction (framegen / LSS / etc).
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PG27AQN ULMB2 Best settings for minimum motion blur

Post by cowboybhop » 24 Jan 2025, 13:48

In August of last year a firmware update for the PG27AQN was released giving a new setting for ULMB2, that being Pulse Offset. Now there's a setting for Pulse Width and Pulse Offset, and I'm curious what other people are running to achieve the best results at the monitors max refresh rate of 360Hz, as I can't seem to find anyone with experience. Thanks!

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Re: PG27AQN ULMB2 Best settings for minimum motion blur

Post by Discorz » 25 Jan 2025, 17:46

cowboybhop wrote:
24 Jan 2025, 13:48
Pulse phase (offset) moves the crosstalk zone up/down the screen. If phase is not already well tuned out-of-the-box (according to reviews it's not) u can hopefully fix it if number of steps is sufficient. Normally u just make the center the clearest by pushing the crosstalk off-screen. See example here. Use this test in fullscreen and switch between settings. Phase also controls the strobe latency and can possibly improve it, but by negligible amount and at expense of more crosstalk, so its probably not worth it, especially at 360 Hz.

Pulse width controls the amount of motion blur and brightness. 100 = more motion blur and brightness, 10 = less motion blur and brightness. Tip: keep the regular brightness at max (if its unlocked) and use pulse width instead to control brightness/motion blur. Pulse width is a more correct way of controlling strobe brightness since it reduces blur as opposed to regular brightness.

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