Ask about motion blur reduction in gaming monitors. Includes ULMB (Ultra Low Motion Blur), NVIDIA LightBoost, ASUS ELMB, BenQ/Zowie DyAc, Turbo240, ToastyX Strobelight, etc.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2024, 14:48


Post by artekprg » 22 Feb 2024, 15:24

Hi everyone

Im looking for help to find a solution to reduce strobe crosstalk possibly the most. I recently bought Asus VG249QM1A(released in summer 2022) with 240hz display(can be overclocked to 270hz) and im looking to the possibility to play as best as i can. Im just playing CS2,ive played this game my whole life competitively and now casually and im new to the "strobe" effect".Ive tested normal display without strobe(on oc display - 270hz),ofcourse its good quality for me but little blur is visible(im not playing high sensitivity,but sometimes with fast hand moves its really visible). Now im trying to test strobe effect(ELMB),from what ive seen so far mostly on this board,more hz=lower quality of strobe,but i really want to play on the fastest possible hz.I know that good strobe effect isnt really possible on the highest refresh rate.On 240hz crosstalk is visible in UFO crosstalk test at 1/4 of top of the screen and a little bar on bottom of screen. I found an article about reducing this effect on displays on this website by create a custom resolution known as "vertical trick",that reducing crosstalk on more display surface,and im looking to try this thing ,but since im new to these effects i dont know how to do this properly,and im looking for help,maybe someone could help me :) my questions are:

Is this possible to reduce this effect on my display? What values i need to write and test to not destroy my display? :D

I will be really pleasured with any advices or tricks.

Best regards,Artur

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