Desktop BFI settings question

Ask about motion blur reduction in gaming monitors. Includes ULMB (Ultra Low Motion Blur), NVIDIA LightBoost, ASUS ELMB, BenQ/Zowie DyAc, ToastyX, black frame insertion (BFI), and now framerate-based motion blur reduction (framegen / LSS / etc).
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Baron of Sun
Posts: 9
Joined: 24 Jul 2024, 13:37

Desktop BFI settings question

Post by Baron of Sun » 28 Oct 2024, 14:58

Hey, I read that some people started desktop BFI via terminal like /pathtodesktopbfi/DesktopBFI.exe -2 2 0

Can someone explain what these 3 parameters mean and is it possible to insert for example 7 black frames for every 1 real frame to get 480 Hz motion clarity for a 60 fps signal?

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