Is NULL potentially redundant?

Talk about NVIDIA G-SYNC, a variable refresh rate (VRR) technology. G-SYNC eliminates stutters, tearing, and reduces input lag. List of G-SYNC Monitors.
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Is NULL potentially redundant?

Post by Tiberiusmoon » 10 Jun 2024, 12:52

Since RTSS has made reflex avaliable to every non-reflex games it asks the question if we need NULL at all?
If Nvidia basically added that Reflex functionality RTSS uses into its control panel every game will have it.

Additionally if we had reflex for Vsync with the higher FPS target it would reduce input latency because for every frame the game produces gives an output to your input.
Im not to sure why NULL has such a drastic FPS cap in the first place, rather than ~3 fps below target.


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Re: Is NULL potentially redundant?

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 11 Jun 2024, 20:23

Tiberiusmoon wrote:
10 Jun 2024, 12:52
Im not to sure why NULL has such a drastic FPS cap in the first place, rather than ~3 fps below target.
The "3fps below" is old advice based on 144Hz VRR.

You need to cap approximately ~3% below MaxHz, so you need a much bigger cap-below margin at, say, 240Hz or 360Hz, rather than back in the good olden 144Hz days.

The NULL margin is a much more optimal cap, although it's still not ideal for all situations.
It depends on the game and settings you have.

Let's consider that 300fps versus 320fps is only a ((1/300)-(1/320)) = only 0.2 millisecond difference in frametime latency. The latency of even hitting a single VSYNC ON frame is much worse than that, so capping to avoid the VRR-range-exit latency changes, vastly outweighs it.

However, at the end of the day -- for users who have not yet purchased their monitor -- if you want to use VRR with competitive & esports -- then it's better to purchase more VRR range than your framerate range, e.g. 480Hz VRR means your game can organically breathe completely inside VRR range without worrying about the lagfeel-change of VRR range enter/exit events. Capping is simply a lesser pick-poison, but a bigger VRR range means you avoid having to pick-poison with VRR latencies.
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Re: Is NULL potentially redundant?

Post by Tiberiusmoon » 12 Jun 2024, 07:16

Ahh I see, ty ty

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