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DIY Kit - Broken brown pcb connector

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:07
by Don
So I just got my G-Sync DIY kit last night, and I wish I had read some of the posts on this forum before starting the installation, since it looks like I'm not the first that has run into this problem. (

I thought that carefully following the instructional video ( would be enough to complete this install safely, but clearly the connector in the video is different from the one on my board. I tried lifting it up carefully and with almost no pressure it snapped right off. I was actually amazed how quickly it broke off and thought it might be designed to do this - until I noticed the broken pcb traces in the back...

So I guess I'm just wondering how hosed am I? I realize that nvidia's warranty makes it clear "that unless directly caused by NVIDIA's own negligence, NVIDIA is not responsible for any product damage or warranty issues..." but I really do feel this is negligence on their part for not updating their video to include instructions for the connector on my board or any warnings about its fragility.

I did talk to a rep (Abrar) via about this and he basically told me he'd forward it to someone else but that "User induced damages are not covered under the warranty." For now I'm waiting on a follow up email, but do you guys think I have any chance of getting my board repaired / replaced?

Re: DIY Kit - Broken brown pcb connector

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 08:49
by Chief Blur Buster
I have heard of several users getting their GSYNC boards replaced because of this connector issue.

Check this thread:

Re: DIY Kit - Broken brown pcb connector

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 16:56
by Don
Sorry for the late update on this, but I talked to nvidia about it and they sent me a replacement kit within about a week. Really glad I didn't get stuck with the non-functional buttons, but I hope nvidia updates their instructional videos to give some warnings about this soon!