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Scanline RTSS

Posted: 31 Oct 2018, 14:15
by Abiak
The new version of RTSS has scanline sync, I wonder if I should use it with gsync?

Re: Scanline RTSS

Posted: 31 Oct 2018, 14:18
by Chief Blur Buster
Scanline sync is not designed for use with VRR at this time.

The use of scanline sync is best for a "low-lag VSYNC ON" where you got perfect "framerate equals Hz" synchronization without tearing. As a vendor-agnostic equivalent of NVIDIA Fast Sync / AMD Enhanced Sync that does not have microstutters (at full framerates).

Re: Scanline RTSS

Posted: 31 Oct 2018, 16:46
by RealNC
Chief Blur Buster wrote:Scanline sync is not designed for use with VRR at this time.
Nor is it needed :-)

Scanline sync is a solution for people who don't have a g-sync display. If you do have g-sync, then it already does what scanline sync provides, but much better.

(So one could say scanline sync is the poor man's g-sync :P)

Re: Scanline RTSS

Posted: 13 Dec 2018, 23:49
by Chief Blur Buster
RealNC, let's be thorough here ;)

Scanline sync can still be useful for users who already has VRR
--> when you need to run games not compatible with FreeSync/G-SYNC
--> when you need to use motion blur reduction (e.g. ULMB).

Motion fluidity of ULMB (and other motion blur reduction backlights) benefits from VSYNC ON -- so some of us want to gain a reduced-lag VSYNC ON mode for better-looking ULMB without as much lag penalty.

There are a few other use cases for Right Tool For Right Job. But it's indeed true that if you can play with VRR with an in-game framerate cap, it is usually superior to scanline sync especially if your framerates are always running well below VRR max rate.

Re: Scanline RTSS

Posted: 17 Dec 2018, 16:35
by 1000WATT
winver 1607, wddm 2.1, nvidia 388.59, vsync off

Re: Scanline RTSS

Posted: 17 Dec 2018, 16:53
by Chief Blur Buster
That tearline jumps too much for scanline sync to be useful. Try SyncFlush=1 in the config file.

Re: Scanline RTSS

Posted: 17 Dec 2018, 17:33
by 1000WATT
Sorry for not writing in English. I have no problems and I am not looking for help. I wanted to tell you that in some cases, scanline sync helpful for vrr display. Your offer does not work for me ( ).
My version may help this guy viewtopic.php?t=3436#p26762 .
(It is particularly noticeable in Battlefield 1 and to a lesser extent in Witcher 3 (both using in-game capping). It seems to be mostly the case however when there is a lot going on or many assets being loaded in quickly. For example, when walking around in Witcher 3, I can't see any tearing at all, but when sprinting I do see some minor tearing now and again in the bottom of the screen (although you can only notice it when you really focus). When sprinting and looking at the sky, I can't see any tearing either, consistent with there being fewer assets.)

Re: Scanline RTSS

Posted: 06 Oct 2019, 11:54
by 1000WATT
A lot of time passed and I returned to this topic.I still did not understand why using ss + gsync is not recommended.
Scenario. Fortnite cpu / gpu fixed clock, gpu ~ 30% usage. Several modes of synchronization.~ 900 frames.

the big picture.

separately 2 methods