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Is there any way I can push my display to get more performance?

Posted: 16 Feb 2023, 19:28
by louf13
I've been doing a lot of reading on this forum and others about display overclocking. I've always thought that there wasn't much that could be done when it came to displays, but I came accross a few threads of people overclocking their 144hz BenQ monitors all the way up to 220hz and some discussion about bypassing the out of range message. I love overclocking and all my other hardware is optimized but i'm a novice when it comes to the world of display overclocking.

To get to the point, I have an Aorus FI25F. It's 1080p 240hz. There really isn't much information or discussion around this monitor online. I guess it's not really popular. Using CRU I can only get it up to 246hz, which isn't really anything worth caring about.

Is there anything I could do to further optimize the monitor? Anything within CRU? Can I benefit at all from adjusting any of the timings or other settings in there when it comes to reducing input lag? Or is the consensus just that i'm just wasting my time and that there isn't much headroom when it comes to 240hz displays. Would love to learn more about this topic and any conventional/unconventional methods that exist to opimize ones monitor performance. I only play competitive FPS games at high refresh rates so I don't care about G-sync nor do i use any of the backlight strobing modes. I'm just interested in acheiving the lowest latency possible and it'd be awesome if I could do something to improve that besides buying a 360hz monitor. Thanks.

Re: Is there any way I can push my display to get more performance?

Posted: 18 Feb 2023, 17:45
by Crazyness
Using CRU can be a little bit scary for newbies(not-insulting).

If something goes wrong, spam F8(it will restart the driver and undone anything you did)
and you will get the image back..
If not..try to abort booting up into Windows,
with hard reset on your PC case,3x like that..
and you are in the safe mode..revert any changes you did ,restart, and you are good to go.

Now that we know how to fight vs black screen..
now we can start the experiment with CRU..

first of all before any changes you do in CRU,
you need to test Max HZ and max Pixel clock/

so try like..960x540 360hz or even 2560x1440 200hz etc..
First and only tip: try 2 always be in a range of max pixel clock(lower res biger headroom)
whatever you certain will have a working picture not a blank screen

and All of that testing is done in Nvidia Control Panel(nvcp).

when you find a working resolution and hz ..
now you can go into CRU and try some different timings..

Sometimes it can help with blur(there are different types of blur,study forum)
but oftenly it just a shot in a dark...

Manufacturers often hard-coding locking max HZ which you can change only with Hard-mod.
This means open the monitors case temper with wiring etc.

Sometimes may help tempering with the original values in CRU regarding ghosting etc..

There are couple of topics about that,be patient find those topics
(purposly not linking them,give a man a fish or teach him how to fish)
learn from those topics and try to improve your expirience.

best of luck and welcome to BB forum :)