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PowerBook G4 17" High-Res SwitchResX Settings for 90Hz

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 10:31
by rabidz7
These settings are for a custom resolution of 90Hz on 17" High-Res PowerBook G4s. Use SwitchResX to create a custom resolution with the below setting. I have only tried SwitchResX 3.8.7, but other versions of SwitchResX may work. This may work on other PowerBooks, but I have only tested it on my High-Res 17".
Active: 1680 pixels, 1050 lines
Pixel clock: 162.93MHz
Front porch: 12 pixels, 1 lines
Sync width: 12 pixels, 3 lines
Back porch: 12 pixels, 1 lines
Blanking: 36 pixels, 5 lines
Total: 1716 pixels, 1055 lines
Scan rate: 94.95kHz, 90Hz