The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

High Hz on OLED produce excellent strobeless motion blur reduction with fast GtG pixel response. It is easier to tell apart 60Hz vs 120Hz vs 240Hz on OLED than LCD, and more visible to mainstream. Includes WOLED and QD-OLED displays.
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The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 14 Jan 2024, 17:18

binodynamic wrote: ↑
12 Jan 2024, 19:25
Chief Blur Buster wrote: ↑
09 Jan 2024, 16:39
Yes, this was a feature addition to some WOLEDs!
Were you able to test the 480hz WOLED monitors? Would love to know your thoughts on it.
I was able to do a quick pursuit camera test on 480 Hz OLED πŸ‘½

A strobless blur reduction tour de force, if you can spew framerate at it.

A chef's masterpiece for framegen lovers / strobless motion blur reduction lovers.

Look Ma, No Strobing!

Best I've ever seen outside the laboratory, if you don't use strobing/BFI.

Two things, though:

1. First, the bad news:
You need framerate out of the wazoo. Doesn't help 60-120fps blur without BFI.

Sadly, no BFI strobing info yet on my side. I don't know if it can support black frame insertion (BFI). But that's not a problem for the "strobeless blur reduction" fans in this forums. Strobing fans will be dissappointed (for now...but keep tuned). Low frame rates will still be terribly blurry (without BFI), so unless ASUS adds BFI to this OLED, it's no better for blur reduction (compare to cheaper lower Hz OLEDs) for low framerate content (60fps videos, 60-120Hz consoles, etc). If ASUS wants to expand the market for 480Hz OLEDs to double as a superior 60-120Hz OLED, then ASUS needs to add BFI to this OLED to expand their 480Hz OLED market bigger.

480Hz OLED engineers should look at TestUFO Variable Persistence Animation For 480Hz OLEDs at This allows engineers to realize how amazing BFI can be on a 480Hz OLED, for low-framerate material like 60Hz-120Hz game consoles.

But esports is not the only market; many of us use high-Hz displays to improve retro gaming 60Hz consoles. Many of use use retrogaming. 480Hz can become "luxury 60Hz and 120Hz displays" much better than native 60Hz-120Hz OLED panels, and that's a bigger market. Most vendors are too blind outside esports, and they don't realize I'm already earning a commision on the sale of a $750 hardware box that does 60Hz BFI. See Retrotink 4K BFI Injector box for the retro-gaming industry (old game consoles, like Nintendo and Sega)...

A bigger power supply capacitor & HDR nit boost headroom, could allow 500+ nit strobing (thanks to BFI cool-off between strobe flashes; it won't prematurely wear OLED pixels because pixels are briefly lit). If OLED BFI is added, to keep pictures bright enough. This solves BFI dimness, if the programming firmware engineers for the OLED wants to work on adding sufficiently bright BFI to this OLED. And it should have adjustable persistence like the TestUFO

EDIT: Some of the 480Hz OLEDs may include BFI. Manufacturers should allow BFI to work at any refresh rate 48-240Hz on a 480Hz OLED, and 48-120Hz on a 240Hz OLED. With adjustable persistence capability, ala TestUFO Variable Persistence BFI Demo for 240Hz+ OLEDs

2. Now, the good news:
It pampers your ultra-high framerate like a king.

Brute it, framegen it, RTX OFF it, interpolate it, extrapolate it, reproject it, whatever you do, spew framerate out of wazoo at it and it will sing like Mozart or Beethoven at motion clarity. Nothing comes strobelessly and flickerlessly close on the consumer market at these resolutions. Ergonomic flickerfree motion blur reduction is already here today, if you can spray a framerate firehose at it.

Tech Commentary: Everything's perfectly clear up to ~960 pps. Blur Busters Law splits motion blur for leading/trailing edge, so motion looks clear up to about (2xHz) pixels/sec on an OLED. You can even read the street name labels at ... Blur starts to show for faster motionspeeds, so we still need 1000Hz+ OLEDs later. But we're getting close geometrically to retina refresh rate for small direct-view displays (retina refresh rate for 180-degree 16K VR displays isn't until 5-figure refresh rates due to Vicious Cycle Effect). But for direct views, we're about only roughly half an order of magnitude away from retina refresh rate for 30-to-45-degree-FOV displays at 1440p. FOV and resolution has an effect on retina refresh rate, so when we go 4K, the retina Hz goes up. Also, I talk about retina Hz for motion blur, not for stroboscopics (mouse arrow stepping), but you can fix that by intentionally turning on GPU motion blur effect (ha! Then you gotta oversample the Hz by 2x just the ADD back blur, to fix the stroboscopics without going below persistence motionblur retina Hz).

Best I've ever seen outside of the laboratory, in a real bona-fide consumer display. Buy it.

If you're a strobe-hater, game over for LCD. Perceptually nearly CRT motion clarity strobeless, for 480fps material.
(Disclaimer: 60fps still looks bad without BFI injection like Retrotink 4K).

Here's the pursuit masterpiece; looks slightly clearer than LightBoost 100% strobing now! For realz. (But done strobelessly)

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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by zweepz » 14 Jan 2024, 21:47

What if any difference between this one and the LG?
Or do we have enough information to even know?

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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by tong » 15 Jan 2024, 10:16

I still dont understand why manufacturers are so reluctant to implement BFI on OLEDs, specially at 60z.
First of all, it has been done before on TVs like the LG CX and C1, and they even used a more advanced form of BFI by the use of rolling scan.
Second, it is nowhere as complex as implementing on an LCD due to massive crosstalk between the backlight and scanout.
And finally, it has already been proven by the RetroTink 4K that even software implementation is effective and simple.

Here's what I think Chief:
They're purposely holding back because having proper BFI on these new OLEDs would automatically make every LCD with ULBM irrelevant and obsolete. And we cant have that right? Gotta empty all warehouses choke full of yesterday's tech :lol:

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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by nationalpumpkin » 15 Jan 2024, 10:46

long-time lurker here :D . how bad does 1080p look on a native 1440p screen?

I get really strong headaches with bfi on my xl2566k so I run it strobeless (sometimes at native refresh rate, sometimes at 300hz with large VT, strobeless still, to improve its refresh rate compliance). so, yeah, strobeless seems to be the way for me. I've been playing a lot of The Finals lately, and the game struggles to run at anything higher than 250 frames on my rig, even with all low, 1440x1080 res. I can't imagine how laggy it would be at native 1440p (DLSS can cause crazy blur effects on the finals, so not an option really).

if I were to get one of those 1440p 480hz new screens, I would certainly rather run it at 1080p if possible. I'm not sure how bad it would be in terms of motion clarity and response times, tho. ppi density should be bad at 27β€³ 1080p, but I don't really care much about how pretty the image looks as long as it is playable. sometimes I still play valorant at 1280x960 because of how used I was to low res on csgo lol.

I guess 480hz 1080p 25β€³ would be the dream monitor for my use case.

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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 15 Jan 2024, 20:20

nationalpumpkin wrote: ↑
15 Jan 2024, 10:46
if I were to get one of those 1440p 480hz new screens, I would certainly rather run it at 1080p if possible.
There are 31.5" 4K 240Hz OLEDs with a 480Hz 1080p mode coming. Those look much better at 1080p, but the screen might be slightly too big, unless you want to move it slightly further away from you to simulate a 24" screen.

However, I am pleased to say that 480Hz LCD-vs-OLED clarity more than outweighs the 1080p-to-1440p scaling, so if you are motion-priority, you can tolerate the scaling artifacts to get the superlative motion clarity that outweighs the scaling softness.

Scaled pixels still behave the same Blur Busters Law. 960 pixels/sec is 1.5x physically faster at 1080p than 1440p and has the same "2 scaled pixels of motion blur at 960 scaled pixels/second" so you will get the same pursuit camera result, but with the slight scaling blur (but less blur than LCD-vs-OLED at same Hz!)

It is a pick-poison, but the 480Hz was so amazingly clear, that there are use cases where the extra Hz outweighs having to put up with scaling artifacts. But it depends on the game you play! One idea is to use 720p plus DLSS Quality setting. DLSS does add static blur, but DLSS reduce display motion blur much more on OLED than LCD, so you might find a crossover point where the motion clarity improvement outweighs the DLSS softening. But YMMV. It's also a personal preference point.
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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 15 Jan 2024, 20:23

tong wrote: ↑
15 Jan 2024, 10:16
I still dont understand why manufacturers are so reluctant to implement BFI on OLEDs, specially at 60z.
First of all, it has been done before on TVs like the LG CX and C1, and they even used a more advanced form of BFI by the use of rolling scan.
Second, it is nowhere as complex as implementing on an LCD due to massive crosstalk between the backlight and scanout.
And finally, it has already been proven by the RetroTink 4K that even software implementation is effective and simple.
I may need to update my information;
I just got information that some of the 480 Hz OLEDs will include black frame insertion.
I am still confirming the information, I'm reaching out to ASUS.
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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by tong » 15 Jan 2024, 21:09

Chief Blur Buster wrote: ↑
15 Jan 2024, 20:23
tong wrote: ↑
15 Jan 2024, 10:16
I still dont understand why manufacturers are so reluctant to implement BFI on OLEDs, specially at 60z.
First of all, it has been done before on TVs like the LG CX and C1, and they even used a more advanced form of BFI by the use of rolling scan.
Second, it is nowhere as complex as implementing on an LCD due to massive crosstalk between the backlight and scanout.
And finally, it has already been proven by the RetroTink 4K that even software implementation is effective and simple.
I may need to update my information;
I just got information that some of the 480 Hz OLEDs will include black frame insertion.
I am still confirming the information, I'm reaching out to ASUS.
That's awesome, if done right we could achieve the equivalent of 1000hz clarity using rolling scan at 480hz!
Remember, Pro Motion High on the CX/C1@120hz was equivalent to 240hz clarity.
The journey is almost over, it's only up to the engineers.

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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 15 Jan 2024, 21:23

tong wrote: ↑
15 Jan 2024, 21:09
That's awesome, if done right we could achieve the equivalent of 1000hz clarity using rolling scan at 480hz!
Remember, Pro Motion High on the CX/C1@120hz was equivalent to 240hz clarity.
The journey is almost over, it's only up to the engineers.
Due to panel limitations of current 240-480Hz OLEDs, BFI has to be done at the frame level, not the subrefresh level. So no less than 2ms MPRT, and thus, BFI not possible above half OLED Hz.

However, this would be lovely to have highly adjustable-persistence BFI, due to the large in:out Hz headroom available at lower refresh rates (60-120Hz).
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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by r0ach » 16 Jan 2024, 03:07

I still believe that years from now, after people have spent billions on 500-1000hz panels, that I will be vindicated in declaring any monitor relying on DSC as a meme since it’s heavy ass cursor movement is identical on every single monitor I’ve used with it turned on thus far.

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Re: The 480Hz Tour De Force, Chef's Masterpiece: 480HZ OLED PURSUIT CAMERA

Post by Haste » 16 Jan 2024, 03:10

r0ach wrote: ↑
16 Jan 2024, 03:07
I still believe that years from now, after people have spent billions on 500-1000hz panels, that I will be vindicated in declaring any monitor relying on DSC as a meme since it’s heavy ass cursor movement is identical on every single monitor I’ve used with it turned on thus far.
Has there been input lag test done about this? (LDAT/ high speed camera/reflex equipped monitor/...)
Monitor: Gigabyte M27Q X

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