Eye strain from IPS monitors??

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Eye strain from IPS monitors??

Post by Starynight123 » 03 Jun 2021, 19:31

Does IPS give eye strain to some people no matter what settings?

I’ve had an Acer x34 ultrawide for 3 years now and I’ve always experienced some level of eye strain. Trust me when I say I have tried absolutely everything regarding Settings, colors, sitting distance etc. nothing makes a difference so I know it’s nothing to do with the settings themselves. It seems to be the coating on the screen itself, it has this weird shimmering/crystallised glow to it that really messes with my eyes. Especially when reading text on a white background. Now I’m not sure if this is an ips issue or because the coating on the panel is the issue here.

I had a tn panel before this and a small led backlit laptop and could stare at them for hours with no issues.

I’m looking to buy a new monitor as I’m just sick of always feeling weird looking at the x34 but I’m not sure if I should go ips again or if I will have the same issue?

I’ve added of photo of what I mean that looks like the shimmer I’m talking about.
ADFAF9F7-9855-4954-981D-65DD2976C3B6.png (69.31 KiB) Viewed 1436 times

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