Is it possible to overclock aw2518hf with programmer?

Talk about overclocking displays at a higher refresh rate. This includes homebrew, 165Hz, QNIX, Catleap, Overlord Tempest, SEIKI displays, certain HDTVs, and other overclockable displays.
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Is it possible to overclock aw2518hf with programmer?

Post by F1zus » 31 May 2023, 12:22

Hi all. I have been using a dell aw2518hf monitor for a long time. Its firmware does not allow to overclock the matrix above 242hz, the sign "out of range" is displayed on the screen.
I'm going to disassemble the monitor, take out the motherboard and read data from the flash memory where the main firmware is stored.
Next, I'm going to use a hex editor to find that stupid "out of range" label and turn it off.
The whole problem is that I do not know how to properly disassemble the monitor without damaging its case. It's probably held on with plastic clips.
Tell me, has anyone on this forum already tried to edit the monitor's firmware?
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Re: Is it possible to overclock aw2518hf with programmer?

Post by F1zus » 31 May 2023, 12:26

I plan to overclock this monitor's panel to 280hz or higher. I know that Chinese engineers can easily overclock conventional 240hz tn matrices to 280-300hz, but sometimes frame drops occur. I'm interested to see the limit of this monitor. I remind you that the m250htn01 panel is installed in it.

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