[EMI Success] I want to testify!

Separate area for niche lag issues including unexpected causes and/or electromagnetic interference (ECC = retransmits = lag). Interference (EMI, EMF) of all kinds (wired, wireless, external, internal, environment, bad component) can cause error-correction latencies like a bad modem connection. Troubleshooting may require university degree. Your lag issue is likely not EMI. Please read this before entering sub-forum.
Forum rules
This subforum is for advanced users only. This separate area is for niche or unexpected lag issues such as electromagnetic interference (EMI, EMF, electrical, radiofrequency, etc). Interference of all kinds (wired, wireless, external, internal, environment, bad component) can cause error-correction (ECC) latencies like a bad modem connection, except internally in a circuit. ECC = retransmits = lag. Troubleshooting may require university degree. Your lag issue is likely not EMI.
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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by Eonds » 21 Sep 2021, 07:47

hiro wrote: ↑
21 Sep 2021, 07:37
Im already in contact with them the problem for me is harmonic distortion... probaly from solar inverters they said, and they try to fix it with active harmonic filter.
Let me know how that goes. For the record my internet is awful but that's besides the point. I'll give you an example of some odd behavior i've had with games. In rocket league if you alt-tab one time, the game becomes laggy, inputs become out of order, or delayed more the usual. Of course controllers are delayed themselves, So i've tried it with my 8khz mouse & keyboard & even non 8khz keyboards and mice. Same thing occurs, and it's odd game/OS behavior. Anyone who denies that tweaking your system doesn't make a massive difference is 100% not capable of critical thinking.

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by Mugabi » 21 Sep 2021, 14:00

Eonds wrote: ↑
21 Sep 2021, 06:52
Mugabi wrote: ↑
20 Sep 2021, 15:23
Eonds wrote: ↑
20 Sep 2021, 13:17
Mugabi wrote: ↑
20 Sep 2021, 11:21
Lol my man says turn off your internet explorer to stop the lag, ive been searching for os/bios tweaks/optimization for 5+ years cuz of this issue , im reinstalling windows every two hours for Christ sake. Hell i thought the lag was caused by my teeth implants. and u out here telling me to close off my internet explorer? What next? Change my hz from 60 to 240? Reduce my ingame settings to get those extra fps? Wipe my mousepad ?
You use stock windows. Banging your head against a wall has a higher probability of fixing your issues. You should of spent that 5 years actually learning how computers work instead of smashing your face with cheese doodles & browsing forums for a god fix. :lol:

A singular tweak will NOT 100% fix latency issues. You have to FULLY OPTIMIZE YOUR WHOLE SYSTEM. Re read this 5x because clearly the lack of reading comprehension is more present than ever.

& for the record i said WINDOWS EXPLORER not INTERNET EXPLORER.
I thought you were trolling abit about os/windows optimization causing our lag but it looks like ur really meaning it lul. Most players/people i know even fucking professional gamers/twitch streamers have potato knowledge of windows/tweaking, they literally play everything on default settings most of the time and all/most of them don't experience any lag. In some cases an old driver or a virus is causing all kinds of issues but this is aint 2011 , its 2021 mate, all computers/programs should be near perfect with their default settings. I spent hours and hours on tweaking ram timings, cpu/ram voltage, hours n hours on windows tweaking, downloading custom windows 10/8/7 versions, disabling auto updates, messing with reg editor and just downloading the drivers i want but all to no avail. I also hired a pretty famous guy in csgo community who optimize pcs n shit, all pros recommend him etc and he spent 1-2 hours on my pc,did bunch of crap that i already know, input lag was really low after all the shit he did (i think it was mainly due to windows reinstall) but after sometime i felt it being heavy as fuck again. Myb all of us have no idea how windows work ,myb u know right? R u working in Microsoft? Why not tell us bro.
Or myb all of us are mentally ill patients who are bad at csgo snd try to find something to clinge on? Like fight club no? Im trying to be like tyler durden (pro csgo player,) ?
Some people play well with latency & I don't care if you're pro in CS:GO or minecraft. Real mechanically talented players have low latency. The people who get their pc's tweaked by people similar to me. Computers didn't change much, the principles still apply. You probably think CPU's can multi task. Windows is incredibly laggy, and if you run stock windows it's unplayable. Tweaking overclocks is such a small portion of REAL optimization. You're just really unaware of how pc's function. A custom ISO wont solve any of your issues guy lol. I've spent many many hours doing proper research, contacting people who worked on these things, asking them important questions. I'm here for the knowledge and the side benefit is money, lower latency, and it's a hobby. A proper PC optimization will get rid of your issues probably. You're just hard stuck on some EMI/electricity related issues, even though it's almost certainly not the case.
i dont know how i can get my info through ur head because ur missing the whole point, let me ask you few questions so i can understand where u comin from. so your saying that all of us in this forum crying about electricity are incompetent buffoons who have really badly optimized pcs and we dont know how to fix them just because we are too stupid/uneducated about pc/windows optimization so we like to blame it on something else(emi etc) ? if thats true, please do tell me what's the REALL optimization that we are missing here. give me some examples of "top tier " pc optimization that i dont know about and i will tell you whether i did those optimizations or not, but please dont tell me to close my Firefox or set power to maximum performance.
also, another question, since the number of people complaining about this issue is so low, what about most of pc users who dont experience our issues, are you saying that all of these people (95% of pc gamin population) are pc optimization gurus (who work in Microsoft like you) and/or got their pcs optimized by some pc specialist .i can guarantee u that these people dont know how to use snipping tool let alone fix/optimize their pc nor they give a fuck about doing that. basically u dont know where we comin from cuz u dont have this issue, but i hope to god that u move to some bad location and u get this issue, i will be happy to see suffer with us my dear uneducated brother.

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by Chief Blur Buster » 21 Sep 2021, 14:05

Eonds wrote: ↑
20 Sep 2021, 13:17
Banging your head against a wall
Mugabi wrote: ↑
20 Sep 2021, 15:23
I thought you were trolling
Mugabi wrote: ↑
20 Sep 2021, 15:23
Or myb all of us are mentally ill patients
Unixko wrote: ↑
21 Sep 2021, 07:27
dont bother with him he is waste of oxygen

Thread (temporarily) closed.

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by IComeVeryFar » 24 Sep 2021, 07:45


I come to bring news and rectifications in relation to the creation of this post.

First of all nothing has changed, no more lag in the game and perfect hitsreg.

I am sure on my side that it was not related to the internet but the electricity of my home, because as you can see on the pictures I had sent my old plug has no grounding tip ... what good is it to have an electrician intervene to make me a decent grounding (I passed thanks to his intervention from 468 ohm to 40 ohm) if I do not connect the multi-socket of the PC on an adequate plug with the grounding tip ...

Also I want to correct 2 things :
- It's not the power conditioner that changed my rating on DSL report sometimes my rating is A A A or A+ A A+ it's according to the servers they use.
- I had plug my Samsung phone in USB during the formatting process because I forgot the drivers, so it was probably due to that that Windows offered me a Samsung USB driver. Anyway it is known to make sure that Windows does not install bad drivers.

The moral of the story? You need a decent and healthy electrical installation

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by nyxo100 » 24 Sep 2021, 21:05

IComeVeryFar wrote: ↑
24 Sep 2021, 07:45

I come to bring news and rectifications in relation to the creation of this post.

First of all nothing has changed, no more lag in the game and perfect hitsreg.

I am sure on my side that it was not related to the internet but the electricity of my home, because as you can see on the pictures I had sent my old plug has no grounding tip ... what good is it to have an electrician intervene to make me a decent grounding (I passed thanks to his intervention from 468 ohm to 40 ohm) if I do not connect the multi-socket of the PC on an adequate plug with the grounding tip ...

Also I want to correct 2 things :
- It's not the power conditioner that changed my rating on DSL report sometimes my rating is A A A or A+ A A+ it's according to the servers they use.
- I had plug my Samsung phone in USB during the formatting process because I forgot the drivers, so it was probably due to that that Windows offered me a Samsung USB driver. Anyway it is known to make sure that Windows does not install bad drivers.

The moral of the story? You need a decent and healthy electrical installation
thank you this make total sense for me and my mental health i was 100% sure this issue is electrical problem (because is present in gaming consoles even the monitor quality drops sometimes lol) please keep updating this in a week.

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by Mugabi » 25 Sep 2021, 03:31

Keep us updated about this, ill try to do the things u do but im moving out soon

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by Thatweirdinputlag » 27 Sep 2021, 04:40

Glad to see that its still working for you! I have a question though..

In your attached pictures, the new plug does not have a ground in it? What type of plug is it?

A year ago, I had an electrician install a new grounding cable just for the socket going into my pc, and the pc and my games worked wonderfully for about 6 days then it went back to the same old habits of input lag, bad spray hitreg etc etc..
Rog Strix Z790i - Intel 13700K - 4090 OC ROG Strix - 7200 Trident G.Skill - 1TB SK Hynix Platinum P41 - 1000W ATX3.0 Asus Tuf - 34'' Odyssey OLED G8 - FinalMouse Tenz S/Pulsar Xlite V2 Mini - Wooting 60HE - Sennheiser HD 560s - Shure SM7b - GoXLR Mini

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by IComeVeryFar » 09 Oct 2021, 14:42

@Thatweirdinputlag It is true that I should have taken the picture without the cable. It's actually a classic plug with the metal grounding tip while on the other one the tip is non-existent.

@Nyxo100 @Mugabi I'm here to review the situation after more than a week and it's still perfect and I could even add something else I installed Windows 11 and it's the Holy Grail. I don't know how they optimized Windows 11 but the feel is similar to windows 7 I'm talking about CS:GO of course. I didn't do any weird stuff on it just enabled MSI mode on my graphics card.
No jerks, it's smooth as can be

here are my specifics for those who are afraid to take the plunge

- power supply : be quiet dark 750 watts
- motherboard : asus rog strix z390 e gaming
- GPU : RTX 2070 Gigabyte
- CPU : I7 8700K
- Ram : 16 go Corsair

Also, a fortnight ago I was in a game on Faceit and I had 80 ping on a German server when I normally have 25. The Faceit technical service referred me to the provider who manages the servers in order to open a support ticket for testing.The technician after testing told me that my ISP was taking the wrong routes. The technician after testing told me that my ISP was taking the wrong routes. After that I contacted the customer service of my ISP and they say they have optimized the routes of my connection, in reality what is it? mystery still is that I could not ping strange.

So to sum up my case it's a combination of events that made me find all the sensations in this game but the grounding is for a lot.
- Having cleaned up my electricity
- Having the fiber
- Having perfectly configured my PC in the bios
- Having installed windows 11

I'm still amazed at the difference between yesterday and today, it's literally a different game, literally...
My sanity has been challenged but thank God I'm not crazy.

This generous testimony reflects my happiness

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by Thatweirdinputlag » 10 Oct 2021, 19:34

I'm genuinely glad that it worked out for you my guy. Hopefully it stays this way, I'm lowkey a bit encouraged to call a technician and have him check on my grounding impedance level too.
Rog Strix Z790i - Intel 13700K - 4090 OC ROG Strix - 7200 Trident G.Skill - 1TB SK Hynix Platinum P41 - 1000W ATX3.0 Asus Tuf - 34'' Odyssey OLED G8 - FinalMouse Tenz S/Pulsar Xlite V2 Mini - Wooting 60HE - Sennheiser HD 560s - Shure SM7b - GoXLR Mini

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Re: [EMI Success] I want to testify!

Post by Mugabi » 10 Oct 2021, 21:10

Nice well done brother. If its more than one week then i think ur solved. I think the biggest fix you got was the electricity part.

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